5 Flashcards
the process of adjustment to actual or expected climate and its effects. in human systems, adaptation seeks to moderate or avoid harm or exploit beneficial opportunities. in some natural systems, human intervention may facilitate adjustment to expected climate and its effects
intentionality and substantiality of adaptation
the distinction of different adaptation types can be made when looking at the intentionality and the substantiality of adaptation
intentionality: the extent to which policies are designed or changed to manage cc impacts, reduce vulnerability, or enhance adaptive capacity. cc impact is a starting point
substantiality: policy should contribute to reducing cc vulnerability or benefit from cc opportunities
key concepts of adaptation governance
- solution space
- limits and barriers to adaptation
- autonomous or planned adaptation. (autonomous: extentions or intensification of existing risk-management or production-enhancement activities. planned adaptation: deliberate, planned measures, based on climate projections. often focussed on the long term
- mainstreamed or dedicated adaptation policy. mainstreamed: closer to sectoral policy practice, ownership of the problem, but difficult to see opportunities and trade-offs. dedicated: coherent and consistent, ensures timely action, but is its own policy field with problems
- incrementalism, transitions and transformation
incremental change: same thing, but better. transition: new technology, structure and culture. transformation: new values, relations, identities and institutions - maladaptation: adaptation interventions result in increased vulnerability
governance of adaptation
interactions between public and/or private entities ultimately aiming at the realization of collective goals (e.g. reduce climate risks, take advantage of opportunities)
governance dilemma’s require…..
governance arrangements –> an ensemble of rules, processes and instruments that structure the interactions between public and private actors to realize collective goals for specific issues
scales, levels, and issues
cross-scale issues: mismatch between scale of a problem and the scale of which it is governed
cross-level issues: interplay between different levels on a scale
cross-scale and cross-level linkages
local social-ecological systems are nested in bigger ones
- understanding the scale of the problem (at what scale is the problem apparent, how does it link to lower/higher levels)
- understanding the scale of governance systems (who is steering at different levels, which actors and institutions are dealing with the problem at different levels, how are the levels on a scale linked?)
why do you want to solve a scale mismatch and what are strategies to do so
you want a governance system that is tailored to specific places and situations, and supported by, and working with various organizations at different levels
strategies to solve scale mismatch
- decoupling levels on the problem scale (keeping a local problem local)
- remodelling the governance scale (moving levels up/down the scale, creating/removing levels, shifting responsibilities across levels)
- linking levels on a governance scale (matching cross level interactions in the problem scale with cross level interactions in the governance scale