5.0 - Personnel Flashcards
After an employee informs his/her immediate supervisor of being exposed to a person with a communicable disease, who does the immediate supervisor contact: (5.10-VI)
a. Medical assistance
b. Division Lieutenant
c. Risk Management
d. No further action is required
Officer SMITH received a subpoena for court which was properly executed promising his appearance at a court hearing. Prior to the court hearing, SMITH became injured and went out on industrial leave. What is the responsibility of SMITH’s immediate supervisor? (5.01-VII)
a. The officer must attend court unless he/she is excused from the prosecutor.
b. Complete a court excusal form and forward it to the prosecuting attorney. Court appearances are not allowed while on industrial leave.
c. Complete a court excusal form if the officer is not physically able to attend, otherwise, the officer must attend the appearance.
d. The supervisor should call the court liaison to advise the status of the officer’s injury
How long does an employee have to complete and forward the long term disability forms to the plan administrator? (5.01-VIII)
a. Within 30 calendar days of the date the employee missed his/her first day of work
b. There is no time frame to submit long term disability forms, however, the employee does not get benefits until 30 days have passed since the forms were submitted.
c. Within 60 calendar days of the date when employee became disabled
d. 72 hours
Employees may be assigned light duty work when temporarily unable to perform their normal work due to illness, injury or pregnancy, if the following requirements are met: (5.02-IV)
a. The assignment must be medically suitable
b. The assignment must fulfill a necessary job function
c. The assignment is anticipated to be temporary
d. All of the above
When an employee is involved in unlawful behavior or misconduct which results in the employee being unable to perform a required activity or duty, the employee must take a Leave of Absence on his or her personal time until able to perform his or her required duties. (5.02-IV)
a. True
b. False
Which employee job class is not routinely considered for light duty placement in CTRU? (5.02-V)
a. Police Recruit
b. Police Service Officer
c. Police Detective
d. Both A and B
When possible, light duty employees will be provided light duty work at their assigned command, provided they are only unable to perform their primary job for a period lasting no longer than: (5.02-V)
a. 7 days
b. 14 days
c. 30 days
d. None of the above
CTRU personnel may be assigned to a unit with a specified with a specified need or project. The assignment will not last longer than: (5.02-V)
a. 1 month
b. 6 months
c. 8 months
d. Amount of time to be determined by the project supervisor
When an employee has been on light duty, a review will be conducted to determine the appropriateness of continuing the employee on his/her light duty assignment. The review will take place after the employee has been on light duty for over: (5.02-VI)
a. 30 days
b. 60 days
c. 90 days
d. None of the above
The Medical Assistance Unit shall contact employees who have been on leave of absence in excess of ______ due to illness, injury or pregnancy to explain benefit programs available to the employee. (5.02-IX)
a. 7 days
b. 14 days
c. 30 days
d. 60 days
The San Diego Police Department’s ____ is responsible for Equal Employment Opportunity training for all Department personnel, informal consultation, counseling, mediation, and the formal investigation of incidents of suspected discrimination or harassment. (5.03-IV)
a. EEO Unit
b. EEO Manager
c. EE Liaison Officer
d. First line Supervisor
Who is responsible for the continued development, implementation, and monitoring of the Department’s Equal Opportunity Program. (5.03-IV)
a. EEO Unit
b. EEO Manager
c. EE Liaison Officer
d. Training Coordinator
It is the responsibility of all supervisors to establish and maintain a non-hostile, non-discriminatory work environment free from intimidation, ridicule, or insult. Specifically, Supervisors shall: Which of these statements are not true? (5.03-VII)
a. Educate and train employees on EEO policy and ensure they are aware of the procedures for reporting potential violations
b. Monitor the workplace for actual or potential violations of EEO policy and procedures.
c. When participating in an investigation, the supervisor shall address the complaint to the squad to make sure it does not occur again and to informally discipline the subject.
d. Stop behavior in violation of this policy when directly observed or upon obtaining direct knowledge thereof.
