2.10 - Extracellular Matrix Flashcards
What is the extracellular matrix?
- the ECM is a complex network of proteins and carbohydrates filling spaces between cells
- comprises both fibrillar (fibre-making) and non-fibrillar (non-fibre making) components
- deposited by cells (notably fibroblasts)
- after being deposited it becomes immobilised outside cells and fills spaces between cells
- like a cellular glue
Key functions of ECM
- provides physical support
- determines mechanical (architectural role) and physiological properties of the tissues (influences cell behaviour during development)
- influences the growth, adhesion and differentiation status of the cells and tissues with which it interacts
- essential for development, tissue function and organogenesis
Connective tissues
- made of ECM material and the cells, fibroblasts and occasional macrophage
- particularly rich in ECM
- contain a distinct spectrum of collagens, multi-adhesive glycoproteins and proteoglycans (ECM components), together with a cellular component
Many varieties of ECM component exist: - collagens: type I, II, III (fibrillar), type IV (basement membrane, non-fibrillar)
- multi-adhesive glycoproteins: fibronectin, fibrinogen, laminins (basement membrane)
- proteoglycans: aggrecan, versican, decorin, perlecan (basement membrane)
- each matrix component is able to interact with the cellular components via specific cell surface receptors
The varied properties of connective tissue
- different types and arrangements of collagen, with the presence of absence of different ECM components, gives a wide variety of connective tissues with varied properties
- tendon and skin - tough and flexible
- bone - hard and dense
- cartilage - resilient and shock-absorbing
Human disorders resulting from ECM abnormalities
- gene mutations affecting matrix proteins
- osteogenesis imperfecta - type 1 collagen
- Marfan’s syndrome - fibrillin 1
- Alport’s syndrome - type IV collagen (a5)
- epidermolysis bullosa - laminin 5 (in all 3 chains)
- congenital muscular dystrophy - laminin 2 (a2 chain) - gene mutations affecting ECM catabolism
- aka mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs) - inability to degrade GAGs
- Hurler’s syndrome - L-a-iduronidase - fibrotic disorders due to excessive ECM deposition
- liver fibrosis - cirrhosis
- kidney fibrosis - diabetic neuropathy
- lung fibrosis - idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) - disorders due to excessive loss of ECM
- osteoarthritis
- family of fibrous proteins found in all multicellular organisms
- major proteins in bone, tendon and skin
- most abundant proteins in mammals
Alignment of collagen fibrils: - skin - successive layers nearly at right angles to each other (one layer longitudinal, next layer cross-section)
- mature bone and cornea - same arrangement
- these tissues resist tensile force in all directions
Molecular arrangements of collagen fibres
- 28 collagen types exist in humans (roman numerals)
- 42 genes encoding collagens in humans
- each collagen molecule comprises 3 alpha chains, forming a triple helix
- type I collagen has chains from two different genes - [a1(I)2][a2(I)] - heterotrimer
- types II and III collagen have only one chain type - [a1(II)]3 and [a1(III)]3 - homotrimer
- triple helix - three alpha chains form a stiff triple helix structure - characteristic gly-x-y repeat
- x is often proline, y is often hydroxyproline
- every third position must be occupied by glycine as it is small enough to occupy the interior (H side chain = simplest AA, allows it to pack closely)
- one alpha chain –> three alpha chains –> collagen fibril –> collagen fibre
Collagen biosynthesis (fibrillar)
- all newly synthesised collagen chains have non-collagenous domains at N- and C- termini
- these domains are removed after secretion in the case of fibrillar collagens, but remain part of the collagen in most other types
- procollagen –> collagen –> fibril formation –> cross-linking (increases tensile strength)
- fibrillar collagen biosynthesis: pro-alpha-chains synthesised as longer precursors by ribosomes attached to the ER, then these undergo a series of covalent modifications and fold into triple-helical procollagen molecules, before their release from cells
- then, converted into collagen molecules
- excess collagen production can lead to fibrotic diseases e.g. alcoholic liver cirrhosis, fibrotic lung
Covalent cross-links in collagen
- cross-linking provides tensile strength and stability
- both lysine and hydroxy-lysine residues are involved
- the type and extent of cross-links is tissue specific and changes with age
- prolyl and lysyl hydroxylases require Fe2+ and vitamin C - contributes to interchain hydrogen bond formation
- lysine and hydroxylysine are also modified in the formation of covalent cross-linkages - takes place only after collagen has been secreted
- vitamin C deficiency results in under-hydroxylated collagens, with dramatic consequences for tissue stability (scurvy)
Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS)
- Ehlers-Danlos syndromes are a group of inherited connective tissue disorders whose symptoms include stretchy skin and loose joints
- several disorders arise due to mutations in collagen, which negatively affect collagen production, collagen structure and collagen processing
Non-fibril forming collagens
- type IV collagen is a network-forming collagen and is present in all basement membranes, though its molecular constitution varies from tissue to tissue
- in this network, molecules can associate laterally between triple-helical segments as well as head-to-head & tail-to-tail between the globular domains to give dimers, tetramers and high order complexes
