24-02 Hazmat Incidents Flashcards
What is the primary purpose of the guideline regarding hazardous material incidents?
a) To outline workplace regulations
b) To provide definitions for hazardous materials
c) To establish a guideline for personnel in the event of a hazardous material incident
What does the guideline assume regarding critical information about a hazardous material incident?
a) All information is readily available
b) Personnel are already equipped with hazmat suits
c) Critical information has been forwarded to personnel
According to the scope, what types of incidents may be considered hazardous material incidents?
a) Only incidents involving weapons of mass destruction (WMDs)
b) Only incidents related to manufacturing compounds
c) Incidents involving anything from manufacturing compounds to household items to WMDs to CBRN incidents
What should personnel be aware of regarding the incident scene they are responding to, as mentioned in the scope?
a) The specific chemicals involved
b) Whether hazmat response is initially required or not
c) The evacuation routes in the area
What is the definition of Hazardous Materials (Hazmats) according to the guideline?
a) Chemicals or physical agents regulated under WHMIS only
b) Chemicals or physical agents regulated under TDG only
c) Chemicals or physical agents regulated under WHMIS and TDG legislation
What is the recommended action upon recognition of a hazardous materials incident, as per Guideline 1.1?
a) Continue working in the immediate area
b) Leave the immediate area, initiate a hazmat response, and conduct a hazard/risk analysis
c) Wait for further instructions from the incident commander
According to Guideline 2.1, what is the recommended approach direction when possible?
a) Downwind and downhill
b) Upwind and uphill
c) Downwind and uphill
What consideration should be made regarding the initial placement of apparatus, as per Guideline 2.2?
a) Proximity to the nearest hospital
b) Beyond the evacuation distance as referenced in the Emergency Response Guide
c) Close to the hazardous material source
What factor may change the evacuation distances, as mentioned in Guideline 2.2?
a) Arrival of law enforcement
b) Arrival of the hazmat team
c) Arrival of additional apparatus
What is the significance of CBRN incidents, as mentioned in the scope?
a) They are excluded from the hazardous materials incidents
b) They involve only biological and radiological agents
c) They encompass chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear incidents
In the event of an unexpected hazardous material incident, what should personnel initiate, according to Guideline 1.1?
a) Fire suppression
b) Hazmat response
c) Evacuation procedures
What does Guideline 2.2 suggest regarding the initial placement of apparatus?
a) Close to the hazardous material source
b) Beyond the evacuation distance as referenced in the Emergency Response Guide
c) At the main entrance of the facility
What should personnel conduct upon recognition of a hazardous material incident, according to Guideline 1.1?
a) Evacuation only
b) Hazard/risk analysis only
c) Leave the immediate area, initiate a hazmat response, and conduct a hazard/risk analysis
According to the Definitions & Acronyms section, what legislation regulates Hazardous Materials (Hazmats)?
a) Environmental Protection Act (EPA)
b) Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) and Transportation of Dangerous Goods and Regulations (TDG)
c) Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA)
What is the general guideline for the initial placement of apparatus, as stated in Section 2.3?
a) Always on the property of the incident
b) Off the property of the incident, restricting vehicle access
c) As close to the road as possible
Under what circumstance is an exception made for the initial placement of the apparatus on the property, according to Section 2.3?
a) In the case of a small building
b) When the building is set back from the road
c) When the building is easily accessible from the road
What action should Fire Control take, according to Section 2.4, upon the arrival of the first apparatus?
a) Direct a company representative to bring coffee
b) Direct a company representative to bring necessary information and meet the first arriving apparatus
c) Instruct the first arriving apparatus to leave the scene immediately
Where will responding outside agencies be directed, as mentioned in Section 2.5?
a) The cold zone
b) The hot zone
c) The warm zone
In Section 3.1, what action should be taken by personnel of the first arriving apparatus?
a) Establish a coffee station
b) Determine the hot, warm, and cold zones and announce them over the radio
c) Direct traffic around the incident
What is emphasized in Section 3.2 regarding civilians at the scene?
a) Ignore civilians
b) Make all reasonable attempts to have civilians removed from the area
c) Encourage civilians to take photos of the incident
According to Section 3.4, what information should personnel gather upon the first arriving apparatus?
a) The number of vehicles at the scene
b) The type of Hazmat involved, casualties, and actions taken
c) The weather conditions at the scene
What is recommended in Section 3.5 regarding the expertise of employees and subject matter experts?
