5: Energy Transfers (Photo/Resp/E transfers & N. Cycles) Flashcards
Describe what happens during photoionisation in the light dependent reaction. [2]
- Chlorophyll absorbs light energy OR Light energy excites/moves electrons in chlorophyll;
- Electron/s are lost **OR ** (Chlorophyll) becomes positively charged;
- Accept electrons go to electron transport/carrier chain for ‘electrons lost’.
Describe the light dependent reaction [6]
- Chlorophyll absorbs light energy and excites electrons
- Electrons removed (Oxidation of chlorophyll) via photoionisation;
- Electrons move along carriers/electron transport chain** releasing energy** (Series of REDOX reactions)
- Energy released (by electrons) used to form proton (electrochemical) gradient;
- H+ ions diffuse through ATP synthase;
- providing energy to join ADP and Pi to form ATP; Photophosphorylation
- Photolysis of water produces 2 protons, 2 electrons and ½ oxygen; electrons regenerate chlorophyll.
- NADP reduced by electrons / electrons and protons / hydrogen;
Name the two products of the light-dependent reaction that are required for the light-independent reaction.
- ATP;
- Reduced NADP;
Accept: NADPH / NADPH2
Proton pumping to form a proton gradient is an example of active transport.
True or False
- Active transport requires ATP!
- Energy for proton pumping is from high energy electrons.
Describe the light independent reaction [6]
- Carbon dioxide combines/reacts with RuBP;
- Produces two glycerate (3- )phosphate/GP using (enzyme) Rubisco;
- GP reduced to triose phosphate;
- Using reduced NADP;
- Using energy from ATP;
- Triose phosphate converted to glucose / hexose / RuBP (ribulose bisphosphate) / other correctly named organic substance;
Where precisely is rubisco found in a cell?
Explain why scientists measure the rate of production of oxygen in this investigation. (Rate of photosynthesis) [2]
- Oxygen produced in light-dependent reaction;
- The faster (oxygen) is produced, the faster the light-dependent reaction.
Explain why plants that have more chlorophyll will grow faster than plants with less chlorophyll. [5]
- Have faster production of ATP and reduced NADP;
- (So) have faster / more light-independent reaction;
- (So) produce more sugars that can be used in respiration;
- (So) have more energy for growth;
- Have faster / more synthesis of new organic materials.
ATP is produced in the light dependent reaction, suggest why this is not their (plants) only source of ATP. [4]
- Plants don’t photosynthesis in the dark;
- Not all the parts of the plants photosynthesise;
- Plants require more ATP than is produced in the light dependant reaction;
- ATP used in Active Transport (accept other named processes)
Describe the effect of introducing a herbicide/inhibitor on the electron transport chain (4)
- Reduced transfer of protons across thylakoid membrane OR Reduced chemiosmotic gradient/proton gradient across thylakoid membrane;
- (So) less ATP produced;
- (So) less reduced NADP produced;
- (So) light-independent reaction slows/stops OR Less reduction of GP to triose phosphate;
When producing a chromatogram explain why the origin is marked using a pencil rather than ink.
- Ink and (leaf) pigments would mix
OR - (With ink) origin/line in different position
OR - (With pencil) origin/line in same position
OR - (With pencil) origin/line still visible;
While making a chromatogram, describe the method used to separate the pigments after the solution of pigment had been applied to the origin. [2]
- Level of solvent below origin/line;
- Remove/stop before (solvent) reaches top/end;
Suggest and explain the advantage to plants of having different colour pigments in leaves.
- Absorb different/more wavelengths of light for photosynthesis;
Explain the relationship between stomatal opening and photosynthesis. [2]
- Stomata allow uptake of carbon dioxide;
- Carbon dioxide used in / required for photosynthesis;
What is the equation to calculate the Rf value?
Distance pigment moved from origin / Distance solvent front moved from origin
Describe the process of glycolysis.[5]
- Phosphorylation of glucose using ATP;
- Oxidation of triose phosphate to pyruvate;
- Net gain of ATP;
- NAD reduced;
- Occurs within the cytoplasm
Describe the link reaction [4]
- Occurs in the matrix (mitochondrion)
- Pyruvate oxidised and decarboxylated into Acetate.
