1.0 - Administration Part 2 Flashcards
When may an officer operate an emergency vehicle in Code 3 status (lights and siren)? (1.13-III)
a. In pursuit of an actual or suspected law violator
b. Responding to a radio call involving an immediate life-threatening emergency.
c. Responding to an immediate response to another officer’s request for urgent assistance.
d. All of the above
e. B and C only
Regarding Emergency Vehicle Response Types, unless authorized by a supervisor, how many units will be permitted to respond to a Code 10-88, Code 3 call? (1.13-III)
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. All available units
How many units will be permitted Code 3 response to a Code 11-88/10-10 call? (1.13-III)
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. None of the above
What must be considered when responding Code 3 for an 11-99 call? (1.13-V)
a. Distance to 11-99 location
b. Traffic and Pedestrian congestion
c. Jurisdiction of 11-99 location
d. All of the above
e. A and B only
Who may authorize a Code 3 response to incidents? (1.13–VI)
a. Communications
b. First responding officer
c. Sworn supervisor
d. All of the above
All traffic collisions involving on-duty SDPD personnel or Department vehicles will be investigated by Traffic Division and processed by the Internal Affairs Unit. (1.14-III)
a. True
b. False
Who will be dispatched to oversee all police equipment accident investigations and prepare a written report of their conclusions on the RM-1555 Form? (1.14-III)
a. Field supervisor
b. Traffic unit
c. First responding officer
d. None of the above
Classified as an accident which the driver was not at fault or one that could not have reasonable been prevented by use of defensive driving techniques. (1.14-IV)
a. No-vehicle accident
b. Preventable accident
c. Non-preventable accident
d. None of the above
The Traffic Fleet Safety Sergeant will review each accident within how many calendar days to determine whether it was preventable, non-preventable or no-vehicle accident. (1.14-V)
a. 10 days
b. 15 days
c. 21 days
d. 30 days
Preventable accidents will be classified as Category 1, 2 or 3. Which category would it fall under if it was an accident that occurred because the employee was negligent and/or violated City or Department rules, policies and procedures? (1.14-V)
a. Category 1
b. Category 2
c. Category 3
d. Category 4
If the employee disagrees with the initial finding, the employee shall submit, within how many calendar days from the date they were notified, a written appeal. (1.14-V)
a. 15 days
b. 21 days
c. 30 days
d. 60 days
In relation to the appeal in question #11, who should the appeal be submitted to? (1.14-V)
a. Designated Traffic Lieutenant
b. Designated Traffic Safety Sergeant
c. Traffic Division Commanding Officer
d. Employee’s Commanding Officer
In relation to the traffic accident appeal process, what does ARC stand for? (1.14-V)
a. Audit and Review Committee
b. Accident Result Committee
c. Accident Review Commission
d. Accident Review Committee
Any employee required to attend a training class as a result of disciplinary action (on-duty vehicle accident) must complete the class within how many days from the date the employee was notified the accident was found to be preventable? (1.14-VI)
a. 21 days
b. 30 days
c. 45 days
d. 60 days
Who has the responsibility for training employees in City and Police Department policies and procedures and in the safe operation of each type of equipment the employee is required to operate? (1.14-VII)
a. Traffic Division and all supervisors
b. Training Division and Traffic Division
c. Training Division and all supervisors
d. None of the above
Which vehicle or equipment does not require the completion of a specialized training course for SDPD personnel to operate? (1.14-VII)
a. Personnel transportation van
b. Pick-up trucks
c. Bicycles
d. Police Service Officer (PSO) van
e. All require specialized training
When vehicle/equipment operators report equipment and/or vehicles as unsafe, who will ensure the repair is made? (1.14-VII)