a) Disregard their input
b) Rely solely on their assessments
c) Utilize their expertise in their assessments
What action should be taken to protect on-scene personnel and civilians, as per Section 3.6?
a) Ignore the situation and continue assessments
b) Isolate and/or evacuate the scene as required, using City of Brampton Transit, neighboring buildings, and remote locations
c) Call for additional personnel
What factors should be considered in a hazard/risk analysis for a rescue into the hot zone, according to Section 3.7?
a) Only the length of the rescue
b) How great the risk, how long the rescue will take, and the patient’s chances of survival
c) Only the patient’s chances of survival
In the absence of the Hazmat Team, what should be established before entry is made, according to Section 3.8?
a) A medical triage area
b) A coffee station
c) A decontamination area using a charged 45mm line and personnel dressed in bunker gear and SBCA
In Section 3.9, what types of assistance can be requested beyond the usual scope in a hazardous material incident?
a) Company representatives
b) Region of Peel Spill Control
c) Ontario Spills Action Centre
e) All of the above
According to Section 3.10, what responsibilities does the first arriving officer undertake until delegated to another individual?
a) Incident Commander
b) Hazmat Sector Officer (HSO)
c) Entry Officer
d) Decon Officer
What action should personnel take according to Section 3.11?
a) Keep information to themselves
b) Relay pertinent information to incoming apparatus and personnel as quickly as possible
c) Await further instructions from the Incident Commander
According to Section 3.12, what role should personnel play after the Hazmat team arrives?
a) Observe from a safe distance
b) Provide additional hazard information
c) Assist the Hazmat team
In Section 4.1, who is designated as the Hazmat Sector Officer (HSO)?
a) Any firefighter on the scene
b) The Incident Commander (IC)
c) A qualified person, either a Hazmat Technician or Senior Team Member
What positions shall the IC designate in consultation with the HSO, as mentioned in Section 4.2?
a) Hazmat Sector Officer and Decon Officer
b) Entry Officer and Safety Officer
c) Incident Commander and Entry Officer
According to Section 4.4, what should the IC consult with the HSO for regarding the incident?
a) Evacuation distances
b) Hazmat team equipment
c) Needs and requirements of the sector
How should the IC determine the priority order for evacuations, as mentioned in Section 4.4?
a) Alphabetically
b) Based on the number of exposures
c) Using wind, lay of the land, flow of streams, etc.
What action should the IC take regarding clean-up responsibilities, according to Section 4.7?
a) Assume full responsibility for clean-up
b) Consult with the HSO
c) Delegate clean-up responsibilities to fire personnel
What competent agencies can be considered for transferring incident responsibility when clean-up is not completed by Brampton Fire and Emergency Services personnel, according to Section 4.8?
a) Region of Peel Spill Control
b) Ontario Spills Action Centre
c) A clean-up company or a company representative
d) All of the above
What action is recommended in Section 4.9 for individuals who have received a direct (unprotected) exposure during a hazardous material incident?
a) Ignore the exposure
b) Document the exposure and continue working
c) Ensure they receive medical attention
According to Section 4.10, how should waste products, including spilled hazardous materials and decon water, be disposed of?
a) According to the Hazmat Sector Officer’s discretion
b) According to Peel Environmental Control or Ontario Spills Action Centre direction
c) Left on-site for the responsible party to handle
Section 5.1, what is the role of the Hazmat Sector Officer (HSO) regarding nonessential personnel in danger zones?
a) Remove them immediately
b) Consult with the IC to determine/confirm the actions required to remove them
c) Ignore their presence
What role can the HSO appoint personnel to, as mentioned in Section 5.2?
a) Entry Officer
b) Research and Information Sector
c) Safety Officer
According to Section 5.3, when should the HSO advise the IC regarding protection in place?
a) Never
b) Only if the HSO deems it necessary
c) Based on consultation with the IC
What factors should the HSO consider when determining hazards and risks, as mentioned in Section 5.6?
a) Only the hazardous nature of the materials
b) Only the quantity of the Hazmat
c) The hazardous nature of the materials, including toxicity, flammability, reactivity, quantity, containment system, type of stress applied, and level of available resources
What action does the HSO direct in Section 5.7 if the hazardous material cannot be identified?
a) Wait for identification
b) Consider a worst-case scenario
c) Ignore the unidentified material
According to Section 5.8, when is it necessary for the HSO to designate an entry team?