- Produces reduced NAD and CO2
- Acetate combines with coenzyme A to produce Acetyl co A
Reject ATP is formed.
NAD is a coenzyme. What is a coenzyme?
- NAD is a dinucleotide (derivative)
*Binds to with an enzyme to help catalyse a reaction - often refered to as a carrier molecule
Describe how oxidation takes place in glycolysis and in the Krebs cycle. [4]
- removal of hydrogen/dehydrogenation;
- by enzymes/dehydrogenases;
- Hydrogen accepted by NAD/reduced NAD formed;
- in Krebs cycle, FAD (used as well);
Water is a waste product of aerobic respiration.
Describe how water is formed at the end of aerobic respiration. [2]
- oxygen is terminal/final electron acceptor;
- combines with electrons and protons (to form water);
Explain how the amount of ATP is increased by reactions occurring inside a mitochondrion. [6]
- oxidation of/removal of electrons and H+ from pyruvate
- acetyl CoA / 6 carbon compound; (credit oxidative decarboxylation)
- substrate level production of ATP / ATP produced in Krebs cycle;
- production of reduced NAD / FAD (allow they take up hydrogen);
- **in matrix **of mitochondria;
- electrons fed into electron transport chain / used in oxidative
- (Electrons) pass along carriers/through electron transport chain/through series of redox reactions;
- Energy released as heat;
- Protons pumped into intermembrane space;
- ADP + Pi to ATP using ATP synthase
Describe the roles of the coenzymes and carrier proteins in the synthesis of ATP.
Describe the events of oxidative phosphorylation
- NAD/FAD reduced / hydrogen attached to NAD/FAD;
- H+ ions/electrons transferred from coenzyme to coenzyme/carrier to carrier (ETC on cristae of inner membrane)
- Energy released (from electrons) through series of redox reactions;
- Energy released used to pump H+/ protons into intermembrane space forming an electro-chemical gradient (of protons);
- H+/ protons flow back through ATP synthase to produce ATP from ADP and phosphate.
(some energy lost as heat)
In many mammals, ‘uncoupling proteins’ help to maintain a constant body temperature during hibernation.
Suggest and explain how.
- Allow passage of protons/H+;
- (Energy) released as heat;
The mitochondria in muscles contain many cristae. Explain the advantage of this. [2]
AO2 (More / Less)
- larger surface area for electron carrier system / MORE oxidative phosphorylation;
- provide MORE ATP / energy for contraction;
Give two reasons why the respirometer was left for 10 minutes when it was first placed in the water bath.
- Equilibrium reached;
- Allow for expansion (gases/liquids) /pressure change in apparatus;
- Allow respiration rate of seeds to stabilise;
In a respirometer why does the coloured liquid move to the left (towards the organism). [3]
- Oxygen taken up by organism
- Carbon dioxide absorbed by KOH
- Pressure/volume decreases inside
Apart from time, give two measurements a student would have to make to determine the rate of aerobic respiration of seeds in a respirometer in cm3 per hour.
- Distance liquid moves (cm)
- Diameter/radius of the tube (cm)
Explain why a log scale is used to record the number of cells/bacteria. [1]
- Large range/difference/increase in numbers;
- Accept reference to exponential (increase)
Explain why converting pyruvate to lactate allows the continued production of ATP by anaerobic respiration. [2]
- Regenerates NAD / Oxidises reduced NAD;
- (So) glycolysis continues;
Malonate inhibits a reaction in the Krebs cycle.
Explain why malonate would decrease the uptake of oxygen in a respiring cell.
- Less/no reduced NAD/coenzymes OR Fewer/no hydrogens/electrons removed (and passed to electron transfer chain);
- Oxygen is the final/terminal (electron) acceptor;
Explain why converting pyruvate to ethanol is important in allowing the continued production of ATP in anaerobic respiration. [2]
- allows NAD to be recycled / re-formed;
- so that glycolysis continues / so that (more) glucose can be converted to pyruvate
Give two ways in which anaerobic respiration of glucose in yeast is similar to anaerobic respiration of glucose in a muscle cell. [2]
- ATP formed / used;
- pyruvate formed / reduced;
- NAD / reduced NAD;
- glycolysis involved
Give two ways in which anaerobic respiration of glucose in yeast is different from anaerobic respiration of glucose in a muscle cell. [2]
- ethanol / alcohol formed by yeast whereas lactate by muscle cell;
- CO2 released by yeast but not by muscle cell;
Name the two substances produced by anaerobic respiration in humans.