a. The operator making the report
b. Supervisors
c. Garage/Maintenance personnel
d. All of the above
It is necessary to keep Department security procedures confidential to provide for and increase officer safety. The confidentiality is authorized by which code? (1.15-III)
a. California Government Code
b. California Evidence Code
c. California Penal Code
d. California Health and Safety Code
The use of take-home vehicles is an essential component of the Department’s call-back program? The Department authorizes four types of take-home vehicle use. Which category does it fall under when the Department member’s assignment requires immediate response during off-duty hours to handle an emergency police action? (1.16-V)
a. Administrative Call-back
b. Emergency Call-back
c. Investigative Call-back
d. Maintenance Use
Which category does it fall under when the Department member’s assignment does not require off-duty response, but does necessitate transporting and/or housing a Department resource? (1.16-V)
a. Administrative Call-back
b. Emergency Call-back
c. Investigative Call-back
d. Maintenance Use
Department members may use take-home vehicles to conduct personal business outside normal working hours as long as they monitor the police radio whenever they are operating the vehicle. (1.16-VI)
a. True
b. False
Department Announcements shall only be issued with the specific approval of _____. (1.17-IV)
a. Watch Commander’s Office
b. Research, Analysis and Planning Unit
c. Executive Assistant Chief
d. None of the above
Who shall facilitate the review, approval, and dissemination of Department Announcements? (1.17-V)
a. Announcement Secretary
b. Executive Assistant Chief
c. Watch Commander’s Office
d. Research, Analysis and Planning Unit
When writing Memoranda, what is the proper way of writing the time? (1.17-VII)
a. 0900 hours
b. 9 o’clock
c. 9 in the morning
d. 9:00 a.m.
Bereavement leave of up to how many days is available to all employees. (1.1-VI)
a. 2 days
b. 3 days
c. 5 days
d. 7 days
Supervisors must review and approve all timecards by 1200 hours on the first Monday immediately following payday Friday. (1.18-VII)
a. True
b. False
For every ____ hours of stand-by time, members will be awarded one day of Discretionary Leave time. (1.20-VI)
a. 160 hours
b. 240 hours
c. 300 hours
d. 360 hours
All Discretional Leave must be taken within ___ from the date the Discretionary Leave is earned. (1.20-VI)
a. 30 days
b. 60 days
c. 90 days
d. 6 months
What is the maximum number of Discretionary Leave days that can be earned per fiscal year? (1.20-VI)
a. 3
b. 5
c. 10
d. 14
Who is responsible for entering Stand-by assignment into the OneSD system? (1.20-VI)
a. Every employee
b. Supervisors
c. Payroll Personnel
d. Unit Senior Clerk
The total time of call-back pay, including travel time, shall not be less than how many hours of premium compensation in each such instance. (1.20-VII)
a. 2 hours
b. 3 hours
c. 4 hours
d. 6 hours
Scheduled overtime assignments are those where the member will not suffer any negative consequences for declining an offer of an overtime assignment. (1.20-VIII)
a. True
b. False
Except for an emergency, members shall receive at least how many working days notice prior to a permanent or extended work schedule change. (1.20-IX)
a. 5 days
b. 3 days
c. 2 days
d. 1 day
An officer’s permanent work shift hours may be adjusted with at least how many hours notice without the necessity of paying premium overtime. (1.20-IX)
a. 24 hours
b. 48 hours
c. 36 hours
d. 72 hours
When an officer is required under subpoena or other other formal notification to appear in court or any other administrative hearing during non-duty hours, he/she shall receive premium pay with a ____ hour minimum of compensation in each such instance. (1.20-X)
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
Overtime is to be reported in hours and will be computed to the nearest one tenth (1/10) of an hour. One tenth of an hour is equivalent to what? (1.20-XII)
a. 5 minutes
b. 6 minutes
c. 8 minutes
d. 10 minutes
