5 -08 2nd Alarm Dispatch And Radio Flashcards
What is the procedure for dispatching vehicles to 2nd alarms or greater without causing interference on the operational channel of the incident?
a) Vehicles are dispatched via the Station Alerting system and the operational channel simultaneously.
b) Vehicles are dispatched via the Station Alerting system and a channel not being used for the incident.
c) Vehicles are dispatched via phone calls to individual units.
d) Vehicles are dispatched via email notifications.
What action should the dispatcher take if units to be dispatched are already on the air when issuing a 2nd alarm?
a) Proceed with the dispatch on the operational channel.
b) Have them switch to the appropriate channel before making the dispatch announcement.
c) Wait until the units are off the air to make the dispatch.
d) Cancel the dispatch.
After dispatching the vehicles, what action should the dispatcher take regarding the operational frequency of the call?
a) Remain on the dispatch channel for updates.
b) Return to the operational frequency and inform the Incident Commander of the responding vehicles.
c) Proceed with dispatching additional units.
d) Contact other nearby departments for assistance.
What information should the dispatcher provide to the dispatched crews?
a) Only basic information regarding the location of the incident.
b) No information is necessary, crews will receive it upon arrival at the scene.
c) All appropriate/pertinent information available.
d) Only information relevant to their specific unit.
What is the protocol for crews once they have been dispatched to a 2nd alarm or greater?
a) Immediately switch to the operational channel and transmit updates.
b) Wait until contacted by the Incident Commander before switching channels.
c) Acknowledge the dispatch and switch to the operational channel to monitor only.
d) Disregard the dispatch and await further instructions.
Whose responsibility is it to ensure adherence to the standard operating guideline by all staff in the Communications Centre under their supervision?
a) Incident Commander
b) Communications radio operator
c) Communications Officer
d) Vehicle Officer
What is the responsibility of the Communications radio operator regarding transmitting information to assigned vehicles?
a) Transmit only basic information.
b) Ensure no information is transmitted until vehicles switch to the operational channel.
c) Ensure all appropriate/pertinent information is transmitted to the assigned vehicles before they switch to the operational channel.
d) Transmit information only upon request from the crew.
Whose responsibility is it to confirm dispatch information before switching to the operational channel for monitoring purposes?
a) Incident Commander
b) Communications Officer
c) Vehicle Officer
d) Suppression Officer