47) Control and abnormalities of body water Flashcards
Describe the movement of water when water is added to the ECF?
- When water is added to the ECF (e.g. when we drink water) it will cause the ECF to expand and also will dilute the salts within the ECF
- This sets up an osmotic gradient which causes water to enter the cell via osmosis causing the ICF to expand
Describe the movement of water when water is removed from the ECF?
- When water is removed from the ECF the salts become more concentrated and ECF would decrease
- As a result this creates an osmotic gradient and water by osmosis out of the cell from the ICF to the ECF
Describe the movement of water when salt and water is added?
- First the ECF expands however with no change in concentration as salt and water is added
- As a result there is no osmotic gradient forming and so the added volume will be retained within the ECF causing it to expand
How is water balance maintained in the body?
- Water intake must equal water loss
What happens when there is water excess?
- When the intake of water is greater than water excretion it will decrease body fluid osmolality
What happens when there is water deficit?
- When the intake of water is less than water excretion it will increase body fluid osmolality
How is osmolarity of the ECF adjusted?
- The osmolarity of the ECF is adjusted by adding or removing water
Where is water loss regulated in the body?
- Water loss is regulated at the renal tubules. This adjustment of water loss from the tubules allows for water balance to occur
- The amount of solute-free water excreted by the kidney can be varied.
- If water is in excess it will be corrected by increasing the amount of water in the urine resulting in a large volume of dilute urine
- If water is in deficit it will be corrected by decreasing the amount of water in the urine resulting in a small volume of concentrated urine
Where is the urine/tubular fluid diluted/concentrated in the kidneys?
- Tubular fluid is concentrated in the medulla
- Tubular fluid is diluted in the ascending limb and DT
Why is dilution and concentration of tubular fluid important?
- Tubular fluid eventually becomes urine
- If we want to conserve water we must concentrate the tubular fluid (and hence the urine) which is done in the medulla
- If we want to excrete water we must dilute the tubular fluid (and hence the urine) which is done in the ascending arm and DT
How is the concentration of interstitial fluid in the medulla controlled?
- The counter-current mechanisms within the Loop of Henle and vasa recta
- Permeability to water in the descending limb
- Ion transporters in the ascending limb
What happens to tubular fluid in the descending limb?
- The tubular fluid is more concentrated as it descends down the descending limb.
- This is because the descending limb is more permeable to water and so lets allows water to leave the tubules
What happens to tubular fluid in the ascending limb?
- The tubular fluid becomes more diluted as it moves up the ascending limb
- This is because there are many active transport mechanisms of solutes out of the fluid leaves only the water behind
- However the ascending limb is impermeable to water so is retained in the tubular fluid
How is osmolarity of the urine controlled?
- ADH is the osmoregulatory hormone
- As dilute urine from the collecting duct passes through the medulla it meets a strong osmotic gradient
- This causes the absorption of water from the tubule into the interstitial fluid
- In the absence of ADH the collecting duct becomes impermeable to water and so despite the osmotic gradient it is not reabsorbed
- Hence the urine excreted is maximally diluted
- An increase in ADH causes an increase in water permeability within the collecting duct
- This in turn causes an increase in water reabsorption in the collecting ducts which causes the urine excreted to be increasingly concentrated
What is the mechanism by which ADH works?
- When ADH (vasopressin) is present in circulation (in the blood) it binds to vasopressin (V2) receptors
- cAMP activates intracellular secondary messengers which mobilises stored aquaporin from storage vesicles
- These are inserted into the liminal membrane of the principle cells within the collecting duct which allows water to enter the cell
- Due to the osmotic gradient water moves into the cell and from here enters general circulation in the plasma
How is the number of aquaporin channels affected by concentration of plasma ADH?
- ## The amount of ADH binding to receptors regulates the amount of aquaporin channels present in the luminal membrane of the principle cells within the collecting duct
What are V1 receptors?
- V1 receptors are a type of vasopressin receptors found on vascular smooth muscles which causes vasoconstriction
- However this effect only occurs at high levels of ADH
What detects changes in extracellular fluid osmolarity?
- Osmoreceptors found in the hypothalamus
How does ADH defend our body against dehydration?
- Net water loss causes increased osmolality in ECF.
- When this change in extracellular fluid concentration surpasses a threshold it is detected by osmoreceptors in the anterior hypothalamus
- They send these signals to magnocellular neurones of paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus
- The paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei release ADH from their axon terminals which are located in the posterior pituitary
- This ADH enters circulation of the blood stream
How does plasma osmolality affect ADH?
- As ECF/plasma osmolality increases the amount of ADH secreted also increases
How does hypovolemia affect concentration of ECF and urine?
- In a hypovolemic state (i.e. during haemorrhage or blood loss) there is a decrease in blood volume and pressure
- As blood pressure decreases a powerful stimuli will be fire which will increase the amount of ADH secreted
- This causes the urine to be concentrated and the ECF to be diluted
- This is considered the last line of defence against volume depletion
How does thirst defend the body against dehydration?