- Lactate;
- ATP;
A: Pyruvate
B: Reduced NAD / NADH/ NADH2
C: Coenzyme A
D: Acetylcoenzyme A / Acetyl co A
Name 3 respiratory substrates
- Glucose
- Amino acids
- Glycerol
- Fatty acids
Define Biomass
- Mass of carbon (organic compounds)
OR - Dry mass of tissue per given area
Suggest what you should do to ensure all water is removed from a tissue / sample. [2]
- Regularly weigh and re heat (less than 100 °C to prevent combustion)
- Until mass is constant
Define: Gross Primary Productivity (GPP)
- Chemical energy store in plant biomass, in a given area or volume. (Rate of photosynthesis)
Define: Net Primary Production (NPP)
- Chemical energy store in plant biomass after respiratory losses to the environment have been taken into account. NPP= GPP - R
- NPP is available for new plant growth and reproduction OR available for other trophic levels in the ecosystem, such as herbivores and saprobionts.
- kJ ha–1 year–1 OR kJ km–2 year–1 OR kJ km–3 year–1
Define: Net production of consumers
N = I – ( F + R)
I represents the chemical energy store in ingested food;
F represents the chemical energy lost to the environment in faeces and urine;
R represents the respiratory losses to the
State the units for BIOMASS (in terms of productivity)
kJ ha–1 year–1
The percentage of the light energy trapped by the producers is very low. Give THREE reasons why.
- Reflected / absorbed by water vapour;
- Reflected from producers / wrong wavelength;
- Transmitted / passes between chloroplasts / does not strike chlorophyll / passes between plants / too few chloroplasts;
In natural ecosystems, most of the light falling on producers is not used in photosynthesis.
Suggest two reasons why.
- (Light is) reflected / Light energy is not absorbed
- (Light is) wrong wavelength / frequency.
- Accept reference to absorbing specified wavelengths/frequencies.
- (Light) misses chlorophyll / chloroplasts/ photosynthetic tissue;
- CO2 concentration or temperature is a limiting factor.
The biomass of primary consumers is less than the biomass of producers. Explain why. [4]
- Loss of energy / heat / use of energy for…. / less energy to be passed on;
- In respiration;
- In excreta / excretion / urine / carbon dioxide;
- Inedible parts / indigestible parts / egest/ egestion / to decomposers;
Describe how and explain why the efficiency of energy transfer is different at different stages in the transfer. [5]
- Some light energy fails to strike/is reflected/not of appropriate wavelength;
- Efficiency of photosynthesis in plants is low/approximately 1-3% efficient;
- Respiratory loss / excretion / faeces / not eaten;
- Loss as heat;
- Efficiency of transfer to consumers greater than transfer to producers/approximately 10%;
- Efficiency lower in older animals/herbivores/ primary consumers/warm blooded animals;
- Carnivores consume, digest & assimilate more of their food than herbivores;
Explain how the intensive rearing of domestic livestock increases net productivity. [5]
- Slaughtered when still growing/before maturity/while young so more energy transferred to biomass/tissue/production;
- Fed on concentrate /controlled diet /controlled conditions/so higher proportion of (digested) food absorbed/lower proportion lost in faeces / valid reason for addition;
- Movement restricted** so** less respiratory loss / less energy used;
- Kept inside/heating/shelter / confined so less heat loss / no predators;
- Genetically selected for high productivity;
Describe the need for plants to both photosynthesise AND respire [5]
- In the dark no ATP production in Light dependent reactions / photosynthesis;
- Some tissues unable to photosynthesise/produce ATP;
- ATP cannot be moved from cell to cell/stored;
- Plant uses more ATP than produced in photosynthesis;
- ATP for active transport of ions / sucrose;
- ATP for synthesis (of named substance);
Explain what is meant by the term carbon sink.
