4.1.3 – Conjugate And Use The Imparfait Flashcards
Learn words that imply repitition and learn about the imparfait
What is the imparfait?
Another past tense in french
What tense is ‘c’était’ in?
imparfait NOT past tense
What is the imparfait used for?
repeated or habitual actions in the past
de temps en temps
from time to time
tout le temps
all the time
tous les jours
le lundi (le mardi, etc…)
on Mondays (on Tuesdays, etc…)
chaque année (jour, mois, etc…)
each year (day, month, etc…)
What are we trying to translate when we use the imparfait?
was/were _____ing” OR “used to”
Ex: Elles finissaient leurs devoirs quand vous êtes arrivés.
The were finishing their homework when you guys arrived.
Tu regardais souvent « Sesame Street » à la télé quand tu étais petit.
Give the 2 ways to translate the word in the imparfait
You often used to* watch Sesame Street on TV when you were little. Since English sometimes uses would in the place of used to it could be translated as: “You would often watch…”
Il pleuvait.
It was raining.
Elle avait les yeux bleus et portait une jolie robe.
She had blue eyes and was wearing a pretty dress.
The imparfait can also be used when there is no definite beginning or end point. What type of words are like that?
Wanted (Je voulais partir > I wanted to leave)
started to leave, stopped etc. )
Verbs denoting mental activity usually don’t have a precise beginning or ending point so almost always use the imparfait.
Practice ‘em!!!!
to have
to believe / think
to desire / want
to be
to think
to prefer
to be able to / can
to want
What subject must you use the letters after its form is dropped off of to form a verb in the imparfait?
What ending do reg. -er verbs take on in the nous form?
What form do reg. -ir verbs take on in the nous form?
What form do reg. -re verbs take on in the nous form?
What are the steps for forming an imparfait verb?
- Figure out the verb’s “nous” form in the present tense
- Drop “ons” ending
- Add on the imparfait endings.
Change avoir into the imparfait
- avons
- av
- J’avais
Tu avais
Il/elle/on avait
nous avions
vous aviez
ils/elles avaient
How many verbs have irregular STEMS in the imparfait?
only ONE
Which verb(s) have/has an irregular STEM in the imparfait?
être has an irregular stem in the imparfait
What is être’s stem in the imparfait?
Conjugate in the imparfait?
j'étais tu étais il/elle/on était nous étions vous étiez ils/elles étaient
Define and Conugate finir in the imparfait.
to finish: Je finissais Tu finissais il/elle/on finissait nous finissions vous finissiez ils/elles finissaient
What is manger’s “nous” form without the ons?
What is different about conjugating manger in the imparfait?
The nous and vous forms drop the “e”
In the present tense, nous form of verbs that end in -ger do what?
Add an “e” before the -ons ending.
Define and Conjugate manger in the imparfait.
to eat: Je mangeais tu mangeais il/elle/on mangeait nous mangions vous mangiez ils/elles mangeaient
Define and Conjugate faire in the imparfait.
to do: Je faisais tu faisais il/elle/on faisait nous faisions vous faisiez ils/elles faisaient
Put je faisais in the negative form.
Je ne faisais pas
The passe compose is used to talk about what kinds of actions?
items that are single, isolated actions in the past, in a series or are sudden
The imparfait is used to describe items that are what?
repeater/habitual, describe background activity or set the scene, or describe the background activity to highlight an action in the passé composé OR Describe emotions