(4) PULMONARY CIRCULATION notes Flashcards
Pressures in pulmonary circulation (Fig. 1a)
In pulmonary circuit (Fig. 2)
A) Mean capillary pressure estimated to be 7 mmHg - halfway between mean pulmonary artery pressure (13 mmHg) and left atrial pressure (2 mmHg). Therefore, arterial and venous resistances in the lungs are about equal.
B)Left atrial is about 5 mmHg; varies from 1-5 mmHg. Left atrial pressure is not measured directly.
Blood volume in lungs fig 2
- Only about 450mL blood is in lungs at any moment in time; of this total only approx. 70mL is in capillaries. Thus, this 70mL is distributed over an area of approximately 100m2 !!!
- Can vary under both physiological and pathological conditions.
Blood flow and its distribution fig 2
1) Equal to cardiac output and therefore peripheral factors that affect cardiac output in systemic circuit also control flow in pulmonary circuit. Why must this be so? What would be the consequences if it were not so?
2) Under most conditions pulmonary vessels act as passive distensible tubes that enlarge with increasing pressure and narrow with decreasing pressure.
3) Adequate gas exchange requires blood be distributed to those parts of the lungs where the alveoli are best ventilated.
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction
A) Nervous influences have not been shown to affect blood flow distribution
B) At high altitude, generalized pulmonary vasoconstriction may occur leading to rise in pulmonary arterial pressure and workload on right heart.
c) Fetal life and first breath
Effect of hydrostatic pressure gradients in the lungs on regional pulmonary blood flow (see Figs. 3, 4 and explanation).
Effect of increased cardiac output on pulmonary circulation during heavy exercise.
During heavy exercise lungs are frequently called upon to absorb up to 20 times as much O2 into blood as they normally do.
Effect of increased cardiac output on pulmonary circulation during heavy exercise. This absorption is achieved in three ways:
By increasing cardiac output
By increasing the number of open capillaries - Recruitment
Distension - see #5 below
cardiac output can increase up to
4-6 times normal before pulmonary arterial pressure becomes excessively elevated (Fig. 5).
As blood flow to lungs increases, what happens?
more and more capillaries open up; pulmonary arterioles and capillaries also expand.
Ability of lungs to accommodate the greatly
increased blood flow during exercise, with relatively little increase in pulmonary vascular pressure, is important for at least two reasons:
It conserves energy of right heart
It prevents significant rise in pulmonary capillary pressure; this prevents development of pulmonary edema during periods of increased cardiac output, e.g. exercise.
Effects of lung volumes of pulmonary vascular resistance
Recall that extra-alveolar vessels are the pulmonary arteries and arterioles - they are not exposed to the alveolar pressure because they are not in the walls of the alveoli; intra-alveolar vessels are the pulmonary capillaries - they are exposed to the alveolar pressures.
Effects of lung volumes of pulmonary vascular resistance, At low lung volumes
Extra-alveolar vessels collapse and increase resistance whereas
Intra-alveolar vessels are less compressed by alveolar gas pressure and therefore decrease resistance
Effects of lung volumes of pulmonary vascular resistance At high lung volumes
A)Extra-alveolar vessels expand and decrease resistance
B)Intra-alveolar vessels are more compressed by alveolar gas pressure and therefore increase resistance
c)Since the two sets of vessels are in series, changes in total pulmonary resistance (TPR) is determined by the sum of the resistance of the two sets of vessels.
Although much of the control of pulmonary circulation is passive, endothelial generated substances can have a profound effect, especially in a clinical setting.
1) NO derived from endothelial NOS (eNOS) action on L-arginine has a vasodilatory action
2) endothelin-1 (ET-1) and Thromboxane A2 (TXA2) derived from arachidonic acid by the action of endothelial cyclooxygenase are potent vasoconstrictors
3) In either of the above cases, attention is now being given to the use of agonists (of eNOS) or antagonists (of COX) to produce therapies to alleviate pulmonary congestion, a significant problem in congestive heart failure patients
4. Such vasoactive substances, of course, play a homeostatic role in maintaining flow in the pulmonary arterial tree and thereby keeping flow to the capillaries relatively steady and gas exchange relatively undisturbed