5. Schematic Design Flashcards
What is the Schematic Design phase of the project?
When the client’s requirements & desires assume architectural form.
What 3 aspects of the project are illustrated during SD?
- general scope
- scale & massing
- conceptual form.
Identify the information required for schematic design, given specific conditions. (6)**extra services?
1 - Confirmation of functional & spatial requirement and program relationship
2 - Amount of Flexibility & provision for expansion
3 - Special Equipment and System Requirements.
4 - Site Requirements
5 - Construction Budget
6- Construction schedule.
**Architect can procure these with an extra fee:
+ Legal Surveys
+ Reports (Geo, Hazards, etc.)
What consultants are typically engaged on a design team? Categorize the engineering services required for the schematic design of a given project (program, clients and context). (2)
1 - Arch to assemble design team:
Site design, Structure, Envelope, Mechanical, and Electrical
+Special sub-consultants may be required
2 - Engineers work with Arch to prepare:
2a mech/structural/electrical system concepts
2b budget at end of SD phase
What drawings and other graphic representations are typically prepared for the client during this phase? (3 types)
1 - Site Plan, Principle Floor Plans, Vertical Sections, Building Elevations.
2 - Illustrative sketches/perspectives/renders
3 - Massing Models
What is typically provided by consultants in the SD report? (2)
~ SME systems approach
~ probable construction/operating costs
Explain the scope of building code analysis in schematic design. (7)
1 - Environmental impact, Zoning, Parking Requirements and Limiting Distance. (General Overview rather than a detail analysis)
2 - Occupancy/Classification
3 - Occupancy/Compartment fire Separations
4 - Area & Occupant Load
5 - Exiting & Egress (Travel Distance and Widths for large Buildings)
6 - BF Requirements
7 - Washroom Count
Explain the principles of sustainable design as they relate to the Building (size, footprint, mass, form, and circulation) during schematic design.
- Building Size: reduce material & energy & land consumption
- Footprint: daylight/views/max open space
- Massing: Envelope effeciency
- Building form & materials: compatible with climate
- Circulation: Daylighting/views
Explain the principles of sustainable design as they relate to the Site (parking / topo) during schematic design.
- Parking Count: encourage alt. transport + maintain as many trees as possible + drain water on to planting areas rather than storm basins
- Topo: maintain natural grade as much as possible + consider in relation to building section + use permeable surfaces
How can the Architect foster sustainable design during schematic design.
- IPD: involve consultants early
- Identify targets: - ie LEED
What information is required during Schematic design? (2)
- Functional program
2. Complete information about site
What information is required for the site during Schematic design? (3)
- Survey & topographic survey
- Geotechnical info, hazardous materials, decontamination, etc.
- Any specialist report that can have an impact on project.
What services are done by engineers during schematic design? (6)
- Familiarize with site, possibilities, difficulties
- Study potential of different materials / systems / contractual methods
- Get detailed info on the services ( water, sewer, gas, etc)
- Establish technical basis of the project
- Identify spaces required for mechanical / elec, circulation of cars, vertical transportation
- Collaborate in an estimation.
Documents to prepare by architect during schematic design? (3)
- Study of spaces, circulation, mass
- Evaluate & select different solutions
- if necessary, more than one option
- plans, circulations, volumes, quick diagrams - Calculate cost of building
- preliminary cost estimate based on area or volume
What do the presentation documents show during Schematic design (2)?
- Show:
- functional relationships
- scale & character of project
What is included in the outline specifications / texte during Schematic design (8)?
- Design Philosophy
- Aims : durability & environmental qualities
- Budget costing
- Degree of regulatory CNB studies, as well as zoning, etc.
- Preliminary schedule.
- Description of SME systems.
- Location data
- Products & materials data
What is the architect’s task during schematic design? (9)
- Coordinate SME & consultants.
- Study program & site characteristics;
- Evaluate compatibility of budget to program & write comments;
- Study different options w client & discusses types of construction contracts;
- Studies legislation, zoning, applicable codes & speaks with authorities having jurisdiction if necessary.
- Helps client with regulatory approval.
- Based on program, budget, preliminary plan, architect prepares schematic design documents for submittal to client’s approval.
- Preliminary budget, based on current unitary pricing (area or elemental).;
- Revisits documents & obtains authorization from client before passing on next stage.
What are optional services for architect during schematic design? (7)
- Collaboration as to special studies (expansion, environmental impact, etc)
- Extensive services into building envelope
- Environmental studies
- Promotional presentations, models, perspectives, videos
- Approval of the site plan.
- Zoning changes presentations.
- Zoning derrogation procedures.
What is an integrated design approach?
- Multidisciplinary study of all professionals of the client’s requirements
- Allows to foresee effects of all design decisions during building’s life cycle
- Sustainability requires documentation of all design decisions.
Advantages of integrated design approach?
Synthesis of site plan, envelope characteristics & mech/elec systems as of beginning, optimizes contribution of each discipline to the concept.