3.0 - Investigations Part 1 Flashcards
Department investigative activities and personnel are organized into Centralized Investigations, _______, Area Investigations, and Traffic Investigations. (3.01-III)
a. Forensic Division
b. Criminal Intelligence
c. Crime Analysis
d. Communications Division
Which one is NOT a criteria to determine case responsibility? (3.01-III)
a. Type of suspect
b. Age of suspect
c. Age of victim
d. Location of offense
Which unit is not a part of Investigations I? (3.01-IV)
a. Narcotics Task Force
b. Vice Administration
c. 290 Unit
d. Elder Abuse
Which unit is not part of Investigations II? (3.01-IV)
a. Court Liaison Unit
c. Domestic Violence Unit
d. Gangs
One of the responsibilities of the Criminal Intelligence Unit is to liaison with unions and management involved in labor disputes. (3.04-IV)
a. True
b. False
Which Investigations Division is the ICAC Unit Joint Task Force (Internet Crimes Against Children) a part of?
a. Special Investigations Resource
b. Investigations I
c. Investigations II
d. None of the above
Which unit coordinates all extradition proceedings? (3.01-IV)
a. Criminal Intelligence Unit
b. Vice Operations
c. Robbery Unit
d. Court Liaison Unit
Traffic Investigations is not responsible for which investigation? (3.01-VI)
a. Misdemeanor hit-and-run
b. Misdemeanor driving under the influence arrests
c. In-custody arrests for 2800.2 and 2800.3 CVC
d. Vehicular manslaughter
The Sex Crimes unit is responsible for investigating misdemeanor sex offenses? (3.01-V)
a. True
b. False
Which unit investigates bomb threats against property? (3.01-V)
b. SD Fire Department
c. Criminal Intelligence Unit
d. Area Command Investigations
The Regional Computer Forensics Laboratory (RCFL) is under the command of the Crime Laboratory within Centralized Investigations. (3.01-IV)
a. True
b. False
How many Area Station Narcotics Teams are there? (3.01-IV)
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Which unit would be responsible for investigating a felony sexual assault with a 14 year old victim? (3.01-IV)
a. Child Abuse Unit
b. Sex Crimes Unit
c. Area Station Investigations
d. Juvenile Services Team
The Robbery Unit is responsible for suppressing illegal gambling activities. (3.01-IV)
a. True
b. False
Which unit handles death cases associated with fire? (3.01-IV)
b. Homicide Unit
c. SD Fire Department
d. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Who must approve properly identified and uncontaminated vehicle fluids being disposed of at a Police Garage facility? (3.02-IV a.4)
a. Watch Commander
b. Direct Supervisor
c. Auto maintenance supervisor
Mopeds, pedicabs, motorcycles, motorcycle frames, engines or any item with a fuel-operated engine are to be impounded in the Property Room. (3.02-IV(a)(2))
a. True
b. False
Confiscated license plates shall be mailed to Department of Motor Vehicles. (3.02-IV a7)
a. True
b. False
Officers will inform store personnel that, ____ days after the arrest, if will be their responsibility to telephone the City Attorney’s Office to determine the status of a shoplifting case and whether or not property may be returned to stock. (3.02-IV A.9C)
a. 3
b. 5
c. 7
d. 10
The following property shall be separated and impounded on individual Property Tags except (PD-727) (3.20-IV B7)
a. Firearms (magazines, ammunition, holsters, scopes and cases)
b. Money (cash over $20)
c. Expensive jewelry
d. Bicycles
e. Narcotics
The following property must be impounded at the Watch Commander’s office when the property room is closed: (3.02-IV C2)
a. All unloaded firearms
b. Money impounds under $500
c. Jewelry deemed to be valued at over $1000
d. Bulk property
The pink copy of the tag is retained in the property tag book and must never be removed. (3.02-V,A)
a. True
b. False
Personnel who VOID a property tag form shall leave the white, yellow, pink and cardboard copies in the property tag book, with the word VOID across the form. (3.20-VI, A)
a. True
b. False
A - True
Property impounded at area commands will generally be transported to Headquarters by a property clerk within ______ working days. (3.02-VIII, A)
a. 1
b. 3
c. 5
d. 7
Release of firearms is the responsibility of _____ personnel only. (3.02-IX.F)
a. Watch Commander
b. Officer/detective
c. Gun Desk
d. Property Room
Found property tags should be reviewed _____ days after impound to determine if the items can be released or processed for disposal. (3.02 X,E)
a. 30
b. 60
c. 90
d. 120
Investigators and investigative aides are responsible for disposing of property as quickly as possible. Property files should be reviewed and processed at least every ___ months. (3.02-XII, C)
a. 3
b. 6
c. 9
d. 12
With the exception of property checked out by Laboratory Personnel in order to conduct laboratory analysis or items retained by court, all evidence and property shall be returned within _____ hours of being checked out. (3.02-XIV-A4)
a. 6
b. 12
c. 24
d. 48
If evidence is retained by the Court, the ____ must sign for the evidence retained and stamp the form with the Court Seal. (3.02 - XIV- 6A)
a. Watch Commander
b. Sheriff Deputy
c. Property Room Supervisor
d. Court Clerk
General photographing or videotaping of property facilities may only conducted with prior approval of the _____. (3.02-XIV-C)
a. Senior Police Property Supervisor
b. Media Relations Supervisor
c. Gun Desk Supervisor
d. Property Supervisor
Per California Vehicle Code section 22655.5, when can a peace officer remove a vehicle from a highway or public property? (3.30-III)
a. When used in committing a public offense.
