2) Ownership and control within media Flashcards
define the term horizontal intergration
his concept refers to the fact that bigger media companies often own a range of different kinds of outlets. → often ownership on the same level in order to eliminate competition and gain greater control.
E.g Newscorp which owns in Britain and australia also owns publisher Harper Collins as well as New York post in the US and Fox TV
Define the term vertical intergration
Refers to the increasing trend of media multinationals to control all levels of production → gives media multinationals greater control over their operating environment. - such as having control over every part of production / distribution
Tim Warner makes it own films and distributes them to its own cinema complexes
New corp owns TV and Film as well as the satellite that shows them
Define the term lateral expansion with reference to an example
when a media company diversifies into new business in order to spread economic risk → risk dispersal
Branson owns Virgin group which has diversified corporation into
Film production
Airline etc
Explain the term global conglomeration
A small number of media companies have transformed themselves into transnational conglomerates that monopolise the ownership of media outlets → content becoming more homogenous → company becomes a globals asset and is everywhere
- E.g News corp owns hundreds of dierent types of media companies across Asia,Europe, N America
Explain what is meant by the term synergy?
Synergy involves media transnationals using their diversity to package the same product in several ways so therefore are able to increase profit.
E.g a film often has accompanying album,computer game and toys produced by different forms of the same media
Explain what is meant by the term technological divergence?
Technological divergence - the trend of putting several technologie together into one media delivery system.
Reinforces concentration of ownership as no longer split into distinct companies but rather a divergence from one company.
overview of the traditional marxist view of ownership and control
Role of ideology
* The mass media is part of the superstructure and a part of ISA that transmits RC ideology to justify and legitimise the class inequality.
- The ruling class own the media and will use it to serve their own interest → It is used to maximise their wealth whilst being used to manipulate the ideas of the proletariat.
The ruling class are dependent upon the working class being ideologically controlled. When this is achieved, the working class are unaware of their position, which further cements power of the ruling class → media is a distraction from real life situations
RC rely on wc being docile and media fulfils those functions of distractions
- The mass media ensures that the proletariat are under the false class consciousness
Traditional marxist
What does milliband argue?
argues that the mass media represents an** ideological instrument **which plays a key role in the reproduction and justification of class inequality.
The role of the media is to divide up the working class and to convince the general public that the ruling class ideology is truth and fact - issues are simplified limiting info the audience receives encouraging agreement.
Traitional marxists
Explain castle and kosack argument
argue that it suits the capitalist class of white wc people to view ethnic minorities as a threat as it distracts them from the real cause of inequality - capitalism.
Media ensures the audience only have a narrow range of approved views and knowledge with the result that critical points are rarely heard or are dismissed - so they accept media blindly
Traditional marxist
Explain what Marcuse means by bread and circuses
argues Media owners control working class through ‘bread and circuses’ approach meaning they diverts them from the real issues of poverty keeping them happy and docile → so don’t revolt
- Owners will decide issues to be discussed and what the boundaries are, with the assumptions the audiences are passive and receptive
- Journalists and editors and encourages to support the view of the owner (who set the expectations) and their viewpoint is edited by the editors
- Role of entertainment to prevent or dissuade people from having serious consideration of any important issue
Give an example of the bread and circuses - a show that could be this distraction
E.g Comic relief marxists would say it makes us individuals in the west feel alright with the exploitation
Evaluation of the traditional marxist view
- Economic reductionist - Marxist only focus on money and ignored the patriarchal ideology it produces (Feminist view)
- Neo-marxist state assume the audience are passive - but argue the dual consciousness exists and interactivity due to digitalisation means audiences are more active then previously perceived.
- Journalists and editors do have integrity - wish to expose the truth (owen Jones) → pluralists would argue this
- Pluralists would argue that media is a business that reflects content of the needs of the audience no the elites within society
briefly outline the neo-marxist theor
*Owners are micromanaging journalists and editors → so the editors have more of a view as journalists attempt to protect the values of the establishment they are apart of
In contrast to traditional marxist they believe the journalists and editors are more in control over the content than the media moguls + emphasises that through hegemony other classes are persuaded to accept it.
Explain the idea that journalists and emdia moguls are all from the same background
rguing all journalists and editors are from the same background (50% of top journalists were from private schools) → a narrow view(centric ideals) similar to the media moguls (accept the owners view due to hegemony) so those employed dit values of the organisation
according to neo-marxists why do journalists and editors adopt the view of media moguls
Due to what gramsci argues is hegemony