3.3.7 - Pratctice using the Passé Composé with Avoir and Être Flashcards
Conjugate avoir
j’ai nous avons
tu as vous avez
il/elle/on a ils/elles ont
in pp reg -er verbs change to what?
in pp reg -ir verb change to what?
in pp reg -re verbs change to what?
avoir means what? what’s its pp?
to have, eu
boire means, pp is…
to drink, bu
connaître means, pp….
to know, as in “be familiar with,” connu
croire means, pp is…
to believe, cru
être means, pp is…
to be, été
faire means, pp is…
to do / to make, fait
lire means, pp is…
to read, lu
mettre means, pp is…
to put, to put on, to set , mis
pouvoir means, pp is…
to be able to / can , pu
prendre* means, pp is…
to take, pris
recevoir means, pp is…
to receive, to get , reçu
savoir means, pp is…
to know a fact of to know how, su
voir means, pp is…
to see, vu
vouloir means, pp is…
to want, voulu
What 2 verbs get irreg endings due to prendre’s ending?
comprendre and apprendre
comprendre means, pp is…
to understand, compris
apprendre means, pp is…
to learn, appris
Conjugate être
je suis nous sommes
tu es vous êtes
il/elle/on est ils/elles sont
What are the irreg. VANDERTRAMPP verbs?
naître, mourir, venir (and therefore devenir and revenir)
What is the pp of naître?
What is the pp of mourir?
What is the pp of venir?
What is the pp of devenir?
What is the pp of revenir?