4. Verhaallijnen Flashcards
Beschrijf de basis structuur van een verhaal:
Basic structure of a story:
- hero has a desire
- hero encounters an event that causes a problem
- hero tries to overcome the problem
- method fails.
- more trouble for the hero.
- hero is being put to an even greater risk
- one last problem with the most risk of all.
- The hero must resolve the final problem…
- … in order to gain his object of desire. And everyone lives happily ever after.
Basic structure of a story:
- First, there was a hero who has a desire
- Our hero encounters an event that throws his life into disarray and interferes with obtaining the desire. This event causes a problem for the hero.
- The hero tries to overcome the problem
- But this method fails.
- There is a reversal of fortune, which causes more trouble for the hero.
- An even greater problem is created for the hero that puts the hero at greater risk.
- Finally, there is one last problem that threatens the hero with the most risk of all.
- The hero must resolve the final problem…
- … in order to gain his object of desire. And everyone lives happily ever after. Wel, until the sequel anyway.
Welke 2 zaken op letten bij het schrijven van een verhaal? (Story)
A story always has a begin, middle and an end.
Never mistake story for gameplay and never mistake gameplay for story.
(Gameplay is how the game functions the controles, modes, levels, flowchart, editor)
Beschrijf de productie driehoek en de driehoek van weirdness
Productie driehoek:
Tijd, Geld, Kwaliteit
2 kiezen.
Triangle of Weirdness
Karakters, Wereld, Activiteiten
1 kiezen (Echt maar 1 kiezen!)
Met welke drie verschillende spelers heb je te maken?
Players who
- are into your story as it happens
- want to get into your story in depth
- don’t care what the story is at all.
Welke tips zijn er om spelers meer in het spel te krijgen?
Tips to involving story into a game:
- People who are looking for a deeper experience, provide details but make sure they don’t get in the way of the story. (Collectable audiotapes in Bioshock)
- Players that will skip these cutscenes and audio clues, have to get enough story in the game play so they don’t get lost.
- Start your story late into the action as possible. Middle of a boss fight, at the end of a level, during a car chase.
- Always keep your stories lively and moving. Professional screenwriters may introduce a change in the plot or action every 15 minutes.
Wat is een theme?
Theme is the central topic of the game. A them can often be summed up in a statement like:
“love conquers all”
Pac-man, Eat or be eaten.
Journey, life is a journey that is better with others.
Hoe kun je een naam geven aan je game?
Naming your game:
- A literal title
- Action/ cool title
- Punny title
- Purple cow title
- Dramatic title
- Referential title
Noem wat punten die betrekking hebben op games?
Some games need a story. Some games don’t. All games need gameplay.
Almost anything can be made into gameplay.
Create a world that players will want to play in, and they will come back to play.
Make death matter
Players care about NPC s when those characters contribute something to the gameplay.
Keep names short and descriptive.
Don’t underestimate kids: they’re smarter than you think.
Stay true to a license, but don’t be afraid to make it your own.
Welke stappen kent de classic dramatic arc
Exposition Rising action Climax Falling action Resolution