3rd Book 1st Checkup Flashcards
What are the two most basic features of the United States Constitution?
A union predicated on the concept of federal republicanism, A political system stressing separation of powers with concomitant checks and balances.
Humanly speaking, each branch of our federal government derives its authority from the other two other branches. (True or False.)
The Legislative assembly under the articles of confederation functioned in the capacity of the _____ , but with the power of neither.
Executive and Legislative
Most of the delegates to the constitutional convention thought in terms of a _______ national executive.
Who was the first American president to expand executive authority by use of “implied powers”?
George Washington
The basic issue of executive authority _______ settled during the impeachment trial of Andrew Johnson. (was, was not)
Was not
The case of Myers vs. U.S., 272 U.S. 52 (1926) was decided in favor of _______ .
Implied powers
There are currently how many amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
Name the only President to serve more than two terms:
Franklin Roosevelt
If a man serves 731 days of his predecessor’s term as President, he himself is eligible for
how many more elected terms?
At the Constitutional Convention, who chaired the Committee on Postponed Matters and Unfinished Business?
Roger Sherman
Which of the possible methods of electing the President received the least consideration at the Constitutional Convention?
Direct election by the populace
The delegates to the Constitutional Convention believed that the Electoral College system was a protection for the interests of the states. (small, large)
If the Electoral Vote for the Vice-Presidency ended in a tie, ______ would choose the Vice-President.
The senate
In the first United States presidential election, George Washington received _______ per cent of all Electoral votes cast.
Name the first two American political parties:
Federalists and Anti-Federalists
Give the final disposition of all six official lists of the men receiving votes from the Electoral College:
One goes to the President of the United States Senate by registered mail.
Two are delivered to the secretary of state of their own state.
Two are conveyed by registered mail to the administrator of general services.
One goes to the Federal District Judge of the district in which the electors have met.
List the three constitutional qualifications for a United States President:
Must be natural born citizen.
Must be at least 35 years old.
Must have resided within the states for at least 14 years.
Article II, Section 1, Paragraph e, of the United States Constitution, confers ______ of President upon the Vice-President who fills a presidential vacancy.
Authority but not the title.
How many Presidents of the United States have vacated the office before the end of their elected term?
Who illegally and unconstitutionally assumed the role of Acting-President during Woodrow Wilson’s disability?
Edith Wilson
If a man holds an executive office which is in the line of presidential succession, he may become Acting-President even if he does not have the three constitutional qualifications to be elected President. (True or false?)
May a President’s salary be raised or lowered during his term of office? (Yes or no?)
What is the total remuneration that the President currently receives each year?