4WD Flashcards
Tow is max of trailer weight and and what it can pull
Tonge weight is weight pressing down on hitch and roughly 10%. You have to account for it on pay load. If balanced right, tounge weight is 10-15% of trailer and weight. 9000 would be 900.
Story of pulling boat out of water
Everything in vehicle pressing down on suspension.
Tongue weight
Curb weight
Weight of vehicle in empty condition but full of fuel and fluids.
No passenger No driver No cargo With fuel and fluids full With vehicle with all standard equipment
Gross vehicle weight rating
Total weight you can safely carry on truck including truck
Curb weight plus payload
Curb weight
Weight of vehicle
Driver and passengers
Cargo the same can safely handle
Gross combined weight rating
All you need to know is towing capacity and payload. Customer needs to know what trailer weights. And they will if they are serious.
Where do you find all this information?
Pocket source
GVWR is also in the door jam
EShowroom has a towing and payload calculator.
SR5 4WD crew max (8363)
Tow capacity is 9800 pounds.
In Ford’s world they would make it 12,000 for F150. When tundra came out ford changed it and nothing changed on their truck.
8000 pound trailer
Should truck pull it? Yes but depends.
What is payload? Capacity 1575. (People stuff and tongue) -800 (tongue) = 775
Man 210
Wife 130
Kid 90
Kid 70
=225 payload capacity left
What’s left to account? Cargo, tent, snacks,
*youre under tow capacity but you are close to your capacity.
Bumper pull trailer
Goose neck
About 25% of weight goes on truck
Can to axel ratio (real world concern:
5th wheel doesn’t work on a crew max period.
Modification is possible, but if it causes a problem with truck, causes problems with warranty.
We didn’t pull the number out of our butt
100 degrees
Does Eco boost claimed to tow 11,000 went into a fail safe and shut down