4.5 Species and Taxonomy Flashcards
What is species?
organsism with shared characteristics that interbreed to produce fertile offspring
Why doesnt the definition of species apply to single-celled orgs?
they are asexual = no interbreeding
How is interbreeding tested?
- pops are isolated and interbred
- orgs in fossil records
What is an example of the difficulties defining species?
mule = cross between a horse and a donkey
mules are sterile = infertile
mules have odd no. of chromosomes so cannot form homo pairs = no meiosis
Why is it difficult to distinguish different species using fossil records?
cant see all characteristics
difficult to test interbreeding
How is it difficut to distinguish a species?
variation within a species
What are courtship behaviours?
complex displays that help an individual attract a mate
What are the purposes of courtship behaviours?
helps individuals to recognise members of their own species
helps ensure both individuals are in the correct physiological state for breeding
forms a pair bond
synchronise mating for when the female is fertile
What is classification?
orgs are placed in groups = taxonomy
What are the 2 purposes of classification?
gives an idea of what species are related
predict characteristics of newly discovered orgs
What is a taxon?
the specific group a org is in
What is the 5 kingdom classification based on?
cell type and organisation of cells
What are the 5 kingdoms?
What is the limitation of 5 kingdom classification?
doesnt show how diff prokaryotic bacteria are diff
What is hierachal classification?
large groups sub-divided into smaller groups
How is the hierachal classification discrete?
no overlapp in taxons
What does orgs with shared taxons tell you?
they have more shared and similar characteristics
What is humans full taxons?
kingdom = animalia
phylum = chordates (vertebrates)
class = mammals
order = primates
family = homondids
genus = homo
species = sapien
What are features of the bionomial naming system?
unambiguous = not open to interpretation
universal = understood by all
uses latin = recognised scholary language
What does the bionomial naming system show?
evolutionary relationships
How do you write a biomial name?
Genus species
capital for genus
lower case for species
What do phylogenetic trees show?
provides an idea of evolutionary relationships and shared characteristics
What does the end of the branch in a phylogenetic tree show?
species that currently exist
How can you tell if species are more closely related from a phylogenetic tree?
they share a greater proportion of lines of decent