4) selection and presentation of the news Flashcards
define the concept fast news
live updates and a sense of immediacy to it with alot of coverage
Define the concept slow news
gradual build up to the story with a drip-drip effect of information, in the public domain for a constant
Define the concept media feeding frenzy
Hysterical reporting that isn’t always factual or accurate and can be to divert information away from the real issues surrounding the story.
Define the concept news diary
a record of forthcoming events that can be planned and prepared for.
define gatekeeping
The information managing process by media for selecting information to be broadcasted in media the basis of the type of information.The process explains how some information are published on some and not on others
define agenda setting
When the media determines the agenda for which stories are considered to have importance.
What does benson argue?
notes that the digital sites people are using are still those of the companies as the traditional news gatherers such as guardian and BBC (owns 60% web market share)
What is meant by the concept of news values?
general guidelines that determine the worth of a news story and how much importance it is given by media companies → they are often unconscious
Often what is deemed as newsworthy is different from each company due to different audiences and readership → pluralists argue the readership shapes the news values
what are the lists of news values that ruge and Galton identifies?
- Threshold - big events often reported → meets threshold
- Unambiguity - easy to grasp if easy to understand
- Celebrity/ elite - deemed newsworthy
- Bad news - seen as more exciting
- Composition - trying to balance a range genre of news
- Elite nations (politics)
Influence of professionals on the news
what are spin doctors and how do they influence the news
‘Spin doctors’ - refers to those who meet with journalists to ensure the news coverage are favourable to govt → challenges view of these news values as it may be stories are constructed to favour certain political viewpoints
What is meant by the Churnalist concept Davies argues?
Argues that news reporters should be referred to as churnalists who they give out stories that are told by Spin doctors as they passively processors of second hand material often rom PR to serve political/ commercial interests rather than creating independent content.
As the journalists often act as puppets for the media moguls who give them these orders
what is meant by citizen journalism and how does this critique the churnalist view?
Citizen journalism → can critique churnalism
The development of new media - refers to anyone who posts on mainstream news site.
* Less restricted on view point - can be more realistic
* Not constraint by legal protocal
* Uk viewers of BBC news send in photos that are used in news stories and mobile phones ie 2024 riots
What are the 6 organisational routines of how news may be biassed
- financial costs
- time and spce
- deadlines
- immediacy
- audience
- journalist ethics
financial costs
Often limited by the amount of spending a news company has to spend.
* Cost cutting - often reduces quality of investigative media
* Entertainment has surpassed this → as gaining profit is more of an intention
Limited amount of airing time or physical space within the newspaper template → meaning stories selected are limited