Travel time to and from classes may be claimed as overtime. (1.20-XIII)
a. True
b. False
Overtime requests shall be approved or disapproved within how many calendar days of submittal to the supervisor. (1.20-XIV)
a. 1 day
b. 2 days
c. 3 days
d. 4 days
e. 5 days
Who is responsible for reviewing all overtime claims and determining their validity? (1.20-XV)
a. Commanding Officer
b. Designated Lieutenant
c. Payroll Personnel
d. Supervisors
Used for the purchase of goods and services, which are required by the Police Department on an ongoing basis throughout the fiscal year. (1.21-VI)
a. Department Open Purchase Orders
b. Itemized Purchase Orders
c. City-wide Open Purchase Orders
d. All of the above
Many times, it is more cost effective to replace equipment rather than repair it. Which unit will determine the cost impact and handle items of repair for office equipment such as typewriters, tape recorders or calculators? (1.21-VI)
a. Facilities Manager
b. Operational Support
c. Fiscal Management
d. Data Services
For the purposes of petty cash reimbursement, “supervisor” refers to _____. (1.22-IV)
a. Sergeants or civilian equipment
b. Lieutenant or civilian equipment
c. Commanding officers or civilian equivalent
d. Payroll supervisor
In regard to Equipment Accountability Procedures, Immediate Replacement Items are weapons and items which are relatively high in monetary value. (1.23-IV)
a. True
b. False
Who will investigate lost, stolen or damaged equipment? (1.23-VI)
a. Supervisors
b. Internal Affairs Unit
c. Commanding Officers
d. Operational Support Administration
Who maintains an archive of all equipment replacement request forms? (1.23-VI)
a. Supervisors
b. Internal Affairs Unit
c. Commanding Officers
d. Operational Support Administration
Who determines the replacement value of equipment, if reimbursement will be pursued? (1.23-VI)
a. Supervisors
b. Operational Support Administration
c. Fiscal Operations
d. Commanding Officers
An employee leaving the Department must obtain a separation package form from _____. (1.23-VII)
a. Operational Support Administration
b. Human Resources
c. Central Supply Room
d. Divisional Senior Clerk
Who should be consulted if a member is unable to determine if an item requires City Council or Mayoral approval? (1.24-III)
a. Department Legal Advisor
b. Chief’s Office Administrative Sergeant
c. Commanding Officer
d. Respective Assistant Chief
Besides their Commanding Officer, who else must be notified when members communicate with Council members regarding the nature and content of the communication? (1.24-IV)
a. Department Legal Advisor
b. Chief’s Office Administrative Sergeant
c. Commanding Officer
d. Respective Assistant Chief
Who handles all coordination with the Mayor’s Office and Committee Chair regarding report format, docketing, and accompanying presentations? (1.24-V)
a. Department Legal Advisor
b. Chief’s Office Aide
c. Commanding Officer
d. Chief’s Office Administrative Sergeant
Who will establish minimum inspection standards for investigative, patrol, and administrative divisions? (1.25-III)
a. Commanding Officers
b. Office of Neighborhood Policing
c. Research, Analysis, and Planning Unit
d. Operational Support Administration
Who will ensure that required inspections and/or audits are completed according to assigned schedules outlined in the Police Department Inspections Guide? (1.25-III)
a. Commanding Officers
b. Office of Neighborhood Policing
c. Research, Analysis, and Planning Unit
d. Operational Support Administration
Commanding officers of all divisions will incorporate the required inspections into their divisional operations manuals, including frequency and reporting procedures, and update them at least _____. (1.25-III)
a. Once every 6 months
b. Once every 9 months
c. Once every 12 months
d. Once every 24 months
In addition to the inspections in the operational manuals, all commanding officers should conduct how many special inspections or audits during each fiscal year? (1.25-III)
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
