5: Perinatal period in lambs and kids Flashcards
What analgesia for a HL fracture?
What analgesia for a FL fracture?
RUMM block (anaesthesia below elbow)
How often do you have to change a cast?
Two weeks
What splint can you use for tibia/radius?
Who can do disbudding?
What do you give for disbudding sedation?
Xylazine/ketamine IM
What is the max time to apply the disbudding iron?
20 seonds
What are horn buds like in kids?
Large, and tissue extends caudally
How can you tell if a lamb ever walked?
Epinychia intact
How can you tell if died post-partum?
Umbilicus shrivelled
How can you tell if died inter-partum?
Square umbilicus
How can you tell if died pre-partum?
Tapered umbilicus
What are some signs of starvation or exposure?
Brown fat around kidneys, milk clots, in stomach, chyle in intestinal lymphatics, unclotted milk if tube-fed
What are some signs of dystocia?
Oedema, broken ribs, fracured liver capsule, blood in abdomen, meconium, meningeal bleeds, scleral bleed
What are some signs of septicaemia?
Purple MMs, dilated vessels, petechiae, haemorrhagic LNs