4.196 Community Responder Outreach Flashcards
Policy of this dept to ________ its partnerships with the community
By coordinating w/ faith-based leaders, _______ & _______ & stakeholders who can assist in bringing about a sense of calm & peace to an affected community in the aftermath of a violent crime
community / business partners
What is RECAP
The Rebuilding Every City Around Peace
What is CCRO
Critical Crash Response Outreach
RECAP and CCRO partnerships are open to ______
faith-based volunteers
A violent crime (i.e., shooting, stabbing, aggravated assault, etc.) has been committed and, upon review of the circumstances, officers in charge of the scene determine that there is a high likelihood of retaliation by subjects associated with the victim. It can also include a fatal or critical-injury crash.
Activation event
An active, approved member who is part of RECAP/CCRO, has participated in and completed the Violence Responder RECAP/CCRO workshop, and meets
conditions set forth in this policy.
Activation responder
The list of activation responders from which bureau commanders or designees may call to respond to activation.
Call-out list
On a case-by-case basis, at the discretion of RECAP board and bureau commanders, the RECAP message of non-violence is presented at a funeral,
prayer vigil, or memorial services of a victim of homicide. Clergy officiating
these services may allow law enforcement officials to attend and build further
rapport with the community.
funeral and prayer
civil call-outs
(Phase 3)
A faith-based/community response initiated by the department when a preliminary investigation of a violent event indicates the strong probability of retaliation, a violent event that involves youth crews, gangs, or racial tension;
an event so egregious that it affects the safety and security of the affected community, despite the fact that there is little or no likelihood of retaliation; or circumstances prior to and/or after civil unrest incident(s) (will not be activated until the scene is stable and deemed safe, which can be up to 48 hours after initial incident). A CCRO responder’s initial outreach and connection with family of decedent or critically injured person as the result of a crash.
primary activation
(Phase 1)
A faith-based/community event initiated by the department to build trust,
promote peace and strengthen rapport in areas of the community with potential for violent crime, tension with law enforcement, accident prevention and trafficsafety education, or any other community need that can be alleviated by such
an event.
proactive activation
A follow-up event, within 72 hours, to a primary activation held on behalf of,
and in, the affected community, conducted in collaboration with community and faith-based partners to promote peace in the aftermath of the violent event. The purpose of such events is to send the message of non-violence; to convey to the community that violent crime in not an acceptable social norm; to create a bridge between citizens and law enforcement; to increase the opportunity for citizens to report criminal activity and increase the department’s ability to solve
violent crime; and whenever possible to introduce resources to communities in
need by canvassing residents and identifying service gaps.
Follow-up outreach by CCRO within 12-24 hours of a fatal or critical-injury
crash that assists with the support and needs of the family.
secondary activation
(Phase 2)
Activation responders will attend and assist in the ________ of all primary and secondary activation events
the RECAP board consists of:
(Hint: there are 4 reps)
- Assitant Sheriff of the Law Enforcement Operations Group
- Deputy Chief of the Patrol Division
- OCE Commander
4 3 active RECAP leaders
The RECAP board will meet ________
Semiannually (at the minimum)