4.4.1- ToC (Following and writing algorithms) Flashcards
What is meant by the term algorithm
A sequernce of steps that can be followed to complete a task and that always terminates
What are the advantages of psuedocode
- Independent of any partticular language
- Allows those who are programmers to be involed in the development of a program
What is the distinction between algorithms and computer programs
- Computer programs are simply just implementations of algorithms.
How are the following represented in psuedocode:
1. assignment
2. selection
3. iteration
- variable <– value
- IF (condition) THEN
- FOR number <– lb to ub (inclusive)
WHILE ( condition )
When designing to make a solution for an algorithm, what must you consider
If the order of steps required to solve the problem is important or not
How do you determine the purpose of an algorithm
- Analyse the inputs given and what those inputs are used to do
- Analyse the ranges in selections and iterations and compare the change between the input and output using test data
What are the three types of test data
- Normal
- Boundary
- Erroneous
What is normal test data
any valid data input
What is boundary test data
Edge Case data or data that sits ton the edge of the normal range of data
What is Erroneous test data
any invalid data input, that should generate an error