Not on spec (GCSE)
- Takes up / locks up / stores carbon / carbon dioxide (for a long time) / eq ;
- Named example e.g. peat / coal / limestone / trees / fossil fuel / chalk / shells / seagrass;
Explain what is meant by the term global warming.
Not on spec (GCSE)
- Increase in {temperature of earth’s surface / mean global temperature};
- Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas / due to an increase in greenhouse gases
- (Which) {trap / reflect back} {heat / long wave / infra red} (in the atmosphere) ;
- Reference to an {increased / enhanced} greenhouse effect ;
- Reference to valid {effect / consequence} e.g. melting ice caps, flooding, climate change ;
Describe the role of saprobionts in the nitrogen cycle. [2]
- (secrete enzymes to) decompose proteins / DNA / RNA / urea;
- Producing / releasing ammonia / ammonium ions;
Explain how carbon-containing compounds present in the pine leaves that fall from the trees are absorbed and used for growth by saprobionts/fungi that live in the soil. [5]
- extracellular digestion;
- by secretion of hydrolystic/digestive enzymes;
- absorption of digested/soluble products;
- synthesis of structural compounds/named compound;.
- respiration provides energy for growth (of saprobiont)
What are saprobionts?
- Fungi / Bacteria that
- Secrete extracelluar enzymes to digest large insoluble organic matter
- absorb monomers for assimilation / respiration
Nitrogen compounds in the plants are made available for the main crop after ploughing in spring.
Describe the role of microorganisms in this process.
- proteins/amino acids broken down;
- deamination/ammonification/ release of ammonium compounds;
- By saprophytes/saprobionts;
- conversion to nitrates via nitrites;
- by nitrifying bacteria/named bacterium (Nitrosomonas then Nitrobacter);
- Nitrates absorbed into roots via active transport
The scientists used units of μg g−1 for the concentration of ammonia in soil.
Suggest why, in this investigation, the scientists used these units.
- (μg because) very little ammonia (in soil);
- (μg because) avoids use of (lots of) decimal places (in their results) / avoids the use of powers of 10 / avoids the use of standard form /makes numbers more manageable / Accept makes easier to plot graph
- (g-1) to allow comparisons (between samples);
Give two examples of biological molecules containing nitrogen that would be removed when a crop is harvested.
- amino acid/protein/ polypeptide/peptide;
- nucleic acid/nucleotide/base;
- DNA;
- RNA / pre-mRNA / mRNA / rRNA / tRNA
- NAD/NADP (reduced or not);
- Cyclic AMP/cAMP;
- Chlorophyll;
Plants absorb a number of other nutrients from the soil including phosphates.
Describe why phosphates are needed by a growing plant. [3]
- production of DNA;
- production of RNA;
- production of NADP
- production of phospholipids;
- in cell membranes;
- synthesis of ATP;
Describe how a lack of phosphates in the soil surrounding a plant can affect its growth [4]
Potential essay link
- (Required to) make ATP/glucose phosphate, so less respiration/less energy for growth;
- (Required to) make nucleotides, so less DNA/mRNA/tRNA for cell division/production of protein (for growth);
- (Required to) make RuBP/NADP, so less CO2 fixed/reduced into sugar;
- (Required to) make phospholipids for membranes;
Outline the advantages of having Mycorrhizae
growth near plants
Essay link
- Mycorrhizae help plants to defend themselves (causing an increase in crop yield);
- Mycorrhizae help plants to take up nitrates/phosphates (causing an increase in crop yield);
You are given samples of water from three different rivers.
Describe how you would obtain a quantitative measurement of their cloudiness. [3]
- Use of colorimeter;
- Measure the absorbance/transmission (of light);
- Example of how method can be standardised eg same volume of water, zeroing colorimeter, same wavelength of light/filter, shaking the sample;
Describe the process of eutrophication. [5]
- Nitrates / Phosphates / Ammonium ions flushed into waterway (leaching)
- Increased algal bloom
- Light blocked out
- Submerged aquatic plant unable to photosynthesise and die
- Increase in saprobionts so increases rate of aerobic respiration
- Saprobionts / aero.resp organismsn die as lack of oxygen (anoxic conditions)
- Increase in anaerobic microorganisms that production of toxins.