a) In every hazardous material incident
b) Only if the Hazmat Team is unavailable
c) If required, based on the circumstances
Prior to Hazmat personnel entering the hot zone, the HSO shall ensure that:
a) The Entry Officer is prepared
b) The Decon Officer is prepared
c) The Safety Officer has been briefed and consulted
d) A Medical Sector has been established and/or Paramedics are on scene
All the above
What is one of the responsibilities of the HSO, as stated in Section 5.10?
a) Conducting hazard assessments
b) Advising the IC of conditions and operations within the hot zone
c) Coordinating evacuation plans
What responsibility does the HSO have regarding the decontamination area, according to Section 5.11?
a) Supervising entry operations
b) Ensure proper Operation of the decontamination area
c) Ensuring proper staffing in the hot zone
The Entry Officer shall be responsible for:
a) All aspects of entry into the hot zone
b) Ensuring proper PPE is chosen
c) Ensuring proper donning of PPE
d) Ensuring entry and back-up teams are established with a minimum of two (2) personnel
e) Ensuring that back-up teams are in place prior to entry of personnel
f) A plan is in place and has been communicated to the entry and back-up teams
g) Direct communications with the entry team
h) Relays communication from entry team to HSO and IC
i) Reports to the HSO
j) Briefed by the HSO as to assignments of entry teams
k) Organizes and assigns all persons designated to the entry sector
l) Over sees the recon team, entry team, backup team, and RIT
m) Responsible for the overall tasks of those assigned to enter the HOT zone
n) Recommends actions to be taken by the entry teams to mitigate the situation
o) Maintains communications with the Safety, Decon, and HSO
p) Tracks time on air for entry teams
q) Maintains a log for all personnel assigned to the entry sector
all the above
The Decon Officer shall be responsible for:
a) Reports to the HSO
b) Briefed by the HSO as to assignments of entry teams
c) Organizes and assigns all persons designated to the decon sector
d) Selection of decontamination level
e) The decontamination area is properly prepared
f) Ensuring decon is properly performed
g) Ensuring proper doffing of PPE
h) Ensuring proper handling of all contaminated equipment and clothing
i) Maintains communications with the Safety, Entry, and HSO
All the above
The Safety Officer shall be responsible for:
a) Reports to the HSO
b) Ensures zones are established and communicated to on-scene personnel
c) Ensures zones are marked and guarded as required (Peel Regional Police may be utilized)
d) Briefed by the HSO as to assignments of all sectors
e) Ensures identification and analysis of products of involved has been completed and communicated to the HSO
f) Ensures a hazard risk analysis has been completed
g) Maintains communications with the Entry, Decon, and HSO
h) Overall scene safety
All the above
The Information Sector shall be responsible for:
a) Conducting any research required
b) Coordinate with 3rd party’s (Canutech, etc)
A & B
What action should personnel avoid in areas that may be contaminated, according to Section 10.1?
a) Eating, drinking, smoking, chewing gum, or voiding
b) Talking loudly
c) Using electronic devices
According to Section 10.2, what should personnel who have potentially been exposed to a hazardous material avoid until after decontamination?
a) Talking to others
b) Eating, drinking, smoking, or voiding
c) Performing physical exercises
When can personnel and/or apparatus be considered back in service, as stated in Section 10.3?
a) Immediately after the incident is resolved
b) After the HSO and the IC are satisfied that a thorough decontamination has taken place
c) When the shift ends
What is recommended in Section 10.4 to determine if decontamination clean-up procedures are adequate?
a) Consulting with chemical specialists and/or subject matter experts
b) Relying on personal judgment
c) Ignoring the need for consultation
According to Section 10.5, what should be done with waste material?
a) Burn it on-site
b) Capture it in an over-pack drum, seal it, and leave it on scene for third-party vendor clean up crews
c) Dispose of it in regular trash bins
What precaution is advised in Section 10.6 when washing and drying equipment and PPE?
a) Wash and dry equipment and PPE in any area with running water
b) Wash and dry equipment and PPE in a well-ventilated area, wearing appropriate PPE
c) Ignore the need for precautions
According to Section 10.7, how should bunker gear exposed to contaminants be handled?
a) It can be brought into a station without any special treatment
b) It should be treated as outlined in SOG 26-04
c) It should be disposed of immediately
What action is recommended in Section 10.8 if clean-up procedures are not considered effective?
a) Ignore the issue and continue using the equipment
b) Treat clothing and equipment as still contaminated
c) Dispose of the equipment in regular trash bins