4 Rolling Flashcards
What interventions would you use for impaired muscle/force production?
- SCM do not need to treat with hemiplegia
- PM: Activity on involved side was lower than uninvolved side regardless of rolling direction
- ExO/RF: involved side had lower activation than uninvolved side
What is occuring with excessive extension of the head/neck; cannot lift shoulder/trunk during roll initation?
Impairment: SCM
What is the intervention for weak SCM?
- Activation of SCM: roll from supine emphase head movement (iniate shoudler lift off)
- Technique: Rhythmic initiation
- Elements: manual contact (MC)/ Verbal Command (VC)
What is the occuring when there is difficulty/unable to progress from supine to sidelying?
Pec Major weakness
What interventions are used for Pec Major weakness?
Active horizontal adduction in sidelying
Hands on distal wrist humerus - push up into my hand as you pull yourself into a prone position
What is occuring when the pelvis trails or gets stuck behind the trunk?
EO weakness
What is occuring when the LE trails behind the pelvis througout the rolling activity?
Rectus fem weakness
Describe the Momentum generation intervention
- Start Supine
- supine with involved LE crossed on top of uninvolved LE
- Movement initation
- intiate roll wuth lift of head and neck
- Momentum transition
- move arms and head quickly in the direction of the roll and with the head and trunk in slight flex
- Movement termination
- sidelying
What is the forced control method?
- Start supine
- supine hooklying
- Movement Initiation
- push one foot into the support surface, lift head and reach with UE
- Movement transition
- continue roling to one side by pushing with LE and reaching with UE
- Movement termination
- Sidelying
What is the bridging activity intervention?
- supine hooklying
- push both feet to suport surface
- add resistance to pelvis
- PNF techniques
- Bridge with one LE and maintan symmetrical pelvis