5. Tracheobrachial tree & larynx Flashcards
What anatomical feature causes the laryngeal prominence?
- thyroid cartilage surrounding the larynx.
At what vertebral level does the laryngeal prominence lie?
- C4, C5.
What causes tracheal deviation?
- due to unequal intrathoracic pressure in the chest cavity.
At what vertebral level and rib level does the sternal angle of Louis lie?
- T4/T5 and 2nd rib.
With regards to the pleura, explain what causes a tension pneumothorax.
- due to the presence of air in the intra-pleural cavity.
In the case of a chest injury, wherein the pleural cavity is penetrated on side of the left lung, which side would the trachea deviate towards?
- away from the lesion, therefore towards the right side.
From deep to superficial, name the 4 layers surrounding the trachea.
- mucosa.
- submucosa.
- c-shaped ring of hyaline cartilage.
- adventitia.
Which artery supplies the thyroid gland?
- inferior thyroid artery.
At what vertebral level does the carina lie?
- T4/T5
Which bronchus is more susceptible to foreign body inhalation? And why?
- right.
- bc it is wider and more vertical.
Which vessels supply the bronchi? And where do they arise from?
- the bronchial branches of the thoracic aorta.
Which lymph nodes do the bronchi drain into?
And where do these lymph nodes ultimately drain into?
- the tracheo-bronchial lymph nodes.
- the broncho-mediastinal trunk.
Describe the epithelium of the larynx. (2)
- lined with pseudo-stratified ciliated columnar epithelium.
- but not the vocal cords.
- they’re lined with stratified squamous epithelium.
At what vertebral level of the larynx found.
- C3 - C6.
What structure is the larynx suspended from?
- the hyoid bone.
Describe the anatomical relations of the larynx:
1) posteriorly.
2) laterally.
3) anteriorly.
1) oesophagus.
2) lobes of the thyroid gland.
3) infrahyoid muscles.
What are the 3 anatomical divisions of the larynx?
And describe their regions.
- supra-glottis - from inferior portion of epiglottis to the vestibular folds (false vocal cord).
- glottis - contains the vocal folds (true and false).
- infra-glottis - from the vocal folds to the trachea.
What is the opening between the true vocal cords called?
- rima glottidis.
Name the 3 unpaired cartilages surrounding the larynx.
- thyroid cartilage.
- cricoid cartilage.
- epiglottis.
Name the 3 paired cartilages surrounding the larynx.
- arytenoid.
- cuneiform.
- corniculate.
What is the function of the epiglottis?
What type of cartilage is it made up of?
- closing the larynx during swallowing to prevent food entering the larynx.
- elastic cartilage.
Which nerve innervates the cricothyroid muscle for motor innervation?
- external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve.
Which nerve provides motor innervation to the intrinsic muscles of the larynx (except the cricothyroid)?
- inferior laryngeal nerve.
Which nerve provides sensory innervation to the infraglottis?
- inferior laryngeal nerve.
Why is the left recurrent laryngeal nerve more prone to palsy?
- bc the left recurrent laryngeal nerve has a longer course than the right RLN.
Describe the differences in anatomical course between the left and right recurrent laryngeal nerves.
- both branch off of their respective vagus nerves.
- right RLN loops under the right subclavian artery.
- left RLN loops under the arch of the aorta.
Give three symptoms of unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy.
- hoarseness.
- bovine cough.
- increased risk of aspiration.
Give two symptoms of bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy.
- no phonation.
- impaired breathing leading to snoring/stridor.