4.1/4.2 Muslims attitudes towards peace/ Muslims and peacemaking Flashcards
What is the Muslim interpretation of peace?
the absence of oppression, tyranny, injustice and corruption.
it’s directly linked to justice
What are Muslim teachings about peace? (6)
- Allah created the world with the intention that peace would be part of his creation
- Muslims believe in the personal struggle for peace or the greater jihad
- All Muslims belong to the ummah, which demonstrates ideas of living together peacefully
- standing up for justice in the world is one way of achieving peace
- in some cases, it may be necessary to go to war to secure peace
- Quran teaches that Muslims should strive for peace
What is an example of peace being shown in Islam
Muslims greet each other with : peace be with you
How do Muslims work for peace?
- following duties such as the five pillars
- fasting during Ramadan to understand the suffering of the poor
- giving sadaqah which is a voluntary charity
- supporting campaigns and organisations that work for peace in the world
Why does conflict cause problems within society?
- negative effect on community relations, with groups not willing to negotiate
- little agreement or compromise
- leads to disunity and distrust where groups of people with different beliefs or backgrounds cannot get along in society
- can lead to poor treatment and discrimination
Muslims response to conflict
- they adopt a situation ethics standpoint, i.e defending Islam
- believe that hey should wor for peace as Allah intended, trying to live together as an ummah
- sometimes allow for conflict. E.g. battle of Mutah where followers of Muhammad lost their lives to defend their beliefs and values
What is the history of Pacifism in Islam?
- Hijah = Muhammad was persecuted and forced to leave Makkah, forced to use violence
- Some argue that initially Muhammad adopted more pacifist tendencies and tried to ignore the violence used against him
- Muhammad fought in the battle of Badr to protect Muslims and the idea of jihad has been used to justify fighting since
- After this Quranic revelations seemed to adopt a more defensive perspective
- Arab spring 2011, a democratic uprising that contained elements of protests using passive resistance
- Today violence is not completely rejected by Islam, but ideas of peace are promoted more strongly
what are some Muslim teachings about Passive resistance?
- Islam teachings in the Qur’an and Hadith strive for justice and to resist oppression
- Muslims should always work for peace = don’t be the first to attack
- Islam means “submission to Allah”, should work for peace in cooperative and peaceful ways and coexist peacefully with other people
- Muslims believe it is important to resist zulm ( cruelty and injustice)
What does Just war theory suggest?
- protecting innocent lives or important moral values may require force
- wrong to take a human life
- countries may read to protect their people and war may be necessary to do this
What is the importance Just war theory?
- provides a set of rules as to best way to act at times of conflcit
- aims to prevent war
- offers a framework to decide whether war is the best option
Conditions for Just war? (8)
- does not aim to win new land or power
- not to convert to Islam
- declared by the religious leader, not political leader
- will not threaten or endanger innocent civilians
- will not harm trees, crops and animals
- support of Muslim community and not declared by one individual
- out of defence not attack
- last resort and all peaceful methods of solving the conflict have already been tried
Is Just war possible?
- depending on situation ethics, it might be reasonable
- Quran suggest fighting to defend Islam is acceptable
- weapons could be programmed to damage set targets rather than affects innocent lives
- Being involved in a conflict without threatening human life or damaging the environment would be difficult
- WMD causes mass destruction
What is the nature of Holy war?
- to defend Islam
- protecting the freedom of Muslims to practice their faith
- strengthening the religion of Islam if it is being threatened
- protecting Muslims against an attack
What wars were Muhammad apart of?
holy war
battle of Badr, the Battle of Uhud and conquest of Makkah
What are the conditions of holy war? (12)
- last resort
- opponent must have started the fighting
- be launched by a religious leaders
- can’t be fought for territory
- innocent people should not be targeted or killed
- property should not be targeted or damaged
- enemies should be treated still with just
- war should stop as soon as the enemy asks for peace
- must be fought to bring about the end goal of good
- women should not be abused or raped
- chemical or biological warefare is forbidden
- wounded enemy soldiers should be cared for and treated in the same way as one’s own soldiers
What are the benefits of WMD?
- The fear of the effects of using WMD may be enough to deter other nations from starting wars
- stronger and quicker method of winning a war
- minimal losses are incurred by attackers, opposition great damage
0 brings war to an end and prevents further casualties
What are the problems of WMD?
- can make war unfair
- conditions to just war cannot be met
- kills innocent people
- indiscriminate
- moral issues of the amount of destruction and devastation caused
- stockpiling = problems e.g. finding an appropriate place to store them
How do Muslims overcome the issue of conflict?
- Muslims have taken part in rallies and marches to raise awareness of Islam and supporting peace
- Muslim council of Britain has education programmes to inform and break barriers
- Mosques have been opened for people to visit and find out more about this religion = less ignorant
- police and community groups work together to protect Muslims when they face threats
- interfaith groups work together across religions to promote peace