5 - Major scales - 2 sharps & 2 flats Flashcards
Use this deck to learn how to identify Major scales, Major Pentascales & scale degree names and review Time Signatures & rests. Audio is included to supplement your learning. Master Your Musicianship Skills - Complete Lesson 5 of the matching Ultimate Music Theory Prep 2 Workbook to enhance your music theory training. UltimateMusicTheory.com
Explain the term Pentascale.
A Pentascale is a series of 5 notes (degrees) in a specific pattern of whole tones/whole steps and semitones/half steps.
A whole tone is also called a ____ ____.
whole step
A semitone is also called a ____ ____.
half step
Identify the Major Pentascale Pattern of whole steps and half steps.
whole step - whole step - half step - whole step

A half step is also called a _____.
A whole step is also called a ____ ____.
whole tone
Identify the Major Pentascale Pattern of whole tones and semitones.
whole tone - whole tone - semitone - whole tone

Name the notes of the C Major Pentascale.
C Major Pentascale - C, D, E, F, G

Name the notes of the G Major Pentascale.
G Major Pentascale - G, A, B, C, D

Name the notes of the D Major Pentascale.
D Major Pentascale - D, E, F sharp, G, A

Name the notes of the F Major Pentascale.
F Major Pentascale - F, G, A, B flat, C

Name the notes of the B flat Major Pentascale.
B flat Major Pentascale - B flat, C, D, E flat, F

Identify the degree name of the first note of a scale.
Identify the degree name of the fifth note of a scale.
Identify the degree name of the second note of a scale.
Identify the degree name of the fourth note of a scale.
Identify the degree name of the third note of a scale.
Explain the term Subdominant.
The degree name of the fourth note of a scale.
Explain the term Supertonic.
The degree name of the second note of a scale.
Explain the term Dominant.
The degree name of the fifth note of a scale.
Explain the term Tonic.
The degree name of the first note of a scale.
Explain the term Mediant.
The degree name of the third note of a scale.
Name the Roman Numeral for the first degree of a Pentascale.

Name the Roman Numeral for the second degree of a Pentascale.

Name the Roman Numeral for the third degree of a Pentascale.

Name the Roman Numeral for the fourth degree of a Pentascale.

Name the Roman Numeral for the fifth degree of a Pentascale.

Name the Tonic of the C Major Pentascale.
Tonic - C

Name the Dominant of the C Major Pentascale.
Dominant - G

Name the Tonic of the G Major Pentascale.
Tonic - G

Name the Dominant of the G Major Pentascale.
Dominant - D

Name the Tonic of the D Major Pentascale.
Tonic - D

Name the Dominant of the D Major Pentascale.
Dominant - A

Name the Tonic of the F Major Pentascale.
Tonic - F

Name the Dominant of the F Major Pentascale.
Dominant - C

Name the Tonic of the B flat Major Pentascale.
Tonic - B flat

Name the Dominant of the B flat Major Pentascale.
Dominant - F

Explain the term Major scale.
A Major scale is a series of 8 notes (degrees) in a specific pattern of whole tones/whole steps and semitones/half steps.
Identify the Major Scale Pattern of whole tones and semitones.
whole tone - whole tone - semitone - whole tone - whole tone- whole tone - semitone

Name the type of scale for the Scale Pattern:

C Major Scale Pattern

Name the type of scale for the Scale Pattern:

G Major Scale Pattern

Name the type of scale for the Scale Pattern:

F Major Scale Pattern

Name the type of scale for the Scale Pattern:

D Major Scale Pattern

Name the type of scale for the Scale Pattern:

B flat Major Scale Pattern

Name the acending Major scale. Name the notes.

C Major scale
C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C

Name the descending Major scale. Name the notes.

D Major scale
D, C sharp, B, A, G, F sharp, E, D

Name the descending Major scale. Name the notes.

C Major scale
C, B, A, G, F, E, D, C

Name the ascending Major scale. Name the notes.

B flat Major scale
B flat, C, D, E flat, F, G, A, B flat

Name the descending Major scale. Name the notes.

G Major scale
G, F sharp, E, D, C, B, A, G

Name the ascending Major scale. Name the notes.

F Major scale
F, G, A, B flat, C, D, E, F

Listen and identify the direction of the Major scale as:
ascending or descending.

