16 - Cosmology Flashcards
What is redshift?
The increase in wavelength/decrease in frequency of the light of an object that is moving further away from us
How do you calculate redshift?
z = redshift (no units - ratio)
- z = v/c – recessional velocity/speed of light
- z = change in wavelength/original wavelength
What is Hubble’s Law?
He measured redshift - noticed almost all galaxies showed redshift … theyre all moving away … universe is expanding
How did Hubble use redshift to calc velocity?
Plotted a graph of velocity against distance, concluded V is directionally proportional to D
What is Hubble’s equation?
v = H x D
(velocity = H x distance)
((km/s = km/s/mpc x mpc))
What is the current value of the Hubble constant?
How do we calculate the age of the universe using Hubble’s constant?
Hubble’s constant is the inverse/reciprocal of time, so the age of the universe is the reciprocal of Hubble’s constant
pt 2. How do we calculate the age of the universe w/ Hubble’s constant?
- Convert km/s -> pc/s. 3.1x10^19km in a pc - divide by that number
- Hubble constant = 68/3.1x10^19 = 2.19x10^-18
- AOU in S = 1/H(s) = 4.57 x 10^17s
- Convert into years - 60 x 60 x 24 x 365.25 = 31557600s in a year
- AOU in years = age in s/s in year = 1.4x10^10 = ~~ 14 billion
How do we know Hubble’s constant is the inverse/reciprocal of time?
- Rearranging Hubble’s equation to make H the subject, we get H = v/d
- This is similar to the equation of speed: s = d/t
- Dividing both sides of these equations we get: v/d = d/dxt -> v/d = 1/t
- so h = 1/t … time = 1/H
What is the Steady State theory?
- Universe is expanding
- Matter is being created
- Density is constant
- No beginning or end
- Not much evidence to support it
What is the Big Bang theory?
- Universe is expanding
- All matter & energy created in the ‘bang’
- Universe started from a singularity point
- Lots of evidence to support
How does the expansion of the universe support the SS & BB theory?
- Matter has been spreading out/further apart & away from the singularity point
- Matter created as its expanding
What are quasars?
- Stands for quasi-stellar objects
- Appear like stars, actually ancient galaxies with an active galactic nucleus (AGN)
Why are quasars important as evidence for the Big Bang?
- Can tell a lot about the early stages of the universe because of age; estimate star formations & what the universe was like at that time
- More common in early universe - supports evolutionary nature of the BB
- Their formation fits with models of the BB
What is CMBR?
- Stands for Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
- Microwaves all around us in equal concentration
- Heat remnant of the Big Bang, the background temperature of the universe
Why is the discovery of CMBR important as evidence for the Big Bang?
- ## It tells us what happened to all the heat in the universe from that time
How are the further studies of CMBR - COBE, WMAP & Planck - important as evidence for the Big Bang?
- COsmic Background Explorer
- Picked up fluctuations in CMBR … universe is not uniform
- Produced a grainy image of these fluctuations
- Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
- Produced HQ image of previous fluctuations
- Refined this evidence
- Produced even HQ image of fluctuations
What is the Hubble Deep Field?
- An image of “empty” space
- Shows a huge amount of galaxies with large amounts of redshift & a high number of disturbed/irregular galaxies
How is the Hubble Deep Field important as evidence for the Big Bang?
The huge amount of redshift it shows signifies:
- Universe is expanding, everything is moving away
- Universe was more crowded than it is now
- Gives us more knowledge about the rate of galaxy/star formation over the age of the Universe
- Irregular galaxies show collisions occurred frequently in early universe
What is Dark Matter?
- Believed to be close to “normal” matter
- Spread throughout the universe
- Accounts for 85% of the universe mass - greater than what we can see
- “Holds” galaxies together (pulls them closer)
^- Slowing down the expansion of the universe
What is Dark Energy?
- Believed that 70% of the universe is Dark Energy
- Pushes everything further away
^- Driving the expansion of the universe
Do Dark Matter & Dark Energy actually exist?
- Most scientists believe Dark Matter, however we can’t see it
^- Hasn’t been found yet - Dark Energy has not found or proven - it’s undetectable
What are the 3 current future universe models?
- The Big Crunch
- The Big Rip/Yawn
- The Cyclic Universe
What is The Big Crunch theory?
- The universe will stop expanding
- Everything gets pulled in by gravity & dark matter
- Starts collapsing until it’s a single point
What is The Big Rip/Yawn theory?
- The expansion of the universe continues & accelerates
- Everything is eventually torn apart
What is The Cyclic Universe theory?
- It continuously cycles through the Big Bang and Big Crunch with no real end
- Bang -> Crunch -> Bang -> Crunch etc…
What is the most likely future universe theory?
Ends with The Big Rip
^- Universe is currently expanding at a constant rate