4th Book 1st Checkup Flashcards
According to the United States Constitution, the ______ is empowered to establish the various Federal courts.
a. Legislative
b. Executive
The framers of our Constitution envisioned a relatively _____ judicial branch (as compared with the other two branches).
(strong, weak)
“The authority to try cases and controversies according to the law and in accordance with
procedures recognized by the letter and the spirit of the law,” is a definition of ______.
a. jurisdiction
c. Judicial Review
b. finality of decision
d. judicial power
judicial power
What is the only Federal court specifically established by the Judicial Article of the United
States Constitution?
The Supreme Court
What qualifications for Federal judges does the Constitution demand?
No qualifications
Which article of the Constitution delineates the mechanism of choosing Federal judges?
Article III
“Controversies” are ____
a. civil
c. both civil and criminal
b. the Executive Article
b. criminal
d. neither civil nor criminal suits.
Which clause of the national Constitution has served as the authority for expanding the
Scope of Federal jurisdiction in admiralty and maritime cases?
Commerce clause
List two types of water-related cases which fall under Article III, Section 2, Paragraph a, Clause 5:
Cases involving the diversion and/or the depletion of water and
Cases involving the pollution of waterways
Federal jurisdiction in “diversity cases” is based on _____.
a. subject matter
b. parties involved
c. both subject matter and parties involved
d. neither subject matter nor parties involved
parties involved
Which court is the “court of last resort”?
The Supreme Court
Name two types of appellate jurisdiction:
Appeal, Certiorari
What two fundamentally important guarantees are made in Article III, Section 2, Paragraph c?
The guarantee of trial by jury,
The guarantee that a case will be tried in the state in which the offense occurred.
List the primary responsibilities of the United States Supreme Court:
To interpret the Constitution, to hear cases appealed to it, to decide the constitutionality of a legislation enacted by congress and/or the individual state legislatures, to determine the constitutionality of presidential actions and those of other Federal officials.
An individual being tried in a Federal court may elect to refuse trial by a jury of his peers.
(True or false?)
Identify each of the following, whether “treason” or “sedition”:
(a) An overt and usually violent act of rebellion against one’s country or the person of
that nation’s sovereign:
(b) The inciting of others, as in speaking or writing–may involve some degree of violence,
but does not include a provable overt act:
Treason, Sedition
In what three ways was a traitor to be punished under ancient English Common Law?
Hanged, disemboweled, quartered.
List three overt acts constitutionally defined as treason against the United States:
Levying war against the United States, adhering to their enemies, giving aid and comfort to enemies.
List the only two means whereby a conviction for treason may be obtained in a Federal
The individual accused of the crime makes a full confession in open court or two witnesses testify to the same overt act.
Who or what institution has been empowered to set the limits of punishment which can
be imposed upon a conviction of treason against the United States?
What does the term “attainder” mean?
The loss of Rights and properties of a person convicted of a capital crime.