4. Time and the Earth, Moon, Sun System Flashcards
How is the position of the Sun used to determine Apparent Solar Time? (AST)
AST is the time taken on a sundial which is based on the position of the sun in the sky as seen from Earth
How is the Mean Sun used to determine Mean Solar Time? (MST)
- The Mean Sun is the position of the sun based on a circular orbit instead of the elliptical one
- This lets us used a fixed length of day and mechanical methods to determine the time
- MST is measured on a clock/digital device and uses UT/GMT
How is Local Mean Time found? (LMT)
LMT is the mean solar time for a specific location on Earth
What is the Equation of Time?
Why does the EOT vary throughout the year?
eccentricity (measure of elliptical orbit) - affects synodic days, earths orbit slightly elliptical. when at perihelian, moves faster, travels further, makes synodic days longer
obliquity of elliptic (tilt of earths axis) - affects synodic days, makes sun change declination. further from equator = longer days
these affect the MST, affecing the equation
How do you define GMT?
Mean time at any point along the Prime Meridian (vertical line) is defined as Greenwich Mean Time, which is the same as Universal Time (UT)
How do you analyse shadow stick data to find local noon?
- Draw a line of best fit on the graph to find out the lowest point of the sun
- Wherever the shadows are the shortest, that is local noon
How do you use shadow stick data and the EOT to find longitude of the observer?
Use the formula AST = EOT - MST
The data from the shadow sticks will give you the time of Local Noon/Mean Solar Time
The Equation of time will be given as a number (eg -6, 8)
Greenwich Mean Time will always be 12:00, take away the EOT from this
Find the difference between the AST and the GMT-EOT time
Divide this difference by 4 - that is the longitude (then add E or W)
Why is local time different in different longitudes?
If you move 1 degree either way, your midday will be 4 minutes earlier/later than your previous location
How do you read the time from a sundial?
- Sundials use the light from the sun to create a shadow that falls on the dial - used to tell the time
- 12’o’clock & the gnomon (part that makes the shadow) should be facing north
Explain the Lunar Phase cycle
What is the relationship between sidereal and synodic/solar time?
The sidereal day is 4 minutes shorter than the solar day
What is the difference between sidereal and synodic/solar days & months?
Sidereal Day - 23h 56m
Sidereal Month - 27.3d
Synodic Day - 24h
Synodic Month - 29.5d
Why does the time of sunrise and sunset vary throughout the year?
- Earth has an elliptical orbit
- Earth’s rotation axis isn’t flat with the plane of the orbit
- This results in uneven changes in the times of sunrise/sunsets
What is the significance of equinoxes and solstices?
They determine the changing of seasons
Why do we need time zones?
- When trains were introduced, people found themselves losing/gaining time & would have to reset their watch
- Messages would also be sent at incorrect times
- Time zones were made to help this problem, and create a unified time keeping system
- Different parts of the Earth enter/exit daylight at different times
What is meant by ‘culminating’?
When the sun is at the highest point of the sky