4.2: Characteristics of insects that make them very successful and how they could affect man Flashcards
Insect as the dominant terrestrial animal life on earth.
-Small size
-Have a protective cuticle (exoskeleton)
- efficient nervous system
- the evolution of flight
- high reproductive rate
Why are insects so dominant and successful?
- structure
- flight
- small size
- reproductive capacity
- adaptability
How many percent of all animals are insects?
How many describe species does insect have?
Insects inhibit virtually all terrestrial habitats exception are:
And peaks of very high mountains
The following are feed on all types of organic matter.
Feed on a vast array of food plants?
Saprophagous insects?
Those that feed on dead or dying plants tissues, dead animals(carrion and excrement (feces) of other animals.
Saprophagous insects
Generally larger than their prey,consume many prey and all life stages can be predatory(immature and adult)
Can be transient?
Can be residential
Predatory mites
Use different approaches to find and kill prey?
Main predators groups?
Predatory bugs
Predatory mites
Is a spider an insect?
Not an insect
Is a predatory mites an insect?
Not an insect
They are specialized in their choice of host and only female searches for host.
True or false is different parasitoids species can attack different life stages of host?
True or false. Immatures almost always kill host.
Lives and feed in or on a larger host and develop inside the host.
True or false. Adults remain on or in the host.
False. Immatures remain on or in the host.
True or false. Immatures and adults are free living, mobile and may be predaceous.
False, Only adults
Example of parasite insect?
Trichogramma(underline) wasp
What family does Trichogramma (underlined) wasp species belong?
Family of Trichogrammatidae
Energy source and important in the food chain
2 Example of pollinators insects.
Bee or honey bee ( Apis mellifera L.)- underlined
Moth or the Yucca moth(Tegeticula yuccasella)- underlined
What are the groups of insects?
Beneficial (non-pest)
Destructive (pest)
How many percent does of all insect species are non-pest?
Non-pest insect are?
2. decomposer
3. Natural enemies (predators and parasitoids)
4.producers of useful products
5. Specimens for scientific studies
6. Aesthetic value
The following are the reason why insects become pest. Except ?
(1) change in cropping pattern which can result
in some plant species being eliminated while
new plants are being introduced;
(2) larger areas of land are being utilized for
planting which displaces other organisms in the
area and can result to these organisms moving
to another area; and
(3) change in human values and preferences.
(4)different parasitoid species
can attack different life
stages of host.
No. 4
Oviposition and feeding indirect of destructive insects.
Direct damage
This is the vectors of pathogens.
Enumerate the types of feeding damage destructive insects.
A. Chewing type
B. Boring type
C. Suking type
Types of feeding damage destructive insects that are defoliatiors, impact/extent of damage depends on extent of defoliation and plant growth stage/age.
Chewing type
Types of feeding damage destructive insects that are feed on fruits, stem and roots.
Chewing type
Caterpillars, beetles, grasshoppers, and
leafminer are examples of what type of feeding damage destructive insects?
Chewing type
Type of feeding damage destructive insects that make holes/tunnels
- signs yellowing/wilting and drying of
leaves, pitting and scarring, holes with
Boring type
• -Asian corn borer (ACB),
-eggplant fruit and shoot borer (EFSB),-
tomato fruitworm, and termites are the examples of what type of feeding damage destructive insects?
Boring type
chewing type -=defoliators
suck-up liquid/sap=
Sucking type
Hemipterans= maphids
True bags=
IT excrete honeydew
which favors growth of sooty mold
that alters photosynthesis.
True or false.Stunted growth, fewer leaves,
wilting, drying and death
and some species have toxins in their
saliva or transmit pathogens are examples of sucking type of destructive insects.
Bunchuy top= virus
Papaya ring spot=
Tarophagus proserfina= Gabi planthoppers
Thrips tabcci Lindeman=
Virus = Bean mosaic
Stewart’s disease=
Taro feathery mosaic= Gabi or taro
Stewart’s disease
Rice tungro = rice
Squash leaf curl
ACB=Asian corn borer
Eggplant fruit and shoot borer=
Bunchuy top= Pentalonia nigronervosa Coq.
Crazy bitter gourd (namamarako)=
Aphis gossypi/glober
Papaya ring spot= Aphis gossypi
Bemisita tabaci =
Squash leaf curl
Corn flea beetle= cahetochnema puliceria
Therigona orayzae M.=
Corn seedling maggots
Rice tungro= Nepothettix virescens
Thrips tabacci=
Tomato spotted wilt
Tarophagus proserfina= taro feathery mosaic
Aphis craccivora Koch=
Bean mosaic
Pentalonia nigronervosa Coq.=
Nilaparvata luggens(Stal.) = rice grassy stunt
Bunchy top
Tomato spotted wilt = virus
Crazy bitter gourd (namamarako)=