2 Flashcards
water cycle
The general pattern of movement of the water on, under, and above the earth.
finish grade
The elevation of the ground surface after completion of all work.
street-front pattern
A common housing pattern in which houses and apartments line both sides of the street.
fire-resistive construction
Construction to resist the spread of fire, as specified in the applicable building code.
air rights
The rights to the use or control of the airspace above a property.
The length of a lot line along a street or other public way.
Extreme contrast between light and dark in the visual field, which can cause discomfort.
access right
The right of an owner to have ingress and egress to and from a property.
The surface flow of water from an area.
The configuration of the surface features of an area of ground.
single-family house
A dwelling unit comprising an isolated structure on its own plot of ground.
urban renewal
A process of public intervention in the development of an existing urban area, in which a public agency, acquires ownership of property and administers its resale for development to mainly private owners.
The relative measurement of an object, with reference to the dimensions of the human body.
Describing cone-bearing evergreen trees and shrubs, such as pine, spruce, for, and cedar.
A circular space covered by a dome.
double glazing
Two sheets of glass with an air space between, to insulate against the passage of heat or sound. Also called insulating glass.
The point at which two streets come together or cross.
A parcel of land.
The relationships of the sizes of building elements.
conforming use
Lawful use of a building or lot that complies with the provisions of the applicable zoning ordinance.
Trees having green leaves throughout the year, as opposed to deciduous.
The three-dimensional expanse, generally enclosed by building elements, which accommodates human activity.
occupant load
The total number of persons that may occupy a building or portion thereof at any one time.
An entrance.
Trees which shed their leaves annually, as opposed to evergreens.
row house
One of a continuous row of houses having a uniform plan and appearance and often sharing party walls.
A compound used to seal the joint between two materials or surfaces.
A three-dimensional volume that has density and bulk.
urban ecology
The study of the relationship between people and the urban environment in which they live.
The European movement, extending from the 14th to the 17th century, in which classic architecture was reintroduced and became the basis for a new style.
court pattern
A housing pattern in which units face into a common open space.
The behavior by which an organism, human or animal, lays claim to an area and defends it against members of its own and other species.
A two-story apartment or house containing two separate dwelling units, either side-by-side or one above the other.
Capable of serving the purpose for which it was designed.
fair housing
Nondiscrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing.
The division of vacant land into smaller parcels to be used as sites for individual buildings, together with public rights-of-way affecting these sites.
Aesthetic equilibrium produced by the proportioning of the elements of a building.
A statement supporting or helping to support a conclusion.
An underground pipe or drain used to carry off rain water (storm sewer) or waste matter (sanitary sewer).
The French term for the columns that raise a building off the ground, as used by Le Corbusier.