4.9 - Anti-viral agents Flashcards
What is a virus?
- viruses are infectious obligate intracellular parasites
- reliant on host machinery
- genome comprises DNA or RNA
- within an appropriate cell, the viral genome is replicated and directs the synthesis, by cellular systems, of more viral components and genomes
- the components affect the transport of replicated viral genomes through the environment to new host cells
- viruses seen through electron micrographs of negatively stained viruses
- viruses are small - 10nm to 1um
Non-enveloped and enveloped viruses
- non-enveloped viruses have a symmetrical protein capsid as their outside layer e.g. adenovirus, picornavirus, calicivirus
- enveloped viruses have a lipid envelope derived from host membrane as an outside layer - can be pleiomorphic (e.g. measles virus) or typical shape (e.g. Ebola virus)
- some viruses have a combination of capsid (tegument) and envelope like herpes
What is the central dogma of molecular biology?
- DNA is transcribed into RNA, and RNA is translated into proteins
- significant for viruses as some have an RNA genome but use reverse transcriptase to convert it into DNA in cell
- some viruses carry RNA in negative sense - complementary strand of mRNA –> must convert negative sense back into complementary copy (positive sense) which is then translated by ribosome, in order to translate genome into a protein
What are the consequences of the viral genome type?
- RNA viruses and retroviruses use their own polymerase to replicate, which lack proof reading capacity leading to high mutation rate
- RNA viral genome are limited in size due to inherent instability of RNA vs DNA –> largest RNA viruses are coronaviruses –> RNA viruses often use complex coding strategies to make more proteins than expected from a small RNA genome e.g. overlapping reading frames = different proteins
- DNA viruses have genomes up to 100s kb = plenty of room for accessory genes that can modify the host immune response –> these genes often lost in passage in culture
- segmented genomes (physically discrete sections of nucleic acid encode different genes) allow an additional easy form of recombination called reassortment, but also impose more difficult packing strategies –> influenza has 8 different RNA segments, rotavirus has 11
Generic virus replication cycle
- virus has protein in its capsid/envelope that attaches onto a specific virus receptor on host cell membrane
- capsid falls away –> nucleocapsid remains, exposing viral genome
- genome replicated –> mRNA –> proteins –> assembly
- host cell tends to die as pathways recognise that the cell is infected (but virus can still spread to other cells)
HIV replication cycle
- fusion of HIV to the host cell surface - engages with receptor
- virus and host cell fuse and contents released into cell - HIV RNA, reverse transcriptase, integrase and other viral proteins enter the host cell
- viral DNA formed by reverse transcription
- viral DNA transported across the nucleus and integrates into host DNA using integrase
- new viral RNA is used as genomic RNA and to make viral proteins
- new viral RNA and proteins move to the cell surface and a new, immature HIV forms
- virus matures by protease, releasing individual HIV proteins and virus budded out of cell
Influenza replication cycle
- flu virus attaches via glycoproteins and glycolipids on surface
- cell takes in viral particle by endocytosis
- virion fuses with endosome lipids to release the 8 RNA negative sense segments
- they enter the nucleus where RNA-dependent RNA polymerase copies them into mRNA and replicates them into new genomes
How do we investigate viruses in the laboratory?
- cytopathic effect (death of cell caused by virus) - usually a result of the virus lysing the cell
- could be due to the shut down of host protein synthesis or accumulation of viral proteins
- viruses form plaques in cell monolayers - virus kills a bunch of cells in the middle of the layer
- syncytia - viruses with surface proteins that can fuse at neutral pH often fuse cells together - measure of syncytia is also a measure of how many viral particles were there
What are the different ways we can detect/diagnose viruses?
- detecting viral genome - PCR, RT-PCR
- detecting viral antigen - IFA, ELISA
- detecting virus particles - EM, HA
- detecting virus cytopathic effect in cultured cells (virus isolation)
- detecting antibodies to virus (serology) - useful for counting how many people infected during outbreak
How can viruses be manipulated?
- virus genomes are so small they can be synthesised
- when introduced into permissive cells, the cells think they have been infected by the virus and are driven to synthesise components of new viruses which are made de novo
- this allows reverse genetics - the creation of viruses at will with engineered mutations in their genomes
Why are viruses so difficult to control?
- since they are intracellular parasites, a lot of how they work is completely dependent on host cell machinery which we cannot target, or we will harm the infected person
- this means it is hard to achieve a therapeutic index - ratio between how much drug you have to use in order to control the virus : the amount that makes a person feel ill from the side effects of the drug
- we need selectivity and specificity to find processes the virus does which the host cell does not
- only a few effective antivirals exist (whereas there are many effective antibiotics, as bacteria function very differently to human cells)
- e.g. in bacteria, ribosomes and cell walls are different, but viruses use our own ribosomes and lipid cell membranes
What are targets for antiviral drugs?
- viral enzymes –> increased understanding of viral structure and components can lead to rational drug design
- others act as nucleoside analogues to inhibit / interfere with nucleic acid replication, but need to achieve some element of specificity for the viral polymerase (so our own DNA is not affected)
- some drugs target specific viral factors - directly acting antivirals - usually specific for a particular virus and so their use must be coupled with appropriate diagnostics
What is acyclovir?
- best example of an antiviral agent with specificity
- nucleoside analogue that looks like guanosine but the bottom half of the molecule is missing, so 3’ hydroxy group is not there for other nucleosides to attach to –> it is a chain terminator
- lack of 3’ hydroxy group prevents phosphodiester bond formation which is essential for growing the chain
Where does acyclovir’s specificity come from?