A person who has been arrested or detained and is determined to be factually innocent may petition the law enforcement agency or court having jurisdiction over the matter to provide for the sealing and destruction of the record of that arrest. (1.27-III)
a. True
b. False
A person is factually innocent when the person was arrested, but was released due to a lack of proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. (1.27-IV)
a. True
b. False
Regarding the cancellation of local or in-state wants for persons, who should the cancellation be made through? (1.28-III)
a. Records Division/Teletype
b. Communications Division
c. Watch Commander’s Office
d. San Diego Sheriff’s Department
Who keeps a copy of all incoming teletype messages? (1.28-III)
a. Watch Commander’s Office
b. Communications Division
c. Records Division/Teletype
d. San Diego Sheriff’s Department
Mailing packages of property to a victim or owner may be done at the Mail Center. (1.29-III)
a. True
b. False
Department maintains an account with DHL for ALL packages and Next Day/Second Day Air items regardless of destination. (1.29-III)
a. True
b. False
Mailing packages of evidence or property to a victim or owner must be done through the Property Room. (1.29-III)
a. True
b. False
______ has the specific responsibility for dissemination of information and provides a Department-wide, limited resource for the various commands. (1.30-IV)
a. Watch Commander
b. Authorized news media representative
c. Media Services Office
d. Chief of Police
The Chief of Police cannot release information regarding an internal investigation of alleged misconduct by members of the Department, or disciplinary action taken as a result of any such investigation. (1.30-V)
a. True
b. False
Information regarding criminal suspects or arrested persons which may NOT be released: (1.30-V)
a. Name
b. Age
c. The existence of content of any admission or confession
d. Charges to be sought
Media identification cards will be issued for a period of _____ year(s), or until the card is revoked by the Chief of Police or the relationship of the holder to the news organization that requested issuance of the card is terminated. (1.31-IV)
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
Which one is NOT a valid media identification placard color: (1.31-VI)
a. White
b. Orange
c. Blue
d. Green
The Volunteer Services Unit does NOT coordinate: (1.32-III)
a. Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol
b. Crisis Intervention Team
c. Police Reserve Program
d. Police Cadet Program
Which of the following information regarding an adult arrested suspect may be released to the media: (1.30-VII)
a. Charges to be sought
b. Residence
c. Employment of occupation
d. All of the above
The San Diego Police Department only accepts _____ Reserve Officers. (1.32-IV)
a. Level I
b. Level II
c. Level III
d. None of the above
Citizen complaints regarding the conduct of a volunteer should be investigated in the same manner as those lodged against paid employees. (1.32-VI)
a. True
b. False
Which one of these is NOT a category of persons entitled to certain diplomatic privileges and immunities:(1.33-IV)
a. Nationals or Permanent Residents of the US
b. US Citizens
c. Diplomatic Agents
d. Consular Officers
Could foreign diplomats who violate traffic laws be cited? (1.33-VII)
a. Yes
b. No
One of the criteria for seizing vehicles is that the fair market value of the vehicle must be greater than: (1.34-V)
a. $1,500
b. $2,000
c. $2,500
d. $3,000
Before soliciting large businesses, major community organizations, or recognized major donors, members shall consult with the _____. (1.35-V)
a. Chief of Police
b. Counsel to the Chief
c. Watch Commander
d. Commanding Officer
Real property donations may only be accepted by the Mayor’s Office. (1.35-VI)
a. True
b. False
Specialty munitions may be used in situations that include, but are not limited to: (1.36-IV)
a. A subject who is armed with an edged weapon
b. Jail or civil disturbances
c. A violent subject who is armed with non-traditional weapons, such as baseball bat, crowbar, etc.
