5. Gastric Cancer, Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome, & Pyloric Stenosis Flashcards
What is the 5 year survival rate for localized stomach cancer?
How does gastric cancer spread?
Direct extension through the GASTRIC WALL and LYMPHATICS
What are the most common type of gastric cancer?
Type of cells in the cardia
Mucus secreting cells
Type of cells in the fundus and body of stomach
Mucoid, Chief, and Parietal Cells
Cells in the pylori
Mucus secreting cells and endocrine cells
30% of gastric cancers originate in the_______stomach, 20% in ________, and 40% in ___________.
Proximal third
What kind of fungus is a risk factor for gastric cancer?
What kind of blood type is a risk factor for gastric cancer?
Group A
Common symptom of gastric cancer
Postprandial fullness
A patient presents with palpable enlarged stomach with succession splash…….
Gastric Cancer
Which lymph nodes are generally enlarged in gastric cancer?
Virchow Nodes
Irish Nodes
Test used to evaluate the gastric wall, obtain a biopsy and establish lymph node involvement.
If you wanted to assess the tumor stage for preoperation what test would you use?
Metastatic ovarian nodules (tumor).
Krukenberg’s tumor
Periumbilical nodes (tumor).
“Sister Mary Jospeh node”
Metastasis to the peritoneal cul-de-sac (tumor)
Blumer’s shelf
What test would you use when obstructive sx are present?
Double-contrast upper GI series and barium swallows.
Tests used to evaluate for metastatic lesions.
Chest Radiography
Lab tests for Gastric Cancer
CBC-id anemia (found in 30% of pt’s b/c of bleeding)
CMP:used to characterize the patient’s clinical state
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA): inc. in 45-50%
Cancer Antigen 19-9: elevated in 20%
Stool occult blood test
Tx of gastric adenocarcinoma
Complete surgical removal of the tumor with RESECTION of adjacent lymph nodes (only chance of survival)
Cure rate for early lesions limited to the mucosa or submucosa in gastric adenocarcinoma
> 80%
What additional tx would you give to medically fit patients with potentially resectable tumors?
Preoperative chemo or chemoradiotherpy followed by surgery
Tx of choice for pt’s with DISTAL carcinomas.
Subtotal gastrectomy
What kind of gastrecomy is required for PROXIMAL tumors?
TOTAL or NEAR-TOTAL gastrectomy
What is the best form of palliation?
Reduction of tumor bulk
A relatively radioresistant tumor?
What can prolong survival in pt’s with adenocarcinoma?
Combo radiotherapy and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)
Probability of survival after 5 yrs for the 25-30% of pt’s unable to complete resection is 20% for _________and <10% for _______
What reduces the recurrence rate and prolongs survival in pt’s with gastric adenocarcinoma?
Combo chemo before and after surgery along with postoperative chemo with radiation therapy
What is the most frequent extranodal site for lymphoma?
The majority of gastric lymphoma’s are __________.
B Cell lymphomas
S/S of Gastric Lymphoma
- 6th decade
- Epigastric pain
- Early satiety
- Generalized fatigue
- Ulcers with a ragged, thickened mucosal pattern
What do you need to get to diagnose gastric lymphoma?
Is gastric lymphoma more treatable than adenocarcinoma?
First step in Tx for gastric lymphoma
Antibiotic tx. For H. Pylori
If a pt has. a lack of response to antimicrobial treatment during antibiotic tx for gastric lymphoma what would you consider?
Chromosomal abnormality
What is a highly effective therapy for gastric lymphoma?
CHOP + rituximab
What has led to a 5 yr survival rate of 40-60% in pt’s with localized high-grade lymphomas?
Subtotal gastrectomy with chemo
Also known as gastrinoma….
A pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor that secretes gastrin:
ZES causes: (2 things)
Gastric acid hypersecretion
Growth of the gastric mucosa (more parietal and ECL cells)
Where is ZES usually located?
Doudenal ulcers
A pt. presents with duodenal ulcers, a NEGATIVE H. Pylori test and chronic diarrhea……
The high acidity of chyme in intestines from ZES causes______and _______.
20-25% of pt’s with ZES have_______
Mutations of the MEN1 tumor suppressor gene at the ________
11q13 locals
What should you measure in pt’s with ZES?
-plasma ionized calcium, prolactin levels, plasma hormone levels
A patient presents with abdominal pain and GERD, diarrhea and weight loss. On exam you find epigastric tenderness and note dental caries. Stool samples show steotorrhia with some bleeding.
3 tests for diagnosis ZES
Fasting Gastrin Level
Basal Gastric Acid Output
Secretin Provocative Test
Results of Fasting Gastrin Level in ZES
Inappropriate fasting hypergastrinemia
Gastrin >1000 pg/mL
Results of Basal gastric acid output in ZES
Fasting pH< or = to 2 when OFF antisecretory drugs
Results of secretin provocative test
Positive-gastrin levels rise 120 pg w/in 15 min of injection
This test uses radioactive tracers to help locate tumors.
Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy
The most sensitive imaging modality for detection of primary or metastatic lesions.
Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy
This test is used to locate a tumor and evaluate for metastatic disease (less sensitive).
What test would you use if you wanted to look for duodenal ulceration and hypertrophy of gastric folds in pt’s with ZES?
What test would use if you wanted to localize the gastrinoma?
Tx for ZES
B 12 may be needed
Successful resection of gastrinoma results in :
Dec/ chance of liver metastasis.
Inc. disease-related survival rate.
What must you do in tx. for pt’s with MEN1 and ZES?
Must treat hyperparathyroidism for antisecretory drugs BEFORE MEDS
5-yr survival rate for pt’s WITH metastatic gastrinoma to the LIVER is _______with 10 yr_______
Newborn has projectile postprandial vomiting.
Pylori Stenosis
Age that vomiting begins in pyloric stenosis
Between 2-4 weeks
Risk factors for Pyloric Stenosis
Male Caucasian Premature Family Hx Smoking during pregnancy Erythromycin
What type of alkalosis do you see in pyloric stenosis?
Hypochloremic, hypokalemic, metabolic alkalosis
You see peristaltic waves from left to right and an oval mass on RIGHT UPPER abdomen?
Pyloric stenosis
The diagnostic tool of choice for pyloric stenosis?
What would you expect to find an ultrasound of a pt with pyloric stenosis?
Hypoechoic muscle ring > 4 mm with hyper dense center and a pyloric channel length >15mm
Immediate tx for pyloric stenosis.
Need to correct fluid looks, electrolytes and acid-base imbalance.
What kind of surgery is common in the tx pyloric stenosis?
RAMSTEDT pyloromyotomy
When can infants feed after recovery from anesthesia during surgery for pyloric stenosis?
4-8 hrs
Is it normal for pt’s to regurgitate after surgery for pyloric stenosis?
YES, worrisome if 5 days after
Pt’s with pyloric stenosis have 4x greater risk for developing_______
Chronic abdominal pain