b. When it is evidence which tends to show a crime has been committed.
c. When it contains evidence that cannot be readily removed.
d. All of the above.
When can administrative costs be waived if a vehicle is towed by police?(3.03-IV)
a. If a vehicle was reported stolen at the time the vehicle was removed.
b. Whenever a police officer is contacted by the owner.
c. When the owner of a vehicle shows proof of insurance
d. Costs may never be waived
What do officers responsible for investigative follow-ups have to determine on all vehicle impounds with evidence holds? (3.03-IV)
a. When a vehicle can be released
b. If the vehicle belonged to the victim
c. If the vehicle belonged to the suspect
d. Both B and C
Impounded vehicles must be released within how many working days, unless extenuating circumstances exist? (3.03-V)
a. 2 days
b. 3 days
c. 5 days
d. 7 days
What company may police use to tow a vehicle? (3.03-V)
a. The closest available tow yard
b. Any tow company the officer chooses
c. A contracted tow company
d. Any of the above
When will a vehicle be impounded at the Police Vehicle Impound Facility, located at Traffic Division, 9265 Aero Drive? (3.03-V)
a. When it has received numerous citations
b. When a vehicle was involved in a crime requiring the processing of evidence by a SDPD Laboratory personnel
c. Any vehicle may be impounded at the Police Vehicle Impound Facility
d. Only police vehicles may be stored at that facility
When a vehicle is impounded at Traffic Division, who must be notified? (3.03-V)
a. The Watch Commander
b. The Field Lieutenant
c. Your immediate sergeant
d. Fleet Safety Sergeant
Who will conduct inventory on vehicles being held as evidence at the Traffic Division facility? (3.03-V)
a. The assigned investigator
b. The tow company driver
c. The impounding officer
d. Traffic division personnel
Where can a vehicle be impounded? (3.03-V)
a. The closest tow yard
b. A contracted tow yard
c. Any vacant lot
d. Any of the above
Who has the authority to remove a hold on a vehicle? (3.03-VII A2)
a. The Tow Administrator
b. Watch Commander
c. Both A and B
d. Assigned Investigator
Who will contact the registered owner to remove a vehicle from the Police Vehicle Impound Facility? (3.03-VII)
a. The impounding officer
b. The investigator
c. The Watch Commander
d. The Tow Administrator
How will a registered owner be contacted to make arrangements to remove a vehicle from the Police Vehicle Impound Facility? (3.03-VII4)
a. By certified “Vehicle Release Notice” letter
b. An officer will make contact at the registered owners address
c. A phone call
d. All of the above
What is an improper way of marking evidence? (3.04-III)
a. Officers will mark directly on the items of evidence.
b. By attracting a wire tage to the item
c. Evidence can be sealed in a container and the container shall be marked.
d. None of the above
What information is needed to mark evidence? (3.04-III B)
a. Only the impounding officer’s name and ID
b. Only the property tag number
c. Initials, ID number, date, time, location, case number, property tag number, description
d. All of the above
Where should all wanted notices and/or cancellations notices for juvenile suspects by SDPD originate? (3.05-IV D)
a. With Juvenile Admin
b. With the area command Juvenile Services Team
c. With the officer that took the original report
d. With the Watch Commanders office