d. All of the above
An individual who has been struck by a specialty round shall be examined by paramedics. (1.36-V)
a. True
b. False
Can an Officer use a City of San Diego Certified bilingual in American Sign Language to Mirandize or Interview arrestee? (1.37-V)
a. Yes
b. No
The two agencies currently contracted by the Department to supply qualified interpreters for translations in sign language: (1.37-IV)
a. National Association of the Deaf (NAD) and Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
b. Deaf Community Services (DCS) and Network Interpreting Services (NIS)
c. National Association of the Deaf (NAD) and Network Interpreting Services (NIS)
d. Deaf Community Services (DCS) and Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID)
A qualified interpreter is not required for deaf or hard of hearing individuals who receive a citation and where there is no need for questioning. (1.37-V)
a. True
b. False
All written requests and responses between officers and individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing must be treated as evidence and handled accordingly. (1.37-V)
a. True
b. False
Officers generally should not fire either ERIW from a distance of less than how many feet? (1.38-V)
a. 6 feet
b. 10 feet
c. 15 feet
d. 20 feet
All ____ complaints can be considered for mediation by the Internal Affairs Unit. (1.39-V)
a. Category I
b. Category II
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
The ______ is the primary person responsible for locating, reviewing, and preparing summaries of potential grants for review and approval. (1.40-V)
a. Auditor
b. Grant Coordinator
c. Fiscal Operations Manager
d. Grants Analyst
All potential grants will be approved by the ____ prior to being presented to the Chief’s Executive Committee (CEC). (1.40-V)
a. Auditor
b. Grant Coordinator
c. Fiscal Operations Manager
d. Grants Analyst
The Department-approved pistol caliber carbine is the ____. (1.41-IV)
a. AR15
b. Ruger PC-9
c. AR-10
d. Remington Model 700
The Department-approved rifle caliber carbine is the AR15 style system designed to fire a _____ projectile. (1.41-IV)
a. 9mm caliber
b. .40 caliber
c. .45 caliber
d. .223 caliber
Carbines shall be carried in the vehicle with a LOADED magazine, NO cartridge in the chamber, with the bolt CLOSED and with the safety “ON”. (1.41-V)
a. True
b. False
A Procurement Card is an American Express Card issued to a single individual authorized to make approved Department purchases.
- True
- False
The Procurement Card may NOT be used to purchase any of the following prohibited items: (1.42-V)
a. Alcohol
b. Cash advance
c. Professional and non-professional services
d. All of the above
Under circumstances when an officer-involved shooting resulted in death or injury, the Watch Commander shall immediately notify the following personnel EXCEPT: (1.43-V)
a. Mayor
b. On-call POA attorney or legal representative
c. Peer support
d. Spouse
Any Department member who is fired upon, whether wounded or not, shall have a ___ completed by the field supervisor in charge of the incident. This is in addition to any other required reports. (1.43-V)
a. Shooting Incident Report (PD-128)
b. Supervisor’s Injury/Assault Investigation Report (RM-1564)
c. Shooting Incident Report-Euthanasia (PD-128D)
d. Supervisor’s Investigative Report
All inquiries concerning the involved officer’s actions are subject to the Peace Officers Bill of Rights. (1.43-V)
a. True
b. False
The _____ shall be the central repository for reports on all police shooting incidents and shall maintain appropriate statistical records. (1.46-VI)
a. Records Division
b. Homicide Unit
c. Internal Affairs Unit
d. Shooting Review Board
At what age could a citizen volunteer for the Retired Senior Volunteer Patrol? (1.32-IV)
a. 50 or older
b. 55 or older
c. 60 or older
d. 65 or older
Duties of a Reserve Officer can include working special events and assignments. (1.32-VI)
a. True
b. False
Reserve Officers must work with regular officer supervision. (1.32-IV)
a. True
b. False
If an officer judges a diplomatic agent to be intoxicated while driving, the officer may: (1.33-VII)
a. Allow the individual to summon a friend or relative to drive.
b. Call a taxi
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above
When an officer of any local, state, or federal law enforcement agency becomes involved in a shooting incident, wherein injury or death results, an investigation shall be conducted by, and under the control of, the agency within whose jurisdiction the shooting occurred. Within the City of San Diego, which unit will have the responsibility of conducting these investigations? (1.34-IV)
a. Internal Affairs Unit
b. Criminal Intelligence Unit
c. Police Shooting Review Board
d. Homicide Unit
Mediation agreements may only be appealed once. (1.39-V)
a. True
b. False