16) Pulmonary ventilation Flashcards
What does tachypnoeic, tachycardic and hypoxemic mean?
- Tachypnoeic: Elevated breathing rate
- Tachycardic: Elevated heart rate
- Hypoxemic: Lower than normal levels of oxygen
What is Total Lung Capacity (TLC)?
- The total amount of air the lungs can accommodate
What is tidal volume?
- The volume of air being breathed in and out
What is Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV)?
- It is the amount of air a person can forcefully inhale
What is Expiratory Reserve Volume?
- It is the amount of air a person can forcefully exhale
What is the Residual Volume (RV)?
- The amount of air remaining in a person’s lungs after fully exhaling
What is Functional Residual Capacity (FRC)?
- The volume of air remaining in the lungs after passive exhalation
What is Vital Capacity (VC)?
- The maximum amount of air a person can inhale after maximum exhalation
What can lung volume and capacity depend on?
- Age
- Sex
- Height
- Lung properties (e.g. obstruction/damage due to disease)
Do we use our total lung capacity all the time when breathing?
- No. At rest our tidal volume is much smaller than our total lung capacity
What is pulmonary ventilation?
- The movement of air from the atmosphere to gas exchange surfaces within the lungs
Why is pulmonary ventilation important?
- It maintains the O2 and CO2 gradients between air in the alveoli and the arterial blood
- This allows a sufficient level of gas exchange to occur which ensure adequate O2 supply to respiring tissues and CO2 removal from respiring tissues from the blood
Describe the movement of oxygen from the atmosphere to respiring tissues.
- First oxygen is taken in from the atmosphere into the alveoli in our lungs in the airways through pulmonary ventilation
- In the alveoli gas exchange occurs and oxygen diffuses into the blood and is now in pulmonary circulation.
- Through blood flow it travels to the heart, then enters systemic circulation and finally reaches respiring tissues
Describe the concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, alveoli and in the capilliaries.
- In atmospheric air (which we inhale) there is a very high conc. of oxygen and a very low conc. of CO2
- In the alveoli (site of gas exchange in the lungs) we find high levels of O2 and low levels of CO2
- In the capillaries we find low levels of O2 and high levels of CO2
Describe the pressure gradient across the alveoli.
- At the venous end we find lower partial pressures of O2 and higher partial pressures of CO2 in the blood than in the alveoli
- As we get towards the arterial end the partial pressures level off and are equal in the blood and in the alveoli
How does the level of ventilation affect levels of gas exchange?
- Higher levels of ventilation means there is a steeper partial pressure gradient between the alveoli and blood
- This steeper gradient means there is more gas exchange that occurs
How does the level of ventilation affect partial pressure of O2 in the alveoli?
- As ventilation increases the level of oxygen in the alveoli increases
- As we decrease ventilation the level of oxygen in the alveoli decreases as the oxygen is being pulled out of the alveoli at a faster rate than it is being replenished
- However at a certain limit levels of the partial pressure starts to plateau as ventilation increases
- This is because at this point the partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere is the same as the partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli
How does the level of ventilation affect partial pressures of CO2?
- As ventilation increases partial pressure of CO2 decreases as more gas excchange occurs so more CO2 is being exhaled
- However as ventilation decreases partial pressure of CO2 increases. This is because it will just build up in the alveoli
What is the formula for total ventilation?
- V = Vt x f
- V: minute volume (the total volume of air inhaled in all breaths over one minute)
- Vt: tidal volume (volume of air inhaled in each breathe)
- f: frequency (number of breaths per minute)
What does air within the lungs consist of ?
- The air in the lungs consist of “stale” air and “fresh air”
- Stale air is air that has remained from the last breathe
- Fresh air is air that has just been inhaled
- Therefore the alveolar air is not the same as the inspired air
Why do we have stale air?
- The respiratory system is a two-way system in which air enters and leaves via the airways
- The airways is known as anatomic dead space as no gas exchange takes place in this area (only in the alveoli)
- This means at the end of each expiration there is a residual volume of air which remains in the airways and never takes part in gas exchange
- When we inhale again the fresh air then mixes with this stale air
What is the formula of alveolar ventilation?
- Va= (Vt - Vd) * f
- Va: Alveolar minute volume (the total volume of fresh air entering the alveoli across all breathes in a minute)
- (Vt - Vd): volume of fresh air entering the alveoli in each breathe
- Vt: Tidal volume (volume of air being inhaled/exhaled)
- Vd: Dead space volume (volume of air remaining in the respiratory system at the end of expiration)
- f: Frequency
How does gas naturally move?
- From areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure
What is Boyle’s law and how is it derrived?
- P ∝ n/v
- P: Pressure (the number of gas molecules in a given volume)
- n: No. moles
- V: Volume
- If n is constant then as volume increases pressure decreases
- It is derived from the ideal gas equation: PV=nRT
- R: gas constant
- T: Temperature
What are pleura?
- These are serous membranes that surround each lung which line the chest wall
What is the pleural cavity?
- A fluid filled space between the pleura (membranes which line the chest wall and the lungs)
- It helps reduces friction between lungs and chest
What is the effect of the pleural cavity on volume?
- The properties of the pleural cavity (i.e. sealed, fluid-filled) means they resist changes in volume
- Hence changes in volume of the thoracic cavity (due to respiring muscle activity) results in changes in lung volume
How is the pleural cavity put under “negative pressure”?
- The opposing elastic recoil of the chest wall (outward) and lungs (inward) results in the pressure within the pleural cavity being sub-atmospheric (or under negative pressure)
What is negative and positive pressure?
- Differences in pressure between neighbouring spaces are unstable.
- In the absence of sufficient opposing forces, equilibrium will be re-established either through the movement of liquid/gases or the collapse/expansion of a volume.
- Negative pressure: Lower number of molecules per volume (compared to surroundings) and so generates a collapsing force which pulls surfaces together
- Positive pressure: Increased number of molecules per volume (compared to surroundings) and so generates an expanding force which pushes the surfaces apart.
How is air flow in the lungs generated during inspiration
- During inspiration the diaphragm contracts and the thoracic cavity expands. This causes an increase in thoracic cavity volume.
- Intrapleural pressure becomes more negative so the lungs expand and increase lung volume
- Alveolar pressure decreases below atmospheric pressure
- This change in pressure sets up a pressure gradient between the alveoli and the atmosphere and the air flows from the atmosphere (high pressure) into the alveoli (low pressure)
How is air flow out of the lungs generated during expiration
- During expiration the diaphragm relaxes and the lung recoils due to elastic fibres.
- This causes the thoracic (lung) volume to decrease (so compresses the air) and intrapleural pressure increases
- The lungs become compressed (only during forced expiration) and the volume decreases
- This causes an increase in alveolar pressure above the atmospheric pressure
- This change in pressure sets up another pressure gradient between the alveoli and the atmosphere and so the air flows from the alveoli (high pressure) to the atmosphere (low pressure)
- The lungs deflate
What is pneumothorax?
- Pneumothorax is a collapsed lung
- It occurs when air enters into the pleural cavity
What happens if either of the pleura is ruptured?
- If there is a rupture, the pleura cavity is no longer sealed and provides a passage way for the air to move from one compartment to another
- Due to the pressure gradient between the pleural cavity and the surrounding, air will enter (pneumothorax) until the intrapleural pressure is the same as atmospheric pressure.
- Air will enter causing pleural cavity volume to increase.
- The lung tissue then recoils and expansion of chest (during inspiration) can draw more air into the pleural space