4.12 Structure Determination Flashcards
What does the mass spectrometer do?
The mass spectrometer analyses gaseous samples and compounds, providing information about relative molecular mass
What form of mass spec can be used to determine a molecular formula?
High-resolution mass spectroscopy
What are the four stages of mass spec?
Ionisation, acceleration, deflection, and detection
How is the positive ion formed in mass spec?
A high-energy electron gun knocks off an electron to produce the cation
How is the cation accelerated?
Using an electric field
How is the cation deflected?
Using a variable magnetic field
How is the cation detected?
Using electric plates
What is the base peak on the mass spectra?
The base peak is the tallest peak, the one with the greatest abundance
What is the molecular ion peak?
The molecular ion peak is on the far right, it is caused by the produced cation
Why is the cation a free radical?
Because it has a lone pair of electrons
What is the equation for mass spec?
M(g) + e- ==> M+(g) + 2e-
What is the equation for the splitting cation?
M+* ==> X+ + Y*
What is infrared spectroscopy used for?
It is used to provide information about the types of bonds present in a molecule
How is IR spectroscopy possible?
different bonds absorb different frequencies of IR radiation
What is the fingerprint region?
It is the part of the spectrum between 1500cm and 400cm, it’s pattern is unique to each compound
what does n.m.r. spectroscopy provide?
It provides information about the position of certain atoms in a molecule
What does n.m.r. spec rely on?
It relies on a property of atomic nuclei called nuclear spin