(42B) Epilepsy in Kids Flashcards
type of seizures that may be induced with hyperventilation
absence (generalized)
how are absence seizures different from complex partial?
Absence: usually starts in childhood, rare auras, no post-ictal phase, generalized EEG
Complex partial: any age onset, usually has aura
most common type of childhood seizure
**must rule out meningitis
simple vs complex febrile seizures
simple: isolated generalized, brief
complex: multiple, focal, prolonged
when is neuroimaging not recommended for what type of seizure in kids
FIRST simple febrile seizure
at risk for hippocampal injury and abnormalities in hippocampas development
febrile status epilepticus
febrile status epilepticus is assc with infection with what ?
HHV 6 and 7
what is the defn of epilepsy
multiple UNPROVOKED seizures separated by MORE than 24 hrs
infantile spasms are usually flexor or extensor contractions
infantile spam characteristic EEG pattern
hypsarrythmia (high voltage, chaotic activity, looks the same if you hold it upside down)
–high amplitude delta waves
What is west syndrome?
triad of
- iinfantile spasms
- hypsarrhthmia
- developmental arrest/regression
Treatment for infantile spasms that is bolded
triad characteristic of lennox-gastaut
- tonic, atypical absence, and atonic seizures
- slowing of mental development
- slow spike wave on EEG (1.5-2.5 Hz)
how is atypical absence seizure different than absence seizure
atypical last longer, generalized 1.5-2.5 Hz spike, decreased intelligence
life long seizure syndrome that is usually difficult to control