5-6 Flashcards
is a month-long celebration happening every month of May in Albay
Province. This festival is meant to honor Mayon Volcano’s beauty, with Magayon
meaning “always beautiful to look at.”
Magayon Festival
Bicol is surrounded by __________ and the most famous of them all is the majestic. This
serves as the main landmark of Albay province and considered to be the world’s most
perfectly formed volcano and as such, is protected as a Natural Park
7 mountains
Bicol is famous among Filipinos for its ________ food, while among travellers it’s best
known for its active volcanoes and the whale sharks of Donsol.
composer of Sarung Banggi when he was 17 years
Potenciano Gregorio Sr.
Contemporary writing has just began to burst with creative energy. The writers now
possess the courage to deal with big themes.
Francisco Penones, Jr.
poetic drama titled Daragang Magayon (Beautiful Maiden)
overturns the passive maiden in the legend and makes her decisive to do her part in
changing society.
Merlinda Bobis
her writings include an English translation of Mariano
Goyena del Prado’s cultural work “Ibalon: Ethnohistory of the Bikol Region” (Ibalon:
Monografia historica de la region bicolana) (1983); “Bikols of the Philippines” (1984);
“Bikol Dramatic Tradition” (1989);
Maria Lilia F. Realubit
poet, fictionist, translator, and filmmaker based in Bikol.
His books of poetry in three Philippine languages have won the Madrigal-Gonzales Best
First Book Award, the Philippine National Book Awards, and the Gintong Aklat Awards
(Golden Book Awards). As a translator, he has translated the works of Rainer Maria
Rilke, Jorge Luis Borges, Franz Kafka, and Oscar Wilde into Bikol and Filipino.
Kristian Sendon Cordero
oldest province in the country, it was originally known as “Minuro it
It is
profiled like a seahorse because of its appearance.
located between the islands of Panay and Negros
situated in the southeastern part of Panay Island
located in the northeastern part of Negros Island.
Negros Occidental
the “Heart of the Philippines”
“Sugarbowl of the Philippines”
Negros Occidental,
ILOILO takes its name from _________, the old name of the city of Iloilo, a tongue of
land that sticks out like a nose on the south of Iloilo River.
Istoryahan Ta Ka Uli, Kasingkasing Press, 2016, a collection of stories for older children
Alice Tan Gonzales
award-winning Filipino poet, fictionist, and author. Writing
in his native Hiligaynon language, he has won such prestigious literary contests
Peter Solis Nery
the King of
Hiligaynon Poets during the Golden Age of Hiligaynon Literature.
Augurio M. Abeto
was the first fellow for Hiligaynon Poetry of the UP National Writers Workshop.
Alain Russ Dimzon
a Filipino playwright
and author. He is famed for his deep involvement in theater and television and in children’s
literature, whether it be on television, in books or on stage.
Rene Villanueva