- type IV collagen molecules assemble into a sheet-like network - essential component of basement membranes
- uncleaved N and C terminals interact to form dimers –> tetramers –> network (through rotary shadowing)
Basement membranes
- aka basal laminae
- flexible, thin mats of ECM underlying epithelial sheets and tubes
- surround muscle, peripheral nerve and fat cells and underlie most epithelia
- sit above a network of connective tissue
- highly specialised ECM containing a distinct repertoire of collagens, glycoproteins and proteoglycans
- made of type IV collagen and laminin
- apical = top, basal = bottom
Diabetic nephropathy
- in kidney - form a key part of filtration unit (glomerular basement membrane)
- in diabetic nephropathy, there is an accumulation of ECM leading to a highly thickened basement membrane
- this restricts renal filtration and can lead to renal failure
Alport syndrome
- mutations in collagen IV result in an abnormally split and laminated glomerular basement membrane which is associated with a progressive loss of kidney function (and also hearing loss)
- laminins are heterotrimeric proteins - alpha chain, beta chain, gamma chain - cross shaped molecule
- large proteins with each chain having a large molecular weight
- multi-adhesive proteins (can bind to various matrix components and cell surface receptors) which can interact with a variety of cell surface receptors including integrins and dystroglycan
- can self-associate as part of the basement membrane matrix, but can also interact with other matrix components e.g. type IV collagen, nidogen and proteoglycans
Laminin-a2 deficiency in muscular dystrophy
- LAMA2 gene encodes laminin-a2
- forms a heterotrimer which polymerises with laminin-B1 and laminin-y1
- fails to interact with a7B1 integrin and a-dystroglycan that are required for adhesion and basement membrane assembly
- congenital muscular dystrophy can arise from absence of the a2 chain in laminin 2
- lack of laminin-a2 manifests as progressive muscle weakness and degeneration - symptoms include hypotonia (decreased muscle tension), a generalised weakness and deformities of the joints
Elastic fibres and elastin
- elastic fibres provide elasticity to tissues
- found in skin, blood vessels and lungs
- made up of an elastin core and surrounding microfibrils rich in the protein fibrillin
- elastin is a small protein arranged in a random coil, with alternating hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains
- hydrophilic domains contain lysine residues which are cross-linked during the formation of mature elastin
Fibrillin-1 mutations - Marfan’s syndrome
- integrity of elastic fibres depends on microfibrils which are made of fibrillin
- Marfan’s syndrome has diverse manifestations, involving primarily the skeletal, ocular and cardiovascular systems
- aberrant thickening of the aortic with fragmentation and disarray of elastic fibres
- individuals can be predisposed to aortic ruptures
- family of closely related glycoproteins of the ECM which are also found in body fluids
- can exist as either an insoluble fibrillar matrix or as a soluble plasma protein
- the basic unit is a 500kD dimer which is disulphide linked
- different domains are discrete sites for binding to different things
- fibronectins interact with cell surface receptors and other matrix molecules
- fibronectins regulate cell adhesion and migration in embryogenesis and tissue repair
- fibronectins important in wound healing, helping promote blood clotting
- form a mechanical continuum with the actin cytoskeleton of many cell types - link ECM and actin
- integrin receptors at the cell surface provide the linkage between the matrix and the actin cytoskeleton - fibronectins bind multiple ligands and cell receptors e.g. collagen fibres, actin filaments
- proteoglycans are core proteins with attached glycosaminoglycan (GAG) chains
- GAG chains are made of repeating disaccharides
- sulfation / carboxylation can increase negative charges = attract cations –> water is sucked into ECM
Main GAG varieties: - hyaluronan (directly from enzyme - other three synthesised and attached to core proteins in ER and Golgi)
- chondroitin sulfate / dermatan sulfate
- heparan sulfate
- keratan sulfate
Some proteoglycan families are grouped by their structural and functional characteristics: - basement membrane proteoglycans e.g. perlecan
- aggregating proteoglycans (interact with hyaluronan) e.g. aggrecan
- small leucine-rich proteoglycans e.g. decorin
- cell surface proteoglycans e.g. syndecans 1-4
- found in ECM of soft connective tissues
- directly from enzyme embedded in plasma membrane
- does not have a core protein, simply an unsulfated carbohydrate chain made of repeating disaccharides
- can undergo a high degree of polymerisation
- can occupy a large volume
- found in highly viscous tissues e.g. vitreous humour of eye, and synovial fluid of joints
- key role in protecting cartilaginous surface from damage
- aggrecan is a major constituent of the cartilage extracellular matrix
- perfectly suited to resist compressive forces
- under compressive load, water is given up, but regained once the load is reduced
- GAGs are highly sulfated and large numbers of carboxyl groups, increasing their negative charge = attracts cations = osmotic effect (large quantities of water retained by environment)
- osteoarthritis (OA) is the leading cause of lower extremity disability in older adults
- erosive disease resulting in loss of ECM via degradation
- aggrecan cleavage by aggrecanases and metalloproteinases
- aggrecan filaments lost to synovial fluid
- cushioning properties of cartilage over the end of bones are lost