- Net water loss causes increased osmolality in ECF.
- When this change in extracellular fluid concentration surpasses a threshold it is detected by osmoreceptors in the anterior hypothalamus
- Hypothalamic osmoreceptors can mediate a thirst sensation by projecting impulses to different centres (from those involved in the release of ADH)
- These centres give us a strong urge to drink
- Thirst can also be caused by a drop in blood volume/pressure or angiotensin 2 acting on the hypothalamus
- Thirst sensation is reduced by oropharyngeal and upper GI receptors when we drink
How does body water levels cause hyponatremia and hypernatremia?
- If there is a water deficit ECF osmolality increases (called hyperosmolality) leading to hypernatremia
- If there is a water excess ECF osmolality decreases (called hypoosmolality) leading to hyponatremia
How is the number of cations and anions in the ECF linked?
- Na+ is the main cation in ECF
- The principle of electroneutrality dictates that a molar equivalent of anions must also be present. This is mainly Cl- and HCO3-
How do we calculate contribution of Na+ to ECF osmolality?
Contribution of Na+ to ECF osmolality = 2 x plasma [Na+]
This accounts for the anions that go with the Na+
How can plasma osmolality be estimated?
plasma osmolality = 2[Na+] + 2[K+] + [glucose] + [urea]
What is hypernatremia?
- (It does not mean too much Na+) It means too little water
- An increase in the Na+ concentration means there is too much Na relative to H2O (i.e. there is a water deficit)
- Hypernatremia means hyperosmolality of the ECF
- It is caused by any condition that is linked to fluid loss (as long as water loss is greater than loss of sodium)
What are the two sub-types of the causes of hypernatremia?
- Extra-renal loss: Loss that does not occur through the kidney
- Renal loss: Loss that occurs through the kidney
What are the causes of hypernatremia?
- Gain of Na+ (rare)
- Loss of water (common)
- Dehydration (Extra-renal loss)
- Infection: Can lead to increased loss via skin and lungs (Extra-renal loss)
- Osmotic diuresis (Renal loss)
- Diabetes insipidus (Renal loss)
How does a gain in sodium lead to hypernatremia?
- Iatrogenic (caused by medical treatment)
- Excess ingestion (rare)
- Excess mineralocorticoid (aldosterone) activity (e.g. hyperaldosteronism) however causes mild hypernatremia
How does dehydration cause hypernatremia?
- Lack of water intake can cause an excessive loss of water leading to hypernatremia
How does infection lead to hypernatremia?
- Infection can cause excessive water loss via the skin and lungs
- Diarrhoea is not a cause of hypernatremia as in most cases water and salt is lost in equal amounts
What is osmotic diuresis?
- When an osmotically active solute in the tubular fluid prevents the tubular fluid from being as dilute as it would normally be
- This impairs the osmotic gradient leading to a lack of water reabsorption
How does diabetes insipidus cause hypernatremia?
- There is increased renal water loss as there is an inability to concentrate the urine
- This is caused by ineffective ADH.
- It can be classed as central diabetes insipidus (failure of secretion) or nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (lack of renal response)
- The symptoms are polydipsia (excessive thirst) and polyuria (excessive urination)
- Thirst mechanism is normally sufficient to prevent significant hypernatremia
- However hypernatremia will rapidly develop if access to water is restricted
What is hyponatremia?
- It is too little water compared to Na+ and is always associated with hyperosmolarity of the ECF
- Continued ingestion of water without reducing ADH secretion will lead to hyponatremia
What is hypoosmotic hyponatremia?
- It is sometimes considered ‘true’ hyponatremia
- ‘Pseudo’ hyponatremia occurs when other solutes are present in sufficient quantity that the proportional contribution of sodium to plasma osmolality is reduced
How is Hyponatremia caused?
- Continued ingestion of water without reducing ADH secretion
- Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH)
What is Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH)?
- It is caused by damage to the CNS or ectopic production of ADH by a tumour
- It leads to hyponatremia and high urine osmolarity
- Because there is an inappropriate secretion of ADH too much water will be reabsorbed causing it to be highly concentrated
How does hyponatremia also occur in a hypovolemic situation?
- When total Na+ increases and water is increased even more then we get hyponatremia in a hypovolemic state (e.g. congestive heart failure)
How does congestive heart failure cause hyponatremia in a hypovolemic state?
- Perfusion of tissues is impaired and so the RAAS ‘thinks’ the body is hypovolemic leading to increased activation of RAAS
- This will increase Na+ and water retention leading to volume expansion (hypovolemia)
- Starling’s forces are altered as failing cardiac output will cause blood to back up at the venous end of the circulatory system thus raising central venous pressure
- This means net capillary filtration pressure will increase causing excess capillary filtration
- This excess filling will occupy interstitial fluid rather than plasma leading to oedema
- If the low volume signal is activated it will trigger ADH release which will dilute the ECF (hyponatremia)
What is congestive heart failure?
- Congestive heart failure is a progressive condition where the left ventricle is increasingly unable to maintain cardiac output