1.5) Male representations of gender Flashcards
What is the concept connell argues?
Hegemonic masculinity
Explain the term masculine myth
argues variety of films and video games give the impression ofa real man is based on physicality and violence → but is a myth as majority of men to don meet this ‘hegemonic masculinity
What did the 1999 report of 10-17 perceptions of men in the media find
1999 research asking boys about age 10-17 about their perceptions of male characters in shows,music,TV,Movies
Results found that
* Male were violent
* Men leaders and problem solvers
* Males funny and confident
* Rarely cry or show vulnerability
⅓ had never seen a man doing domestic chores on TV → support the traditional images of masculinity
What concept does MacNamara argue?
Metrosexual male
Mac Namara study
analysed a wide variety of media and claimed they fail to represent males lives
- 80% representations were negative seeing them as violent and aggressors
- Other 20% focussed on men in touch with feminine side and expressed this through appearance (metrosexual male) but overall concluded that men were demonised by media
what does Edwards argue - can be used as a evaluation of Metrosexual male point
Edwards- critiques this arguin this was simply a capitalist product of ads so they can sell more products →intention for making a Profit
What does gauntlett argue about male representation within the media
argues that men’s media FHM and Men’s health transmit caring, generous and good humour
But acknowledges convectional macho strong male that circulates
- So there are signs that media representations are moving away for the stereotypical traditional but rather to embrace new forms of masculinity such as emotional vulnerability → the hegemonic male still dominates though
What term does rutherford argue?
Retributive masculinity
What is meant by rebutive masculinity?
an attempts to reclaim traditional authority by celebrating traditionally male concerns e.g Andrew Tate on social media that spreads the retributive idea
what does Whannels argue?
(Whannels) more fluid identity such as david beckham (metrosexual new man) sells products fusion of both aggressive footballer but also a family man → dual identity.