5:1 The first wave - behavioral psychotherapy Flashcards
Name three psychologists whose work provided the essential foundation for a new behavioral approach to therapy.
Skinner most directly influenced the US tradition. Which methods did he use and what was his approach known as?
Operant conditioning methods (rather than conditioning - UK).
Reinforcement (rather than extinction - UK).
Known as behavior modification.
Where were operant conditioning methods most widely applied?
In psychiatric institutions.
In institutions for people with severe learning disabilities or with dementia.
Places where behavioral problems were common.
What types of reinforcers did operant conditioning psychologists apply?
Positive and negative reinforcers to humanely increase the frequency of a positive or desired behavior and to reduce the negative behaviors.
Describe the three-term model used in operant approaches.
The discriminative stimulus –> the behavior –> the reinforcer.
How was the three-term model defined in behavior modification?
The Antecedent stimulus –> The Behavior –>
The Consequence or outcome.
(ie. ABC model)
The outcome = the reinforcing event that maintained the behavior.
It was often difficult to identify provoking stimulus and the specific consequences, so operant methods struggled to find the best ways to produce behavior changes.
What technique was developed in response to that?
Applied behavioral analysis.
Today is also called functional analysis or functional assessment.
Termed “functional” because of the assumption that the behavior has a specific function or purpose.
What are two broad categories of functional behavior?
- To obtain or access something positive.
2. To avoid or escape something negative.
If behavior is a result of loud noise or a distressing stimulus and the behavior is reduced by removing the person from that situation, which approach from the ABC model is used?
The antecedent approach (A).
Removing the high level of noise or distress (the antecedent) leads to a reduction in behavior.
An individual uses behavior to achieve a goal because they lack alternative ways to achieve it. They are provided a new skill that improves their ability to communicate their needs. This skills-based approach is which approach from the ABC model?
Behavior-based approach (B).
Someone is screaming to get attention, but no attention is given and the screaming eventually stops. Which approach is this from the ABC model?
Consequence-based approach (C).
Hard to apply. Once the consequence is not enforced, all the hard work is undone.
Recall the partial reinforcement schedule: if the person gets reinforced every 10th time they behave in a certain way.
Must be a continuous reinforcement schedule to be effective.
The TREA approach, or Treatment Routes for Exploring Agitation, provides staff with possible causes of agitation and suggests interventions to reduce the behavior by introducing new positive consequences or taking away negative ones. What is the main aim of this approach?
To put the person at the center of the approach.
It is less about managing the problem behavior and more about addressing the individual’s basic needs.
Premack’s Principle states that frequent chosen behavior can be used as…
…a reinforcer to alter another behavior.
A behavior, chosen frequently, is itself reinforcing.
Eg: A high frequency preferred behavior (watching tv) can be used to increase frequency of a less preferred behavior (eating cabbage).
Eg. Letting people with schizophrenia only sit when working, otherwise they had to stand.
When are Premack’s Principles typically used in current days?
When obvious reinforcers are hard to find.
What principle of reinforcement involves using token economy methods?
The principle of secondary reinforcement.
Name four primary influencers of the British tradition of behavior therapy
- Cover-Jones - behavioral psychotherapy was a direct descendant of her work
- Watson
- Pavlov
- Hull
What methods did British behavior therapists use?
Classical conditioning (rather than operant - US)
Extinction (rather than reinforcement - US)
US behaviorists’ target for treatment was changing behavior. That tradition is known as:
Behavior modification.
British behaviorists targeted emotions - addressing emotional distress, fear, anxiety, worry. That tradition was known as:
Behavior therapy.
True or false: Experiments in classical conditioning in animals show that the conditioned response usually persists forever.
False. It tends to extinguish when a conditioned stimulus ceases to be paired with the unconditioned stimulus.
Mary Cover-Jones worked with little Peter, who feared fluffy white rabbits even though he had no history of interacting with them. Give a few terms for describing Peter’s fear.
Conditioned stimulae.
Transferred fear.
Generalized conditioned response.
Behavioral genetics.
Cover-Jones used a “degree of toleration” approach for presenting the rabbit to Peter in a systematically ordered stage of change. What would that approach be called today?
Stimulus hierarchy – Wolpe.