5 - Major scales - 2 sharps & 2 flats Flashcards
Use this deck to learn how to identify Major scales, Major Pentascales & scale degree names and review Time Signatures & rests. Audio is included to supplement your learning. Master Your Musicianship Skills - Complete Lesson 5 of the matching Ultimate Music Theory Prep 2 Workbook to enhance your music theory training. UltimateMusicTheory.com
Explain the term Pentascale.
A Pentascale is a series of 5 notes (degrees) in a specific pattern of whole tones/whole steps and semitones/half steps.
A whole tone is also called a ____ ____.
whole step
A semitone is also called a ____ ____.
half step
Identify the Major Pentascale Pattern of whole steps and half steps.
whole step - whole step - half step - whole step
A half step is also called a _____.
A whole step is also called a ____ ____.
whole tone
Identify the Major Pentascale Pattern of whole tones and semitones.
whole tone - whole tone - semitone - whole tone
Name the notes of the C Major Pentascale.
C Major Pentascale - C, D, E, F, G
Name the notes of the G Major Pentascale.
G Major Pentascale - G, A, B, C, D
Name the notes of the D Major Pentascale.
D Major Pentascale - D, E, F sharp, G, A
Name the notes of the F Major Pentascale.
F Major Pentascale - F, G, A, B flat, C
Name the notes of the B flat Major Pentascale.
B flat Major Pentascale - B flat, C, D, E flat, F
Identify the degree name of the first note of a scale.
Identify the degree name of the fifth note of a scale.
Identify the degree name of the second note of a scale.
Identify the degree name of the fourth note of a scale.
Identify the degree name of the third note of a scale.
Explain the term Subdominant.
The degree name of the fourth note of a scale.
Explain the term Supertonic.
The degree name of the second note of a scale.
Explain the term Dominant.
The degree name of the fifth note of a scale.
Explain the term Tonic.
The degree name of the first note of a scale.
Explain the term Mediant.
The degree name of the third note of a scale.
Name the Roman Numeral for the first degree of a Pentascale.
Name the Roman Numeral for the second degree of a Pentascale.
Name the Roman Numeral for the third degree of a Pentascale.
Name the Roman Numeral for the fourth degree of a Pentascale.
Name the Roman Numeral for the fifth degree of a Pentascale.
Name the Tonic of the C Major Pentascale.
Tonic - C
Name the Dominant of the C Major Pentascale.
Dominant - G
Name the Tonic of the G Major Pentascale.
Tonic - G
Name the Dominant of the G Major Pentascale.
Dominant - D
Name the Tonic of the D Major Pentascale.
Tonic - D
Name the Dominant of the D Major Pentascale.
Dominant - A
Name the Tonic of the F Major Pentascale.
Tonic - F
Name the Dominant of the F Major Pentascale.
Dominant - C
Name the Tonic of the B flat Major Pentascale.
Tonic - B flat
Name the Dominant of the B flat Major Pentascale.
Dominant - F
Explain the term Major scale.
A Major scale is a series of 8 notes (degrees) in a specific pattern of whole tones/whole steps and semitones/half steps.
Identify the Major Scale Pattern of whole tones and semitones.
whole tone - whole tone - semitone - whole tone - whole tone- whole tone - semitone
Name the type of scale for the Scale Pattern:
C Major Scale Pattern
Name the type of scale for the Scale Pattern:
G Major Scale Pattern
Name the type of scale for the Scale Pattern:
F Major Scale Pattern
Name the type of scale for the Scale Pattern:
D Major Scale Pattern