48.3 Generation of Action Potential: A Closer Look Flashcards
how does action potentials convey information about signal strength?
the frequency with which a neuron generates action potentials can vary in response to input
-differences in action potential frequency convey information about signal strength
action potential
- gated ion channels change membrane potential
- voltage ion channel open in response to change in membrane potential
- voltage ion channel creates further deplorization
- threshold
- action potential is triggered
Sodium channels vs potassium channels
sodium: open first - initiate the action potential
when action potential proceeds, the sodium channels become inactivated
and remains inactivated until membrane returns to resting potential and channels close
potassium: open slower -
remain open and functional throughout the action potential
at resting potential most voltage gates sodium channels are closed
-most voltage gated potassium channels are closed
-stimulus depolarizes the membrane