5: Electrolysis Flashcards
Define electrolysis
breakdown of an ionic compound, molten or in aqueous solution, by the passage of electricity
what happens at anode in electrolysis?
- anode (+ve charge)
- attracts anions (-vely charged ions)
- anions are then oxidised (lose electrons)
Oxidation and Reduction
Oxidation - loss of electrons; adding oxygen
Reduction - gain of electrons; taking oxygen away
Why molten or in solution? [2]
ions can ONLY move in liquid state
the ELECTROLYTE can conduct electricity
what happens at cathode?
- cathode (-ve charge+
- attracts cations (+vely charged ions)
- cations are then reduces (gain electrons)
What are electrodes made out of?
Graphite, platinum(expensive)
- high melting point
- conducts electricity
- INERT (unreactive)
What is aluminium ore is called?
Al2O3 = aluminium oxide
Half equation at cathode of aluminium oxide
reduction or oxidation?
Al 3+ + 3e- ➝ Al (reduction)
Half equation at anode of aluminium oxide
reduction or oxidation?
2O2- ➝ O2 (g) + 4e-
What happens to oxygen? p/s
Problem: Due to high temp, the OXYGEN formed at the anode reacts with the ANODE forming CARBON DIOXIDE
- anode burns away
give 2 advantages of fuel cell over a gasoline-fuelled machine (2)
CELL: lightweight, quieter, fewer working parts/less maintenance, more efficient or less energy wasted or more energy produced,
SUSTAINABILITY: conserves a limited resource/petroleum/fossil fuels unlimited supplies of renewable resource(of hydrogen from water)
POLLUTION: No or less greenhouse effect
No or less acid rain
No or less toxic gases
No or less smog
POLLUTANTS: No or less C/soot No or less CO2 No or less CO No or less SO2 No or less oxides of nitrogen/NO/NO2/N2O4/NOx No or less (unburnt) hydrocarbons No or less low level ozone H2O is the only product
In an electrochemical cell, which electrode made from the more reactive metal, + or - ?
Explain why?
negative electrode
more reactive metals tend to lose their electrons more easily; these electrons make the electrode negative
equation for the reaction in a hydrogen fuel cell
O2 + 2H2 → 2H2O
hydrogen fuel cell: what happens at the negative electrode?
half equation, r/o, anode/cathode
H2 → 2H+ + 2e–
hydrogen fuel cell: what happens at the positive electrode?
half equation, r/o, anode/cathode
O2 + 4H+ + 4e– → 2H2O
Some electrochemical cells can be recharged if an external current is applied. What must happen in the cell for this to happen?
reactions in cell must be reversible
Describe the extraction of aluminium from alumina (Al2O3). Include the electrolyte, the electrodes and the reactions at the electrodes (6)
electrolyte alumina / aluminium oxide dissolved in molten cryolite (1)
use cryolite (acts as a solvent) to reduce melting point (1) electrodes carbon (1) aluminium formed at cathode / Al 3+ + 3e → Al (1)
oxygen formed at anode/2O2 → O2 + 4e (1)
anode burns/reacts to carbon dioxide/C + O2 → CO2 (1)
Chlorine is made by the electrolysis of concentrated aqueous sodium chloride.
Describe this electrolysis.
Write ionic equations for the reactions at the electrodes and name the sodium compound formed. (5)
hydrogen and chlorine / H2 and Cl2 (1)
At the anode(+): 2Cl- → Cl2 + 2e (1) chlorine is formed at anode(+)
At the cathode(-): 2H+ +2e → H2 (1) Hydrogen / H+ is formed at cathode(-) (1)
sodium hydroxide REMAINS IN SOLUTION (1)
2 Chemical reactions are always accompanied by an energy change.
(a) Aluminiumisextractedbytheelectrolysisofamoltenmixturewhichcontainsaluminium oxide, Al 2O3. This decomposes to form aluminium at the negative electrode and oxygen at the positive electrode.
i.Write an ionic equation for the reaction at the negative electrode. [2]
ii. Complete the ionic equation for the reaction at the positive electrode.
2O2– → ……. + ……. [2]
iii. Is the reaction exothermic or endothermic? Explain your answer. [1]
i. Al 3+ + 3e → Al
ii. 2O2- → O2 +4e
endothermic AND (electrical) energy supplied// more energy required to break bonds
uses of aluminium (2)
food containers / window frames / cooking foil / cars / bikes / drink cans
which ions are the easiest to discharge at +ve electrode?
if ions is
- higher in the reactivity series = H+ is discharged
- (sometimes) if concentrated metal = metal discharged
which ions are the easiest to discharge at -ve electrode?
halide ions (Cl-, Br-) = halide discharged -ve ions (NO3 -, SO4 2-, CO3 2-) = OH- discharged = O2 and H2O are formed