5 - Definitions Of Abnormality Flashcards
Statistical infrequency
In statistical terms behaviour is abnormal if it falls outside the range that is typical for most people
Example of statistical infrequency
68% of people have an IQ between 75 and 115. If someone’s IQ is outside this range they fall outside the range for most people and would be seen as abnormal by this definition
Evaluation for statistical infrequency
- Some disorders like depression are statistically frequent but are still considered abnormal
- This definition doesn’t take into account the desirability of behaviour. For example having an IQ above 130 is just as frequent as having an IQ below 70 but we wouldn’t think of this as something that is abnormal and needs treating
Deviation from social norms
This is behaviour that deviates (moves away) from the behaviour people in a society have defined as acceptable and normal
Example of deviation from social norms
Evaluation for deviation from social norms
- Cultural relativism - social norms vary between cultures and generations of people. This means different people see different things as abnormal and this can create problems for people that live in a different cultures than to where they’re from
Failure to function adequately
This is when a person is unable to lead a normal life or engage in normal behaviour
Example of failure to function adequately
When someone can’t keep a job or maintain relationships with the people around them they are said to be failing to function adequately
Evaluation for failure to function adequately
+ It attempts to include the patients perspective
- Subjective judgements. Someone has to judge whether a patient is distressed which means some people might be classed as abnormal and some not even if they have the same level of distress
Deviation from ideal mental health
Jahoda identified various factors that were necessary for ‘optimal living’. The presence of these factors indicates good psychological health
Example of deviation from ideal mental health
Some of the criteria are having no distress and being able to cope with stress
Evaluation for deviation from ideal mental health
- It sets an unrealistically high standard for mental health. For example most people experience stress some of the time and according to this definition this makes them abnormal. This means pretty much everyone is abnormal