The time frame for filing DFEH (Department of Fair Employment and Housing) complaints is _____ year from the date of the most recent alleged act. (5.03-VIII)
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. No time
The time frame for filing US EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) complaints is generally ____ days from the date of the most recent alleged act. (5.03-VIII)
a. 100
b. 200
c. 300
d. No time
When a supervisor is approached with an EEO complaint, which form is required by the supervisor to fill out? (5.03-VIII)
a. A Crime case
b. A Control form
c. An Arjis-9
d. None of the above
The control from shall be duplicated and placed in divisional files. (5.03-VIII)
a. True
b. False
Within how many days of the final resolution of a complaint resolved through the informal reporting process, should the supervisor follow-up with the complainant/and or subject, when appropriate, in order to ensure the behavior has ceased and that there has been no retaliation? (5.03-VIII)
a. 10 - 20
b. 30 - 60
c. 60 - 90
d. 90 - 120
Absent extenuating circumstances, formal investigations shall be completed within ____ days. (5.03-VIII)
a. 30
b. 60
c. 90
d. 120
The command will have ____ calendar days from the date the command receives the completed investigation to determine the appropriate corrective action and serve the advance notice of adverse action or discipline. (5.03-VIII)
a. 30
b. 60
c. 90
d. No time
Who makes the final determination of EEO disciplinary action? (5.03-VIII)
a. Immediate Supervisor
b. Commanding Officer
c. Asst. Chief of Police
d. Chief of Police
Who is responsible for ensuring that grievances are processed in compliance with the established policies and procedures throughout the department? (5.04-III)
a. Assistant Chief of Neighborhood Policing
b. Chief of Police
c. Commanding Officer
d. Dept. Legal Counsel
Upon acceptance of a satisfactory solution by the employee, or at the end of all steps, a copy of the grievance should be sent to whom? (5.04-V)
a. Chief’s Office
b. Human Resources
c. Internal Affairs
d. Commanding Officer
What Code states, “No public employee shall smoke any tobacco product inside a public building”? (5.05-III)
a. California Government Code
b. United States Government Code
c. California Business and Professions Code
d. California Health and Safety Code
In reference to Department employee deaths, who is the decedents family referred to for assistance? (5.06-III)
a. Commanding Officer
b. Chief of Police
c. Medical Assistance
d. Human Resources
A 1/2” stripe of black tape will be worn horizontally across the center of the badge under what conditions? (5.06-V)
a. From the time of death until sunset on the day of the funeral
b. At the discretion of the Chief of Police
c. From the time of death until sunrise on the day of the funeral
d. Both A and B
The BOA (Bereavement Assistance Officer) shall work in conjunction with what following agencies and Department entities? (5.06-V)
a. The POA
b. Risk Management
c. Traffic Division
d. All the above
For Department transfers, an employee must complete a Transfer Request Form (PD-599). This transfer request will expire ____ from the commanding officer’s approval date, or whenever an officer is transferred. (5.07-V)
a. 1 year
b. 2 years
c. 3 years
d. 5 years
All transfer requests should be signed by the commanding officer and forwarded to _______ (5.07-VI)
a. Chief’s Office
b. Human Resources
c. Records Division
d. Operational Support
The following items shall not be kept in the personnel files: (5.08-V)
a. Complaint Control Forms (CCF) and complaint investigations reports by internal affairs.
b. Records of Grievances
c. Any records of injuries, doctor evaluation reports, and any other documents related to an employee’s medical status.
d. All of the above.
All personnel in a supervisory capacity will receive Appointing Authority Interview Training (AAIT), and Update AAIT, which can be arranged through In-Service Training. City Personnel staff conducts the training class. Update AAIT is required once every ____ years following initial training. (5.09-IV)
a. 2 years
b. 3 years
c. 4 years
d. 5 years
_______ will maintain a current list of trained personnel authorized to conduct interviews and will provide an update to Human Resource Unit on request. (5.09-IV)
a. Chief’s Office
b. Area Command
c. In-Service Training
d. Recruiting and Backgrounds Unit
Non-uniformed sworn personnel below the rank of Assistant Chief are required to maintain and have at their assigned workplace a complete Class A and Class B regulation uniform. (5.10-IV)
a. True
b. False
Which personnel can wear the all silver or silver with black lettering name tags on their uniform shirt? (5.10-V)
a. Sworn and Reserve officers
b. Cadets and Civilian personnel
c. All the above
d. None of the above - All personnel wear the gold name tags
All uniform personnel on duty and assigned to the field are required to wear both the front and rear armor panels at all times. (5.10-VI)
a. True
b. False
What below listed items are types of unauthorized tattoos, scarifications or brands prohibited by this procedure? (5.10-IX)
a. Depictions of nudity or violence
b. Sexually explicit or vulgar art, words, phrases or profane language
c. Symbols likely to incite a strong reaction in the workplace, i.e., swastikas, pentagrams or similar symbols
d. A & B only
e. All the above
Members engaging in outside employment which requires the use of a firearm will be authorized to only carry a personal firearm and personal ammunition for which they have authorization on file with Human Resources Division? (5.12-IV)
a. True
b. False
Which of the below type of employment can sworn officers engage in? (5.12-IV)
a. Private Investigators
b. Process servers
c. Debt collectors
d. Bodyguards
e. None of the above
Officers cannot work off-duty at fixed locations (malls, building, etc.) in the division where they are assigned to work on-duty, with the exception of sports venues? (5.12-IV)
a. True
b. False
All approved requests for outside employment expire on December 31st and must be renewed by _____ of each year. (5.12-IV)
a. No later than January 30th
b. January 1st
c. End of fiscal year
d. July 1st
To qualify for Advanced Post with 2 years experience, you need: (5.13-V)
a. MA/MS and no college units and no training points
b. BA/BS and 30 college units and 30 training points
c. AA/AS and 45 college units and 45 training points
d. None of the above - You must have a minimum of 4 years
____ has the discretion to determine if the volunteer hours are appropriate for the Community Action Program. (5.13-VI)
a. POST Training Coordinator
b. In-Service Training Sergeant
c. Commanding Officer
d. POST Training Director
One day of Discretionary Leave shall be awarded to any Department member who: (5.15-V)
a. Recruits a Police Officer Recruit who completes the training academy
b. Recruits a Police Officer I to II who completes probation
c. Recruits a Police Dispatcher who completes the Communications Training Program
d. Recruits a Crisis Interventionist or RSVP who completes training and actively volunteers for 6 months.
