4.3 - Emerging and developing economies Flashcards
Advanced economies
4.3.1 - Measures of development
Acording to the IMF there are 41 advanced economies with 28 being in Europe
4.3.1 - Measures of development
Overseas development assistance from one country to another. Might take the form of humanitarian assistance, technical expertise and project aid etc.
BRICS economies
4.3.1 - Measures of development
The BRICS grouping - Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa - has become short-hand for the rise of emerging markets in the global economy
BRICS development bank
4.3.1 - Measures of development
BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) was launched in 2015. The NDB will lend money to developing countries to help finance infrastructure projects. The NDB is an alternative to the World Bank and also the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Capital flows
4.3.1 - Measures of development
Movements of capital between countries. Outward capital flows are movements of domestically owned capital abroad; inward capital flows are movement of foreign-owned capital to the domestic economy
Economic development
4.3.1 - Measures of development
Progress in expanding economic freedoms, a sustained improvement in economic and social opportunities and growth in personal and national capabilities
Economic structure
4.3.1 - Measures of development
The balance of output, incomes and employment drawn from different sectors - ranging from primary (farming, fishing, mining) to secondary (manufacturing and construction indsutries) to tertiary and quaternary sectors (tourism, banking, software industries)
Emerging economy
4.3.1 - Measures of development
Typically, a lower to middle income country that is progressing toward becoming more advanced, usually by means of rapid growth, urbanization and industrialization
Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI)
4.3.1 - Measures of development
An attempt to measure whether a country’s growth, increased production of goods, and expanding services have actually resulted in the improvement on the welfare (or well-being) of the people in the country
Gross Domestic Product per capita
4.3.1 - Measures of development
National income per head of population = total GDP/total population
Gross Domestic Product
4.3.1 - Measures of development
The total value of an economy’s domestic output of goods and services
Gross National Income (GNI)
4.3.1 - Measures of development
This is broadly the same as GDP except that it adds what a country earns from overseas investments and subtracts what foreigners earn in a country and send back home. GNi is affected for example for profits from businesses owned overseas and also remittances sent home by migrant workers
Hard infrastrucutre
4.3.1 - Measures of development
Examples include power, transport and telecommunications systems
Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative
4.3.1 - Measures of development
A global initiative to provide external debt relief to heavily indebted low-income countries
Human Development Index
4.3.1 - Measures of development
The HDI has become the most widely used measure for communicating a country’s development status. HDI is a broad measure of development, since it captures not only the level of per capita income but also incorporates measures of health (life expectancy) and education (school enrolment and literacy rate)