45. Describe a situation that made you a little angry. Flashcards
- Describe a situation that made you a little angry.
You should say:
+ what it was that made you angry
+ where you were when this happened
+ what you were doing at the time
+ who you were with
And explain how you handled this situation or and explain why you felt angry.
Today, I am going to share with you my experience I had as a member of a team/of the time when I disagreed with my friend that made me a little angry.
As a student, I have to engage in a variety of teamwork projects. As a result, having disagreements with other team members is inevitable.
If you have ever had a chance of working in a team to make a decision, you would know how difficult it was to make sure everyone was pulling together. Running a simulative company was not as easy as we thought. A wrong decision on pricing would significantly affect our profit. My team was fighting for days on pricing decisions, everyone had their arguments to defends their ideas. My friends wanted our products to be sold at a premium while I preferred a medium price, targeting the mid-end market. But after carefully reviewing the market itself as well as material prices, we weighed the costs and benefits of each price to come up with a final selling price.
From this experience, I learned that it was hard to convince people with your subjective reasons. However, if your decision is backed up by sound numbers, it will be more convincing.
Angry old vs young/ women vs men
Disadvantages of getting angry
Solution when getting angry
Angry old vs young/ women vs men
+ old people are more mature < rarely to get angry
+ young people angry at everything do not work well
+ men often get angry at their works
+ women may get angry at everything < don’t know reasons
Disadvantages of getting angry
+ not good for health > increase the blood pressure
+ make u feel stressful > not effective at work
Solution when getting angry
+ stop all the works you are doing < not effective
+ Find some1 that you can talk to < friends who understand you