Which is NOT an example of the Community Action Program: (5.13-VI)
a. Participation in the Police Cadet program
b. Participation in STAR/PAL
c. Participation in courses offered by the California Narcotics Officers’ Association
d. Participation in one of the town council
Officers who have an Advanced POST Certificate and 60 or more college credits, or 15 years of service _____ to remain eligible to the educational incentive program. (5.13-VI)
a. Do not have to re-qualify
b. Must re-qualify every three years
c. Must re-qualify every two years
d. Must re-qualify every year
Menu classes offered by the SDPD In-Service Training qualify for training points for the Educational Incentive Program. (5.13-IV)
a. True
b. False
Participation must be at least ____ hours in the Community Action Program. (5.13-VI)
a. 15
b. 25
c. 50
d. 100
An Awards Committee will be appointed by the chief and consist of the following: (5.17-IV)
a. A/Chief of Centralized Investigations, and a Representative from Police HR
b. 3 Captains and 3 Lieutenants
c. 6 Sergeants (3 from patrol, 1 from traffic, 2 from investigations)
d. A & C
The awards committee will convene the Awards Board _______ to review all recommendations. (5.17-IV)
a. Once a month
b. Once a quarter
c. Once a year
d. As Needed
Commanding Officer Citations are presented at: (5.17-IV)
a. Appropriate ceremonies by Chief of Police
b. Lineups
c. Commanding Officers Conferences
d. B & C
Officers receiving an award at an awards ceremony are to appear in _____. (5.17-IV)
a. Dress casual
b. Uniform
c. Business attire
d. B & C
The following awards consist of a medal, shirt bar, and certificate. (5.17-V)
a. Valor & Meritorious Service Award
b. Lifesaving & Purple Heart
c. A & B
d. Valor, LIfesaving, and Purple Heart
Medal must be worn on the _____ pocket centered just ____ the flap. (5.17-V)
a. Right breast/above
b. Left breast/below
c. Right breast/below
d. Left breast/above
The granting of leave with pay for exceptional performance is discretionary on the part of _____ or designated alternate. (5.18-III)
a. Chief of Police
b. Captain
c. Lieutenant
d. Sergeant
All employees shall be eligible for leave with pay for up to _____ consecutive days for instances of exceptional performance. (5.18-IV)
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. One
Travel throughout California is separated into these categories. (5.19-IV)
a. Category A - Inside the City and County of San Diego
b. Category B - Outside San Diego County
c. Category C - Travel by Automobile outside San Diego County and requiring transportation of specialized equipment
D. all of the above
Personnel who fly in Category B will be granted flight time plus ____ hours travel time to reach the training facility or place of lodging. (5.19-V)
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. One
Travel time granted in Category B shall not exceed _____. (5.19-V)
a. One working day
b. Two working days
c. Three working days
d. 1.5 working days
Personnel who choose to drive will be granted a maximum of _____ travel time for every fifty miles of travel round trip. (5.19-V)
a. 1/2 hour
b. 1 hour
c. 1 1/2 hour
d. 2 hours
The ALPS program is intended to stimulate interest in processing evidence scenes for ____. (5.20-III)
a. DNA
b. Plaster castings
c. Latent prints
d. A and B only
Upon notification of a critical/traumatic incident, who will the Watch Commander notify to assess the need for Peer Support? (5.21-IV)
a. On-duty Field Lieutenant
b. Chief’s Office
c. On-duty Medical Assistance Sergeant
d. All of the above
Who normally facilitates critical incident debriefings that is attended by all police personnel directly involved in the incident? (5.21-III)
a. Medical Assistance
b. Psychological Services
c. Chief’s Office
d. Risk Management
Which unit is the department’s official liaison with the California Commission on POST? (5.22-III)
a. Operational Support Unit
b. Chief’s Office
c. Regional Public Safety Training Institute
d. In-Service Training Unit
What is the minimum passing score to qualify for the Firearms Proficiency Award Program? (5.23-III)
a. 95%
b. 90%
c. 85%
d. 80%
For the EIIS access levels, Commanding Officers have access to all data. (5.24-V)
a. True
b. False