4.2 & 4.3 Soil Formation and Erosion Flashcards
the physical, chemical, and biological processes that convert large rock particles into smaller particles
Parent Material
Original rocks broken down to form the basis of soil
What factors contribute to soil formation?
Type of parent material, climate, topography, biological factors, and time
dark, spongy, crumbly mass of material made of complex organic compounds
Soil particles suspended or dissolved in liquid are transported to another location
the removal of material from one place and its transport to another by the action of wind or water
the arrival of eroded soil at a new location
Soil Horizon
a distinct layer of soil
does not adhere to one another, 0.05-2mm (very porous)
powdery when dry, smooth when wet, 0.002-0.05 mm
readily adhere to each other, sticky when moist, <0.0002 mm (impermeable)
O Horizon
Organic material; living things carry on life activities. Contains carbon with millions of dead plant and animal organisms that are slowly decomposing. Takes 100-600 yrs to form
A Horizon
Topsoil containing humus, organic matter, roots, worms, insects, and other living organisms, small rock and mineral fragments, dark in color
B Horizon
The subsoil, contains some roots and other living organisms, materials leached by water from the A horizon, clay, rock fragments, minerals. Lighter in color than topsoil
C Horizon
Weathered Plant rock, materials leeched by water from B horizon, partly weathered rock fragments. Organish, yellow color
E Horizon
Eluviated (leaching layer), minerals and organic matter tend to leach out of this horizon
R Horizon
Rock (Parent material), bedrock, lava, etc.
how big spaces are between particles; bigger pores hold more air and water
how fast air and water will move through soil; bigger pores and nutrients means faster movement
a mix of soil particles/types, will have medium porosity and permeability
Arrange the three soil particles from biggest to smallest
Sand, Silt, Clay