Listen and identify the direction of the Major scale as:
ascending or descending.

Listen and identify the direction of the Major scale as:
ascending or descending.

Listen and identify the direction of the Major scale as:
ascending or descending.

Listen and identify the direction of the Major scale as:
ascending or descending.

Listen and identify the direction of the Major scale as:
ascending or descending.

Name the Major scale with no sharps and no flats.
C Major scale
Name the Major scale with 1 sharp.
G Major scale - F sharp
Name the Major scale with 2 sharps.
D Major scale - F sharp, C sharp
Name the Major scale with 1 flat.
F Major scale - B flat
Name the Major scale with 2 flats.
B flat Major scale - B flat, E flat
Name the Tonic of the C Major scale.
Tonic - C

Name the Dominant of the C Major scale.
Dominant - G

Name the Tonic of the G Major scale.
Tonic - G

Name the Dominant of the G Major scale.
Dominant - D

Name the Tonic of the D Major scale.
Tonic - D

Name the Dominant of the D Major scale.
Dominant - A

Name the Tonic of the F Major scale.
Tonic - F

Name the Dominant of the F Major scale.
Dominant - C

Name the Tonic of the B flat Major scale.
Tonic - B flat

Name the Dominant of the B flat Major scale.
Dominant - F

Identify the missing Major key on the Circle of Fifths.

0 sharps, 0 flats - C Major

Identify the missing Major key on the Circle of Fifths.

1 sharp - G Major

Identify the missing Major key on the Circle of Fifths.

2 sharps - D Major

Identify the missing Major key on the Circle of Fifths.

0 sharps, 0 flats - C Major

Identify the missing Major key on the Circle of Fifths.

1 flat - F Major

Identify the missing Major key on the Circle of Fifths.

2 flats - B flat Major

Name the rest below the bracket.

quarter rest
Name the rest below the bracket.

whole rest
Name the rest below the bracket.

eighth rest
Name the rest below the bracket.

quarter rest
Name the rest below the bracket.

half rest
Name the rest below the bracket.

eighth rest
Count how many beats are in the measure.
Identify the Time Signature.

Two beats - the Time Signature is 2/4.

Count how many beats are in the measure.
Identify the Time Signature.

Four beats - the Time Signature is 4/4.

Count how many beats are in the measure.
Identify the Time Signature.

Two beats - the Time Signature is 2/4.

Count how many beats are in the measure.
Identify the Time Signature.

Four beats - the Time Signature is 4/4.

Count how many beats are in the measure.
Identify the Time Signature.

Three beats - the Time Signature is 3/4.

Count how many beats are in the measure.
Identify the Time Signature.

Three beats - the Time Signature is 3/4.

Count how many beats are in the measure.
Identify the Time Signature.

Four beats - the Time Signature is 4/4.

Count how many beats are in the measure.
Identify the Time Signature.

Two beats - the Time Signature is 2/4.

Count how many beats are in the measure.
Identify the Time Signature.

Three beats - the Time Signature is 3/4.

Count how many beats are in the measure.
Identify the Time Signature.

Two beats - the Time Signature is 2/4.

Count how many beats are in the measure.
Identify the Time Signature.

Three beats - the Time Signature is 3/4.

Count how many beats are in the measure.
Identify the Time Signature.

Four beats - the Time Signature is 4/4.

Look at the Time Signature. Name the missing rest.

quarter rest

Look at the Time Signature. Name the missing rest.

eighth rest

Look at the Time Signature. Name the missing rest.

whole rest

Look at the Time Signature. Name the missing rest.

eighth rest

Look at the Time Signature. Name the missing rest.

half rest

Look at the Time Signature. Name the missing rest.

quarter rest

Name the note an interval of a melodic 1 above the given note.

B to B

Name the note an interval of a melodic 2 above the given note.

G up to A

Name the note an interval of a melodic 3 below the given note.

E down to C

Name the note an interval of a melodic 4 above the given note.

E up to A

Name the note an interval of a melodic 5 below the given note.

G down to Middle C

Name the note an interval of a melodic 6 above the given note.

F up to D

Name the note an interval of a melodic 7 below the given note.

C down to D

Name the note an interval of a melodic 8 above the given note.

B up to B