42. The Tail End of Things Flashcards
He will only ask questions about Fissure, Fistula, and Pilonidal disease/hidradenitis supprativa so I just made FCs on those subjects!
Describe the Bristol Stool Chart. What does each Type indicated about quality of stool?
Type 1: Separate hard lumps like nuts (hard to pass)
Type 2: sausage shaped but lumpy
Type 3: Like a sausage btu with lumps on the surface
Type 4: sausage or snake: smooth and soft
Type 5: Soft blobs with clean-cut edges
Type 6: Fluffy pieces with ragged edges: mushy stool
Type 7: watery, no solid pieces. entirely liquid.
General description of a fissure?
Like a paper cut in the anus. If the pt has severe pain, it is likely a fissure.
External sphincter, internal sphincter, fissure, fistula, enlarged papule, hemorrhoid
Anatomy: identify the dentate line, renal columns/crypts?
Specific treatments for Fissure-in-Ano? (lifestyle, medical tx, surgery)
Lifestyle Modification: aimed at softening stool. Fiber + Fluids
Medical therapy: aimed at reducing sphincter spasms. Sitz baths, topical Nitroglycerine/Nifedipine, Botox inj.
Surgery: Laternal internal sphincterotomy (+ other options)
Specific treatments for Abscesses/fistula?
initial I&D
Seton/staged treatment
fibrin glue
fistula plug
endorectal advancement flap
LIFT procedure
Fissure: epidemiology? genders? age?
Common cause of painful defication! often mistaken for hemorrhoid.
Any age (even peds) but most common young and middle aged adults
RARE in elderly due to decr sphincter tone
Fissure: symptoms?
-SHARP pain during/after defication. tearing, knife like, like passing a razor. fear of BMs.
-minor bleeding during and after BMs
- Sentinel skin tag (easy to confuse with hemorrhoid)
- may be drainage (fissure-fisula complex)
Should be able to diagnose based on history
Fissure: more complete definition?
What is cause?
- Represents a traumatic injury (constipation, passage of large/hard stool)
- Linear (radial) tear in the anoderm (mucosa) of distal anal canal from dentate line to anal verge usually w. exposed internal anal sphincter muscle fibers
-Viscious cycle as below. Sphincter spasm is impt element.
Fissure: most common location?
Posterior midline (90%)
Second most common: anterior midline
due to lessened anodermal blood supply –> more prone to ischemia
Left pic: identify fissure, hypertrophied papillae, skin tag
R: fissure has exposed what fibers?
L pic: hypertrophied papilla at top, fissure in middle, sentinal skin tag at bottom
R: break in anoderm, exposed muscle fibers
Identify skin tag, muscle fibers, hypertrophied papillae
Phys exam of fissure: at what point have you made the dx?
Once you see the fissure, you can stop! no more exam needed. be gentle!
What if the patient doesn’t tolerate your physical exam for anal fissure?
Have to examine under anesthesia.
Is this fissure new or chronic?
(fissure at 6:00; note skin tag at 2, external hemorrhoid at 11)
can tell due to white fibers that represent scarring.