5 Flashcards
Why is the sea level rising?
As air temperatures rise (due to climate change) the water in the oceans is warmed and expands. This process is called thermal expansion.
How bad will sea level get and how will it affect different places around the world
However, the annual rate of rise over the past 20 years has been 0.13 inches (3.2 millimeters) a year, roughly twice the average speed of the preceding 80 years.
How will climate change affect erosion/deposition?
sea levels to rise yet further — they are currently rising around 3 mm per year — and an increase in the frequency and magnitude of storm events.
How will climate change affect storm frequency, intensity, and storm surges?
Global warming has already doubled the risk of Hurricane Katrina-magnitude storm surges in the U.S., according to a new study published Monday.
Hard Rock engineering
Groynes-Stops longshore drift moving sediment along the coast
Sea wall-Reflects wave energy out to sea.Recurved shape focuses energy out to sea rather than undercutting the cliff.
Soft Rock engineering
Beach Replenishment-Adding sediment to a beach builds up the beach height. The beach absorbs wave energy and prevents waves breaking at the base of the cliff.
Slope stabilisation-Vegetation is planted by laying geo-meshes and planting grasses and shrubs