5 Flashcards
what two bodies fill the power gap created after the tsars abdication?
-the provisional government(made up
largely by kadets and other liberal party’s)
-the petrograd soviet(mensheviks and non party socialist intellectuals)
notable members of the pg just after the feb revolution?
-prince lvov(pm)
-karensky(minister of justice(he was socialist))
-milyukov(foreign minister)
what did the soldiers do to the soviet?
on Wednesday the 1st march they went to the soviet to demand representation they gained the famous order number one and the soviet was renamed the soviet of workers and soldiers deputies
what does order one do?
-makes the pg unable to pass laws unless approved by the soviet
-forbade officers from using and being in possession of weaponry
-titles such as “your honour” to become “my general”
what was the soviet like after order one?
-large(had lots of representatives of the different factory’s and regiments)
-they elected an executive committee to make decisions
-they had a large amount of power over the provisional government due to order one and the fact that they were not legitimate (they were self elected) and stopped right wing press to avoid undoing the revolution
-they censored right wing press to stop the pg from undoing the revolution
what were the early accomplishments for the provisional government?
-the release of political prisoners
-recognition of trade unions
-8 hour working day
-replacement of the okrana with the people’s militia
-granted civil and religious freedom
-elections of a constituent assembly
Who headed the bolshevik party before lenin’s return in april 1917?
-stalin and kamenev
-they took an anti lenin approach arguing that they should negotiate a peace in the war and cooperate with the provisional government and that it was ‘possible and desirable’ for the bolshevik’s to restore links with the Mensheviks, this was called accomodationism
-in lenin’s ‘letters from afar’ he urged the conversion from the world war to a class war and that soldiers should turn against their officers
-these orders were ignored
when did lenin return and what was his return like?
-3rd april 1917
-he was greeted at the station with a band, flowers and red flags and banners
-he then made a speech to both the people and the bolshevik party known as the april theses
why was lenin against the soviet?
this would result in cooperation which lenin was against but also it would result in peace which meant that russia would be less likely to have a marxist revolution
why did germany assist lenin’s return?
they hoped that it would agitate the political state of russia and cause them to have to withdraw from the war allowing them to focus on the western front
why was“peace land and bread” and “all power to the soviets” effective?
-3 things that the nation wants that the provisional government failed to provide
-therefore it would sway people’s opinions to become more anti provisional government
what were the opposing views of the war in the pg and ps?
PS-revolutionary defensisism which was invented by Tseriteli which called for the fast negotiation of peace in order to protect the revolution
PG-they wanted to fight until there was a victory due to patriotism and keeping war credits and access to warm water ports promised by the war
what was the milukov crisis?
-Paul Milukov sent a secret telegram to the allies to order them to ignore revolutionary defensivism which was obviously intercepted and then leaked to the public and people started to riot in petrograd
-prince lvov put his foot down and remanded milukov and added revolutionary’s to the pg (victor chenov became minister of agriculture)
what was the effect of the milukov crisis?
it caused the pg and ps to be less likely to willingly collaborate with each other and left those ministers moved into the pg to the “dustbin of history”
what happened in the reshuffle of the cabinet after the milukov crisis after milukovs resignation?
Alexander Karensky became war minister