- it is only activated inside virus infected cells
- given to patients as a pro-drug in unphosphorylated form - all nucleosides need to be triphosphorylated to be used in DNA/RNA chains
- specificity largely due to phosphorylation of acyclovir (ACV) to acyclovir monophosphate (ACVMP) by virus-encoded thymidine kinase
- human thymidine kinases cannot do this first phosphorylation so we can take as much ACV as we want and it will not harm healthy cells
- subsequent phosphorylation to acyclovir triphosphate (ACVTP) by cellular enzymes
- ACVTP has higher affinity for viral DNA polymerase than for host cell polymerase
- resistance to ACV is rare but would most likely be caused by mutation in thymidine kinase in a way it can no longer phosphorylate ACV
What is remdesivir?
- analogue of adenosine, causes chain termination 3 nucleotides downstream of incorporation as it twists the shape of the growing DNA/RNA molecule so new nucleotides cannot be added downstream
- developed against hepatitis C
- tested against Ebola but didn’t meet endpoint
What qualities do we need for antivirals against influenza?
- target a unique and essential gene or function of the virus
- be effective against a range of influenza types and strains
- be easy to administer even to very sick patients
- few side effects for compliancy
What different antivirals exist against influenza? - Adamantanes
- e.g. amantadine, rimantadine
- cyclic amines with bulky, cage-like structures
- by-products of petroleum refinement
- active only against influenza A - target the M2 ion channel which sits in viral membrane along with HA and NA proteins and allows protons from acidic environment of endosome (when virus is in it) into core of virus particle which disrupts interactions between M1 matrix protein and nuclear protein which holds virus together –> triggers uncoating of virus and release of genome into cell
- if amantadine is sitting in M2 channel, protons cannot enter virus = virus locked inside endosome
- resistance to amantadine can occur due to a single point mutation in M2 ion channel e.g. S31N = amantadine can no longer bind
- single point mutation has little cost to fitness, resistant virus is virulent and transmissible
- most H3N2 circulating viruses are resistant, many H5N1 are too from overuse in poultry industry, swine flu pH1N1 2009 emerged already carrying S31N
What different antivirals exist against influenza? - Neuraminidase inhibitors
- NA (aka sialidase) cleaves sialic acid so the virus does not remain stuck on cell membrane
- NA inhibitor stops this = virus cannot be released to infect other cells
- e.g. Tamiflu, Relenza
- NAIs shorten illness by 17h in adults, 29h in children
- 4% associated with nausea and vomiting
- halved risk of death for swine flu if started within 48h of symptoms
- seasonal H1N1 viruses acquired transmissible Tamiflu resistance in 2007/8
- the positive of the swine flu pandemic = it displaced the 4 seasonal influenzas that had accumulated NAI resistance = those 4 are still susceptible to NAIs
What different antivirals exist against influenza? - Baloxavir
- new drug made because scientists figured out structure of influenza viral polymerase which has a subunit called PA (acidic polymerase) endonuclease
- Baloxavir inhibits this subunit
- the drug decreased viral shedding which may interrupt transmission
- resistance is conferred by single point mutations encoding PA e.g. 138T
- mutation has been observed in H3N2 after treatment with the drug in children in Japan
What is hepatitis C?
- hepatotropic flavivirus that spread widely in 70s in blood products before screening was put in place
- 170 million people are chronically infected and 4% develop hepatocellular carcinoma
- for >20 years therapy relied on interferon treatment with ribavirin which was only effective (produced sustained virological response - SVR) in 50% patients infected with most common genotype 1 of the virus, and had unpleasant side effects
What different antivirals exist against hepatitis C?
- different drugs target different processes
- some have been completely cured of hep C with these drugs as part of their recovery
- not all strains are susceptible to these - these drugs have been made more to target strains in the Western world - in Africa and East there are still strains that aren’t susceptible to these
- e.g. protease inhibitors, NS5A, NNPI, NS5B polymerase inhibitors
What different antivirals exist against HIV?
- HIV is a retrovirus so integrates its genomic material into host cell DNA so there are always reservoir cells in HIV patients that carry the viral DNA, even if they take those antivirals against it
- only 2 people in the world that we know have been cured –> Timothy Brown, the Berlin patient
- both of these had leukaemia so got bone marrow transplants –> doctors transferred marrow from naturally HIV resistant people with a mutation in CCR5 coreceptor gene = CCR5 not expressed = HIV cannot enter new cells
- examples of antivirals - co-receptor antagonists, fusion inhibitors, NRTIs&NNRTIs, InSTIs&ALLINIs, protease inhibitors
What are biologicals?
- passive immunotherapy - antibodies taken from recovered individuals, or produced from immortalised B cells
- Palivizumab against RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) for infants - humanised monoclonal antibody from mice against F protein of RSV = reduced RSV hospitalisation by 55%
- improved monoclonal antibodies against pre-fusion RSV F protein in trials
COVID-19 treatment
What drugs didn’t work?
- ribavirin
- chloroquine
- HIV drugs lopinavir and ritonavir
What else is being tried?
- remdesivir - nucleoside analogue, trials not showing amazing results
- favipiravir
- M protease inhibitors - coronavirus encodes its own protease which can be targeted
- dexamethasone - steroid
- tocilizumab - IL6 biological antibody
Future for antiviral therapy?
- new antiviral therapies that target the host
- combinations of drugs with different targets - combination therapy reduces risk of developing resistance
- broad acting antivirals
- delivery systems suitable for target population e.g. oral > IV
- diagnostics to justify antiviral use