5 Flashcards
A system of circulation channels which covers a large area.
Planned unit development, a zoning designation which is used to achieve the cluster concept, including commercial and industrial as well as housing development.
heavy timber
Referring to construction in which fire resistance is obtained by using wood structural members of specified minimum sizes.
A superstructure on a roof, dome, or tower, glazed along its sides, which admits light to the area below.
An architectural style from 19th century France which encouraged the eclectic adaptation of French Renaissance features.
An ornamental garden arrangement.
The study of the interaction between humans and machines.
A surface decoration using intricate flowing lines and geometric patterns.
systems analysis
The methodical evaluation of an activity to determine its basic purposes and how these purposes may be realized most efficiently.
Serving to reveal or disclose; stimulating interest in order to encourage further investigation.
effective temperature
A fictitious temperature which would produce the same physiological effect as the combined effects of temperature, humidity, and air movement.
A building used for baptismal services.
grade crossing
The intersection of a railroad and a road at the same elevation.
Having fire-resistive protection as specified in the applicable building code.
highest and best use
The most profitable use of a parcel of land.
A building with corridors radiating from a central point, which can be observed by a person located at that point.
walk-up apartment
An apartment above the ground floor in a building which has no elevator.
A sun-dried clay brick, used in the Southwest.
The maximum number of vehicles per lane that can pass a given point in one hour under ideal conditions.
dry well
A pit, usually filled with coarse stone, into which water is conducted for leaching out into surrounding soil.
eminent domain
The right of the state to take private property for public use, with reasonable compensation paid to the owner.
A legal claim on property as security for money owed.
Describing cement, mastic, or roofing material which contains asphalt as a principal ingredient.
ring road
A circumferential or loop roadway around an urban area or development.