4th Year Haematology Flashcards
2 causes of Microcytic anaemia?
Iron deficiency
What causes macrocytic anaemia?
Failure of nuclear maturation, failure to get smaller
2 causes of Macrocytic anaemia?
B12 and folate deficiency
What is the most common cause of macrocytic anaemia?
Prenicious anaemia
2 conditions associated with pernicious anaemia?
Atrophic gastritis and hypothyroidism
2 anti bodies seen in pernicious anaemia?
Anti gastric parietal cell anti bodies
Anti intrinsic factor
What is given as the treatment for pernicious anaemia?
What causes koilonychia?
Iron deficiency anaemia
What sort of anaemia is seen in anaemia of chronic disease?
Mild normocytic anaemia
Ferritin normal or increased
What is sideroblastic anaemia?
Microcytic, ineffective erythropoiesis, congenital or x linked
Cause of howell jolly bodies?
Post splenectomy and hyposplenism
Teat Drop red cells?
Extramedually haemopoiesis, myelofibrosis
Cause of Macrocytosis without anaemia?
What does a positive direct anti globulin test mean?
Immune cause of haemolysis
Heinz bodies?
G6PD deficiency
Bite cells?
G6PD deficiency
How is G6PD deficiency inherited?
X linked
How is hereditary spherocytosis?
Auto soma dominant
Target cells?
Hyposplenism, iron deficiency
Intravascular haemolysis
What is the most common cause of thrombophilia?
Factor V leiden
3 features of von willebrand management?
Tranexamic acid
Factor VIII concentrate
What virus causes a sickle cell aplastic crisis?
Philadelphia chromosome - 9:22?
Reed steenburg cells?
Hodgkins lymphoma
Most common cause of hodgkins lymphoma?
Nodular sclerosing
Best prognosis - hodgkins lymphoma?
Lymphocyte rich
Worst prognosis - hodgkins lymphoma?
Lymphocyte depleted
What type of lymphoma is associated with EBV?
Burkitts lymphoma